Volume 22, number 1
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Waghchaure B. B, Jadhav S. P, Surana K. R, Sonawane D. S, Mahajan S. K. RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Dronedarone Hydrochloride in Bulk and Dosage Form. Biotech Res Asia 2025;22(1).
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Published online on:  03-02-2025

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RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Dronedarone Hydrochloride in Bulk and Dosage Form

Rutika Bapu Waghchaure* , Shivraj Popat Jadhav , Khemchand Rajendra Surana , Darshan Sharad Sonawane and Sunil Kashinath Mahajan

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Divine College of Pharmacy, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Satana, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Corresponding Author E-mail:rutikawaghchaure2018@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: Dronedarone's presence in drugs and dosage formulations has been identified using spectrophotometric and HPLC methods in a number of papers. The study developed a reliable reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method to measure dronedarone in bulk medication and tablet formulations. The method uses a UV detector and Openlab EZ chrome software, ensuring accuracy, precision, and robustness in filter study, solution stability, and quantification.

KEYWORDS: Development; Dilsave; Dronedarone; Methanol; RP-HPLC; Validation

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Waghchaure B. B, Jadhav S. P, Surana K. R, Sonawane D. S, Mahajan S. K. RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Dronedarone Hydrochloride in Bulk and Dosage Form. Biotech Res Asia 2025;22(1).

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Waghchaure B. B, Jadhav S. P, Surana K. R, Sonawane D. S, Mahajan S. K. RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Dronedarone Hydrochloride in Bulk and Dosage Form. Biotech Res Asia 2025;22(1). Available from: https://bit.ly/4hmOdqU


In the pharmaceutical sector, analytical methods validation serves as proof that the procedures are appropriate for the task; these procedures must follow a plan that specifies acceptance limits, performance characteristics, and scopes. It is necessary to validate or revalidate analytical procedures before incorporating them into regular analysis1. Chromatography is an analytical method that separates molecules according to structural or compositional variations. Chromatography typically entails passing a sample over a stationary phase inside the apparatus. Due to their interactions and varying affinities for the stationary support, the molecules in the samples will segregate. Analytical chemistry Investigates, detects, and quantifies matter using tools and techniques. In actuality, the analysis may consist solely of separation, identification, or quantification, or it may be paired with another technique2,3. Analysis separates the analytes. Analytes are identified through qualitative examination, and the concentration or numerical amount is ascertained through quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis can determine the presence or absence of a compound, but not its mass or concentration, as they are not quantitative in nature 4.

Drug profile

Scheme 1: Structure of Dronedarone5

Click here to view Scheme

Material andmethods Materials

Drug: Dronedarone

Drug is taken from Vidisha analytical.

Reagents: some chemicals and solvents are used,

Methanol from Merk

Acetonitrile from Merk

Water from siddhi laboratory


Instruments that were utilized is UV visible spectrophotometer

The Jasco Model 550 double beam UV-visible spectrophotometer is a reliable and efficient tool for analyzing various types of UV-visible data6.

HPLC system

Agilent’s 1260 Infinity II model number, DEAX02386 pump, and DEACX16446 detector are all in use.

KromasilC18 is a 250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm column that runs on open lab EZ Chrome software.

Table 1: Trial of solution with their chromatographic condition of drug dronedarone 

Trial Standar d dissolut ion Colum n Column dimensio n Colum n oven temp. detecto r wav elen gth Flo w rate Mobile phase Injection volume
1. Droneda rone 100PPM Pheno menex C18, (250 mm X4.6                mm i.d.) 5μm 40°C U.V.Detector 288nm 1.0ml/ min Methanol: water (70:30) 20μl
2. Droneda rone 100PPM Pheno menex C18, (250 mm X4.6                mm i.d.) 5μm 40°C U.V.Detector 288nm 1.0ml/ min Acetonitril e:            water (70:30) 20μl
3. Droneda rone 100PPM Pheno menex C18, (250 mm X4.6                mm i.d.) 5μm 40°C U.V.Detector 288nm 1.0ml/ min Methanol: 0.05% OPAin            Water (70:30) 20μl
4. Droneda rone 100PPM Pheno menex C18, (250 mm X4.6          mm i.d.) 5μm 40°C U.V.Detector 288nm 1.0ml/ min Methanol: 0.05% OPAin          Water (65:35) 20μl

