Volume 8, number 2
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Mansourkiaei A, Valinasab T, Vosoughi G. H, Mostafavi P. G. Comparative Morphology of the Otolith. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2011;8(2)
Manuscript received on : September 01, 2011
Manuscript accepted on : October 08, 2011
Published online on:  28-12-2011
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Comparative Morphology of the Otolith

A. Mansourkiaei¹, T. Valinasab², G. H. Vosoughi³ and P. Ghavam Mostafavi³

¹Department of Marine Biology, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Iran.

²Iranian Fisheries Research Organization, P.O.Box: 14155-6116, Tehran Iran.

³Department of Marine Biology, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Iran.

Corresponding Author e-mail: ana_kiaei@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT: The otolith morphology of 10 species belonging to the Carangidae family collected from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea (coast of Iran). Were examined separately and the characteristics were drawn. The morphomttric parameters determined were total length (TL, mm), weight (W, gr), otolith length (OL, mm), weight of right otolith(WRO, mm), weight of left otolith(WLO, mm), height of right otolith (HRO, mm), height of left otolith (HLO, mm),. The values obtained from measurements are given in the 90% confidence interval in most spesies. The observation of this family three shape of sagittal, Sagitiform, Fusiform and Lanceolated. As a result of this analysis, it is possible to identify the species from the Carangidae family by the otolith characters.

KEYWORDS: Otolith; Morphology; Sagitta; Carangidae; Persian Gulf; Oman Sea

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Mansourkiaei A, Valinasab T, Vosoughi G. H, Mostafavi P. G. Comparative Morphology of the Otolith. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2011;8(2)

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Mansourkiaei A, Valinasab T, Vosoughi G. H, Mostafavi P. G. Comparative Morphology of the Otolith. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2011;8(2). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9226


Otoliths are acellular concretions of calcium carbonate and other inorganic salts, witch develop over a protein matrix in the inner ear of vertebrates, in close association with the sensitive maculae of labyrinthic compartments (Weichert and Prech 1981; Hildebrand, 1988; Jobling, 1995). Otoliths are enclosed in three compartments linked with the ear in teleost fishes (Popper et al, 2005). The labyrinth includes three semicircular canals oriented in different planes and three compartments: the utriculus, sacculus and lagena. Each compartment contains otoliths (earbones or earstones), the lapillus, sagitta,and asteriscus (Berra &Aday,2004).The sacular otolith (sagitta) is the largest and the utricular otolith (lapillus) is the smallest among the three (Paxton, 2000) at least in most teleost families (Schulzmirbach and Reichenbacher, 2006). Although the morphological features of otoliths are highly variable between species, ranging from the relatively simple disc shape of some flat fishes (Pleuronectidae) to the irregular shape of others, a high level of species specificity has, for along time, been used to achieve various taxonomic objective (Hecth, 1987; Hunt, 1992).

Otoliths have an important biological function because they enable the inner ear to mediate the senses of hearing and balance (Popper et al, 2005). Otoliths growth is related to increase in size of the fish and generally follows and allometric increase in dimensions (Chilton and Beanish, 1982).

In addation to the use of otoliths for estimating age of fish, they may also be used to characterize stock specific differences or to interpolate size at age based on some relation between otolith and fish dimension (Hunt, 1992).Numerous studies have been undertaken to estimate size at some earlier age (back-calculation) based on relationships between otolith dimension and fish size.

Otoliths of each species of fish have characteristic shapes and features and given adequate comparative material or appropriate keys, identification to species can usually be done provided that the otoliths are not broken or badly digested. The fact that otoliths persist in the stomach, intestines, or feces after after soft parts and bones have disappeared increases their utility.

In the present work, an attempt was made to describe the otolith morphological characters of the family Carangidae collected mainly from Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. There is no work or record that deals solely with the otoliths of carangidae in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The aim of this study was to provide new information regarding otolith morphology and body size relationships of 10 species of carangidae.

Materials and methods

The otolith of 10 species of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea carangidae were examined. The number of observations on each species and range in fish lengths is given in table 1. The total length and body weight in fishes were measured.

Table 1: Sample sizes of 10 carangid species in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.

