Volume 7, number 2
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Proximate Analysis and Quantification of Steam Volatiles, Acid, Phenol, Base and Neutral Components from the Leaves and Stem of Ipomoea Carnea

Vaishali Adsul1*, Elija Khatiwora2, Anjali Ruikar2, Pushpa Pawar3 and Nirmala R. Deshpande2

1Yahwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune - 38 India.

2T.R. Ingle Research Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry, S.P. College, Pune - 30 India.

3National Chemical Laboratory, Entomology Department, Pune India.

Corresponding Author E-mail:vadsul@rediffmail.com

ABSTRACT: Herbal drugs are used for the treatment of various diseases as described in ayurvedic system of medicine. Various parts of the plants are used for various diseases. Herbal medicines are the base of many of the pharmaceuticals we used today. Various extracts of the materials were used for the qualitative phytochemical analysis for the detection of alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, starch, tannin etc. leaves and stem both contains the same phytochemical constituents in different proportions. Quantitative estimation of steam volatiles, acid, phenol, base and neutral constituents along with other phytochemicals were performed from ethanol extract of both parts of the plant. All were the mixtures of the components determined by performing TLC in suitable solvent systems. Leaves material contains more components than stem material.

KEYWORDS: Ipomoea carnea, steam volatiles, phytochemical test, acid, phenol, base, neutral.

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Adsul V, Khatiwora E, Ruikar A, Pawar P, Deshpande N. R. Proximate Analysis and Quantification of Steam Volatiles, Acid, Phenol, Base and Neutral Components from the Leaves and Stem of Ipomoea Carnea. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2010;7(2)

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Adsul V, Khatiwora E, Ruikar A, Pawar P, Deshpande N. R. Proximate Analysis and Quantification of Steam Volatiles, Acid, Phenol, Base and Neutral Components from the Leaves and Stem of Ipomoea Carnea. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2010;7(2). Available from:https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9585

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