Optimal Chromatographic Conditions:  Trial No. 4 is regarded as having optimal chromatography, and it looks like this,

Chromatographic Conditions

Column Dimensions: (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d.) Column Type: Phenomenex C18 5 μm Temperature of column oven: 40 °C

The detector is a UVdetector. 288 nm is the wavelength. Rate of Flow: 1.0 ml/min

Phase of mobility: Methanol: 65:35 water with 0.05% OPA Injection 20 μl of volume

Sample preparation of Marketed test sample

After being weighed, twenty tablets were moved to a pestle and mortar and ground into a fine powder. Equally combine the ingredients with the butter paper. Once 50 mg of Dronedarone had been weighed out of the powder, it was placed to a 100 mL volumetric flask that had been cleaned and let to dry. After adding 70 milliliters of methanol, the liquid was sonicated by erratic shaking for ten minutes. Allow the solution to reach room temperature after ten minutes, then add methanol to bring the volume up to the proper level. Three to five milliliters of the first filtrate were thrown away after the mixture was filtered using an appropriate 0.45 µ syringe filter.

After adding 20 milligrams of Dronedarone to the mobile phase to dilute the filtered stock solution to a volume of 25 milliliters, the mixture was injected, and the chromatograms and outcomes were noted.

Table 2: The sample was prepared in duplicate and the summary of the preparation process is provided below

Sample Sample (mg) Diluted     to (mL) Volume taken Diluted     to (mL)
Sample 1 96.7 100 1 25
Sample 2 97.2 100 1 25

 Formula for % Assay calculation

Validation of Rp-Hplc Method

The Dronedarone estimate method has been validated for certain parameters in accordance with ICH guidelines.

Filtration Study

An analytical procedure’s filtration investigation evaluates a filter’s compatibility with the sample, its deposition on the filter bed, and interference from extraneous components7.

Stability of Analytical Solution

The stability analysis was conducted on both the test sample and standard solution in a typical laboratory setting, evaluating the solution under standard lighting conditions after 12 and 24 hours 8.


Specificity is the ability to accurately detect an analyte in the presence of expected components.

The next step is to prepare and inject the solution to demonstrate the method’s specificity9.

(Peak purity for test sample and standard solution checked)

Blank (diluent: mobile phase)


The standard dronedarone solution

Sample solution for tablet testing10.

Linearity and Range

Preparation of linearity solution

Linearity refers to an analytical procedure’s ability to produce test results proportionate to the analyte concentration within a given range, with five linearity levels tested 11.

Linearity Dronedarone stock solution

20 milliliters of methanol were used to dissolve 21.30 milligrams of Dronedarone hydrochloride, which is equal to 20 milligrams of Dronedarone. To create 50 mL, 2.5 ml of the stock solution were further diluted with mobile phase 12. (Parts per million of 50)

Table 3: Linearity levels preparation

Sr. No. Level (%) mL      of             stock solution Diluted       to with mobile phase (mL) Dronedarone Concentration(µg/mL)
1 10% 0.4 10 2.00
2 50% 2.0 10 10.00
3 100% 4.0 10 20.00
4 125% 5.0 10 25.00
5 150% 6.0 10 30.00


The mean area was calculated after each level was administered three times. The calibration curve was plotted as mean area on the y-axis against analyte concentration in µg/mL on the X- axis based on the results.

Acceptance criteria

NLT 0.98 is the correlation coefficient. Interception: To be documented

Slope: To be reported

Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)

The detection limit of an analytical technique refers to the lowest concentration of analyte in a sample that can be identified but may not always be accurately measured 13.

Quantitation limit

The quantitation limit of an analytical technique is the lowest concentration in a sample that can be accurately identified, and LOD and LOQ are computed in accordance with ICH Q2R1 recommendations 14.

The calibration curve was utilized to determine the residual standard deviation of a regression line, and the LOD and LOQ were determined using the following formula 15.

LOD = 3.3 σ / S

LOQ = 10 σ / S


σ = represents the regression line’s residual standard deviation.

S = Slope of regression line

Accuracy (% Recovery)

The analytical procedure’s accuracy is determined by the degree of agreement between the discovered and recognized value, with a working concentration of 50-50% and three copies of each accuracy level 16.