Species N Standard length range (mm) Mean Standard length (mm) Weight range (gr) Mean weight (gr)
Parastromateus niger 59 130-370 173.02±64.67 98-2051 320.14±507.54
Alectis indicus 30 155-490 319.67±79.14 147.24-2000 819.53±383.73
Uraspis helvola 30 145-290 185.43±36.62 109.67-287.67 194.40±50.37
Atropus atropus 42 140-200 160.14±16.14 94.46-260.4 153.32±45.29
Megalaspis cordyla 26 260-380 292.50±39.93 263.12-673.07 359.99±146.28
Scomberoides commersonnianus 29 292-425 334.10±28.84 205.73-777.27 518.20±127.84
Caranx papuensis 27 152-245 176.33±17.11 95.57-388.14 167.68±52.58
Aleps djedaba 64 155-190 169.56±9.49 76.2-165.35 112.05±18.61
Carangoides chrysophrys 32 153-362 195.69±42.13 97.27-544.45 214.98±111.00
Carangoides armatus 30 143-235 186.93±18.23 126.76-555.26 282.15±78.91

Fish were caught in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea by trawling ship. The total length and weight, for each fish were determined. Only sagittal otoliths were extracted from fresh specimens. These otoliths are located on the two sides of basioccipital bone and are separated by a thin septum arising from the mid ventral ridge of the occipital (Ruck, 1976). The otoliths were removed by turning the ventral side of the fish upward to allow removal of the lower jaw, the gills and the hypobranchial apparatus and to expose the base of skull. With a sharp scalpel, the optic capsules were separated and the otoliths gently removed with a pair of fine tweezers. Later, the otoliths were cleaned with 70% ethanol and stored dry in small glass tube.

Length (OL), defined as the longest dimension between the anterior and posterior edges of the otolith, and Otolith Height (OH) as the dimension from the dorsal to ventral edge, and Antirostrum Length of Otolith (LARO), and Antirostrum Height of Otolith (HARO), and Rostrum Length of Otolith(LRO),and Rostrum Height of Otolith(HRO)(Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Otolith morphometric viewed on a sagittal otolith in Parastromateus niger. Figure 1: Otolith morphometric viewed on a sagittal otolith in Parastromateus niger.


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Length (OL), defined as the longest dimension between the anterior and posterior edges of the otolith, and Otolith Height (OH) as the dimension from the dorsal to ventral edge, and Antirostrum Length of Otolith (LARO), and Antirostrum Height of Otolith (HARO), and Rostrum Length of Otolith(LRO),and Rostrum Height of Otolith(HRO)(Fig. 1).

The sagittal otolith of each species, both left and right, photographs taken by scaning electron microscope (Philips XL30). The significance of the variance one way (ANOVA) relationships between otolith and fish length and fish weight. Difference between right and left sagittae were tested using a paired t-test. The following morphometric relationships were analyzed.


All parameter measured show significant morphometric between left and right otolith, (Table 2). The shape of the otolith in carangidae was different and can be classified into three types: fusiform, sagitiform, lanceolate and variable of margin in otolith were determined (Table 2).

Table 2: Shape of otolith and different mode opening and kinds of denticulate

Species Sagittal forms Mode oppening Mode position kinds of Ventral margin denticulate  kinds of Dorsal margin denticulate
Parastromateus niger Fusiform Ostial Supramedian Crenate Irregular
Alectis indicus Sagitiform Ostial Supramedian Irregular, Dentate,Crenate Irregular, Dentate, Crenate
Uraspis helvola Sagitiform Ostial Median Crenate, Entire Entire,Crenate,Irregular
Atropus atropus Fusiform Ostial Supramedian Crenate Irregular, Crenate
Megalaspis cordyla Lanceolated Ostial Median Crenate Dentate
Scomberoides commersonnianus Sagitiform Ostial Median Crenate, Dentate Irregular, Dentate
Caranx papuensis Fusiform Ostial Supramedian Crenate Sinuate
Aleps djedaba Fusiform Ostial Median Sinuate,Crenate Sinuate,Crenate
Carangoides chrysophrys Fusiform Ostial Median Crenate Crenate, Sinuate
Carangoides armatus Fusiform Ostial Median Crenate Sinuate, Crenate

The relationships of otolith length and otolith weight with fish length and fish weight in all species was observed. Generally, standard length of fishes is linearly related to otolith length. Otolith length typically is linearly related to length of fish until the fish reaches maximum size; thereafter, the otolith increase only in thickness.

