Volume 1, number 2
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Comparative in Vitro Antibactreial Activity Of Hetro Vinyl Oxazino Coumarin Derivative

N. P. Shukla, K. V. Singh, P. S. Reddi, G. S. Reddi

Microbiology Section, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Research Centre, Hyderabad - 500 037 (India)

ABSTRACT: The In Vitro activity of Hetero Vinyl Oxazino coumarin derivative has been compared with those of seven antibiotics (b-Lactam and non b-lactam) against 40 multiple resistant becteria from clinical samples. These included strain of Escherichina coli, staphylococcus, aureus, Klebsiella spp, Pseudomonas, aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaria and P. mirabilis. The test compound was the most active agent against all these bacteria, while the other antibiotics employed could not exhibit promising activity. The LD50 value of the compound was also determined.

KEYWORDS: In vitro; antibacterial activit; derivatives

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Shukla N. P, Singh K. V, Reddi P. S, Reddi G. S. Comparative Uitro Antibactreial Activity Of Hetro Vinyl Oxazino Coumarin Derivative. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2003;1(2)

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Shukla N. P, Singh K. V, Reddi P. S, Reddi G. S. Comparative Uitro Antibactreial Activity Of Hetro Vinyl Oxazino Coumarin Derivative. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2003;1(2). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=3399

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