Accuracy levels details

Refer Following table for each sample

Table 4: Accuracy levels

Level (%) Dronedarone HCl Std (mg) Placebo (mg) Diluted to (mL) Volume taken (mL) Diluted to (mL) Dronedarone Concentration (µg/mL)
 50 26.8 43.9 100 1 25 10.07
26.9 43.7 100 1 25 10.10
26.7 44.2 100 1 25 10.03
 100 53.4 44.1 100 1 25 20.06
53.3 43.8 100 1 25 20.02
53.4 44.3 100 1 25 20.06


79.9 43.9 100 1 25 30.01
80.1 43.7 100 1 25 30.09
80.0 44.1 100 1 25 30.05

 Acceptance criteria

The mean recovery and the percentage recovery for every sample should fall between 98 and 102%.

The recommended relative standard deviation is no more than 2.0%.


Analytical method precision refers to the agreement between measurements from multiple samplings of a homogenous test, with intermediate precision and repeatability being the two types 17.


Table 5: Precision (Repeatability) Sample details are as follows 

Sample No. Test powdermaterial (mg) Diluted to (mL) Volume taken(mL) Diluted to (mL)
1 97.2 100 1 25
2 96.9 100 1 25
3 97.3 100 1 25
4 97.1 100 1 25
5 96.8 100 1 25
6 97.4 100 1 25

Acceptance criteria

Each sample’s 90% to 110% as well as the average assay value RSD percentage: NMT 2% for the six-sample assay

Intermediate precision

Analysis is done on a different day to confirm that the results are repeatable. Using the same process as the Repeatability parameter, six samples were created 18.

Table 6: Intermediate Precision Sample details are as follows

Sample No. Test powder material (mg) Diluted to (mL) Volume taken(mL) Diluted to (mL)
1 96.9 100 1 25
2 97.2 100 1 25
3 96.8 100 1 25
4 97.4 100 1 25
5 97.1 100 1 25
6 97.3 100 1 25

Acceptance criteria

90% to 110% for each sample and the average assay value

Percentage RSD for six samples of intermediate precision assay: NMT 2

% RSD for each of the 12 samples: 6 tests for intermediate precision and 6 tests for repeatability; NMT 2% for test outcomes.


Robustness is a statistic that conveys how reliable an analytical procedure is under typical operating conditions and how resistant it is to tiny, intentional changes in method parameters 19.

Determination: The Blank and Standard solutions were injected using a variety of chromatographic conditions, as shown below 20.

Variation of ±10% in the flow (± 0.1 ml/min)

Temperature of the column oven has (± 2ºC)

Wavelength variation (± 3 nm).


Preliminary Characterization and Identification of Drug

Color, odour and appearance

Table 7: Color, odour and appearance of Drug

Sr. No Name Colour, odour and appearance of drug
1 Dronedarone hydrochloride White, odorless and Crystalline powder

Melting point determination

Table 8: Melting point of Drug

Sr.No. Name Melting                    point                        std. value (°C) Melting                                 point observed (°C)
1 Dronedarone hydrochloride 142-146 °C 144-148 °C

Solubility study

Table 9: Solubility study of Dronedarone hydrochloride

Sr.No. Nameof Solvent Observation Conclusion Summary
1 Water Drug     Particles               seen Drug was not The stock solution is prepared using methanol as a diluent.
after sonication foundsoluble in water.
2 Methanol No       Drug             Particles seen after sonication. Drugwas found soluble in methanol.

Selection of solvent

Methanol was selected as the solvent for dissolving Dronedarone hydrochloride.

Table 10: Optimized Chromatographic Conditions:

Parameter Description
Mode Isocratic
Column Name Phenomenex C18, 250mm*4.6mm, 5μ
Detector UV Detector
Injection Volume 20 μl
wavelength 288nm
Column Oven temp 40ºC
Mobile Phase Methanol: 0.05% OPA in Water (65:35 % V/V)
Flow Rate 1.0 ml/min
Run time 8 minutes

Table 11: Results for System Suitability Test of Dronedarone

Sr.no Standard solution Area Asymmetry Theoretical plates
1 Standard 1 8442067 1.21 7058
2 Standard 2 8463658 1.21 7043
3 Standard 3 8456980 1.21 7047
4 Standard 4 8420621 1.21 7064
5 Standard 5 8476790 1.21 7069
Mean 8452023 1.21 7056
STD Dev. 21555.49178
% RSD 0.26
 Figure 1: The standard solution 1 of the system suitability solution is a typical chromatogram.