Table 3: Differences between right and left otolith of 10 carangid species from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. (OL) otolith length, (OW) otolith weight, (OH) otolith height (N=number of right otolith + left otolith).

Species N parameter t Df       P       (α=0.05)
Parastromateus niger 118 OL






117 0.31



Alectis indicus 58 OL






57 0.16



Uraspis helvola 52 OL






51 0.32



Atropus atropus 62 OL






61 0.14



Megalaspis cordyla 54 OL






53 0.26



Scomberoides commersonnianus 60 OL






59 0.26



Caranx papuensis 60 OL






59 0.00



Aleps djedaba 84 OL






83 0.14



Carangoides chrysophrys 128 OL






127 0.02



Carangoides armatus 60 OL













 Analyses of otolith morphometric parameters vs.TL in the some species were showed high correlation and the some species were showed less correlation (Table 4).   The relationship between fish OW and total length, the coefficient of determination being higher than 0.88 in all species (Table 4).

Table 4: Relationship between otolith morphometric parameters and Total length (TL).   Coefficient of determination (R). OL: otolith length, OW: otolith height and O width.  All regressions were statistically significant at P< 0.05.

Species N OL(R). TL R O Weight(R). TL R  O height(R). TL R
Parastromateus niger 59 TL=0.1213OL + 2.8803 0.8032 W=0.00000005 TL 1.4096 0.9158 TL  = 0.042 W + 1.4562 0.759
Alectis indicus 29 TL =0.0804OL+ 3.0699 0.3122 W = 0.00005 TL 1.654 0.9643 TL=0.0309 W  + 0.8184 0.3475
Uraspis helvola 26 TL=0.1739OL+ 0.2737 0.8716 W = 0.00016 TL 1.554 0.9784 TL=0.0708 W  + 0.8474 0.4586
Atropus atropus 31 TL=0.0872OL + 3.2685 0.519 W  = 0.000042 TL 1.454 0.9452 TL=0.0658 W  + 0.8478 0.658
Megalaspis cordyla 27 TL=0.1302OL + 2.2424 0.3793 W  = 0.000047 TL 1.524 0.9684 TL=0.0356 W  + 0.8564 0.7458
Scomberoides commersonnianus 30 TL=0.1934OL + 0.8034 0.6513 W  = 0.00034 TL 1.425 0.9584 TL=0.0547 W  + 0.8147 0.458
Caranx papuensis 30 TL=0.167 OL  + 0.6618 0.8788 W  = 0.000095 TL 1.475 0.8874 TL=0.0987 W  + 0.8478 0.652
Aleps djedaba 42 TL=0.1327OL + 1.1423 0.5646 W  = 0.00042 TL 1.356 0.9025 TL=0.0487 W  + 0.8256 0.485
Carangoides chrysophrys 64 TL  = 0.112OL+ 2.3253 0.3684 W  = 0.00036 TL 1.428 0.9741 TL=0.0358 W  + 0.8745 0.6857
Carangoides armatus 30 TL=0.1228 OL+ 1.5073 0.8538 W  = 0.000084 TL 1.358 0.9857 TL=0.0458 W  + 0.8658 0.3284
Species N OL (L). TL R O Weight (L). TL R O Height (L). TL R
Parastromateus niger 59 TL=0.1233OL + 2.8608 0.8188 W = 0.0000008 TL 1.3046 0.9058 TL = 0.061 W  + 1.2652 0.8171
Alectis indicus 29 TL=0.0824OL + 3.0879 0.3022 W  = 0.00018 TL 1.589 0.9433 TL=0.0819 W  + 0.8354 0.3547
Uraspis helvola 26 TL=0.1439 OL+ 0.2537 0.8416 W  = 0.00016 TL 1.487 0.9844 TL=0.0678 W  + 0.8474 0.4458
Atropus atropus 31 TL=0.1042OL + 3.2245 0.6014 W  = 0.000027 TL 1.467 0.9012 TL=0.0988 W  + 0.8475 0.6141
Megalaspis cordyla 27 TL=0.1812 OL+ 2.1725 0.3283 W  = 0.000057 TL 1.547 0.9648 TL=0.0428 W  + 0.8624 0.7464
Scomberoides commersonnianus 30 TL =0.2134OL+ 0.9434 0.6054 W  = 0.00041 TL 1.414 0.9628 TL=0.0604 W  + 0.8247 0.4628
Caranx papuensis 30 TL=0.185 OL  + 0.6485 0.8958 W  = 0.000091 TL 1.423 0.8947 TL=0.0969 W  + 0.8592 0.7014
Aleps djedaba 42 TL=0.1542OL + 1.1628 0.5847 W  = 0.00043 TL 1.361 0.9104 TL =0.04684W+ 0.8256 0.4924
Carangoides chrysophrys 64 TL =0.1042OL+ 2.3451 0.3617 W  = 0.00034 TL 1.431 0.9801 TL  = 0.0406W+ 0.8799 0.6918
Carangoides armatus 30 TL=0.1087OL + 1.5847 0.8478 W  = 0.000087 TL 1.362 0.9804 TL=0.04628W + 0.9014 0.3452


The present investigation has shown that the specific morphology of the otolith can used the taxonomy and identification in carangidae. All equations relating otolith length with fish size proportion of the variance in the all species.

Otoliths of each species of fish have characteristic shapes and features and given adequate comparative material or appropriate keys, identification to species can usually be done provided that the otoliths are not broken or badly digested(Frost, 1981).

Relationship between otolith morphometric parameters and fish total length and weight for carangidae species studied were observed. Generally, total length of fishes is linearly related to otolith length. Otolith length typically is linearly related to length of the all species examined (Table 4). Newman (2002) and Mosegaard & Reeves (2001) have recorded a linear relationship for both the total body length and weight and otolith weight. Al Dubakel  in 2006 reported the relationships between both fish body size versus weight of the oto lith, eye lens and liver were studied in Acanthopagrus latus  Therapon theraps, and Pelates quadrilineatus collected from the Khor Al-Zubair area, Iraq

Otolith lengths  of larval and  juvenile  fishes  may increase  in a curvilinear fashion  relative  to fish length  for some  species, such  as sockeye salmon  (Oncorhynchus  nerka ; West and Larkin,  1987) . The relationship between  otolith  length  and  fish length  may be dependent  on the growth rate of the fish, as was reported for striped  bass  (Morone saxatilis; Secor  and  Dean,  1989).Similar results have been  reported for many fish species(Jawad, 2007; Hunt, 1992; Volpedo et al, 2006).

Studies of sagitta otolith morphometric parameter in all species of carangidae in research significantly between right and left otolith and different in size, similar to in a rockfish species left and right sagitta also may differ in size (Wyllie, 1987).Although in 8 species of Atlantic Ocean fishes were carried out and were not significantly different between left and right otolith (Hunt, 1992). Investigation of sagitta otolith morphometric parameter in 4 species of sciaenidae did not show significant morphometric differences between left and right otoliths, only otolith width in white mouth croaker and otolith length in king weakfish showed significant differences between left and right otoliths (Waessle et al., 2003).

Analyzing the morphometric relationships, we concluded that otolith length and otolith weight are indicators of fish total length and fish weight in all species. In most species otolith length and fish length the potential regression explained more than 90% variation and in most species otolith weight and fish weight 90% variation. Baldas et al (1997) described the relationship between otolith length and fish total length by using potential models in stripped weakfish (50-600mmTL) and linear models in Whitemouth croaker ( 140-370mm TL). Also Waessle et al (2003) observed similar to results in juvenile sciaenidae.

Otolith growth is generally thought to uncouple from somatic growth at a very early age (Munk and smikrud, 2001). A variety of factors influence the degree or timing of this uncoupling (Moksness et al, 1995).

In this study has shown that the specific morphology of the otoliths examined can be used for taxonomic identification of carangidae species. The observation of this family three shape of sagittal, Sagitiform, Fusiform and Lanceolated (Table 2).

The analysis between left and right otolith showed morphometric difference. Sagitta is the best otolith to recognize in carangidae.


We thanks Dr. Mohammad Reza Fatemi for his guides in research and we would like to thanks Mr. Azhir for collected in samples from trawl ship. The author thanks the director Mr Pourbakhshian and the staff of laboratory in Islamic Azad university Tonekabon branch.


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