Click here to view Figure

Table 12: Dilsave tablet assay result

Assay results  of Dilsave 400mg tab let sample Area % Assay Mean assay
Sample 1 8269685 98.06 98.50
Sample 2 8386850 98.94
Figure 2: Typical chromatogram Dilsave 400 mg Tablet sample.

Click here to view Figure

Table 13: Result of filter study

Results of Filter study Sample description Area % Absolute difference
Unfiltered 8453581 NA
0.45 μ PVDF filter 8416258 0.44
0.45 μ Nylon filter 8432560 0.25

 Table 14: Results of Solution stability.

Sample solution timepoint Area %Absolute difference Standard solution timepoint Area %Absolute difference
Initial 8449658 NA Initial 8465823 NA
12 Hours 8425260 0.29 12 Hours 8443582 0.26
24 Hours 8401704 0.57 24 Hours 8428060 0.45

 Table 15: Results of specificity description

Results of specificity description Observation
Blank Due to blank, there is no interference at R.T. of Dronedarone
Placebo No placebo-induced interference at R.T. of Dronedarone
Standard solution The highest purity was 0.987.
Test solution The highest purity was 0.981.

 Table 16: Linearity data for dronedarone level

Linearity Data for Dronedarone Level Concentration(μg/mL) Area Mean % RSD
10% 2.00 826151827692


826350 0.152
50% 10.00 42080754213620


4213853 0.140
100% 20.00 84390968427679


8439152 0.136
125% 25.00 1041317510438940


10424307 0.127
150% 30.00 1256548812540843


12561545 0.152


Figure 3: Typical chromatogram of Linearity 10%. 

Click here to view Figure

Figure 4: Typical chromatogram of Linearity 50%.

Click here to view Figure

Figure 5: Typical chromatogram of Linearity 150%. 

Click here to view Figure

Figure 6: Calibration curve of Dronedarone

Click here to view Figure

Table 17: Data of linearity of Dronedarone

Sr no. Parameter Result value Acceptance criteria
1 Beer’s linearity range 2.0 -30.0 µg/mL NA
2 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.99996 NLT 0.98
3 Intercept 13759.060 To be report
4 Slope 418334.9181 To be report
5 % RSD for area at each level NA NMT 2.0

Table 18: Result and statistical data of Accuracy of Dronedarone

 Level (%)  Area Recovered conc (µg/mL) Added conc (µg/mL) %Recovery Mean Recovery  % RSD
 50 4190251 9.92 10.07 98.51  98.94  0.589
4250485 10.06 10.10 99.60
4183840 9.90 10.03 98.70
 100 8490256 20.09 20.06 100.15  99.27  0.858
8330475 19.71 20.02 98.45
8411823 19.90 20.06 99.20


1256405 29.73 30.01 99.07   




12679430 30.00 30.09 99.70
1250160 29.58 30.05 98.44


Figure 7: Typical chromatogram of Accuracy 50%.

Click here to view Figure

Figure 8: Typical chromatogram of Accuracy 150%.

Click here to view Figure

Table 19: Result of Intra- day and Inter- Day Precision for Dronedarone test sample assay







Sample Test              Sample (mg) Area % Assay
Sample 1 97.2 8330682 98.28
Sample 2 96.9 8430648 99.76
Sample 3 97.3 8306720 97.89
Sample 4 97.1 8352358 98.63
Sample 5 96.8 8478516 100.43
Sample 6 97.4 8315835 97.90
Mean 98.82
STD DEV 1.050195
% RSD 1.063
Intermediate precision (Inter-Day) Sample 1 96.9 8482361 100.38
Sample 2 97.2 8313504 98.07
Sample 3 96.8 8242860 97.64
Sample 4 97.4 8413692 99.05
Sample 5 97.1 8283025 97.81
Sample 6 97.3 8467921 99.79
Mean 98.79
STD DEV 1.131106
% RSD 1.145
 Repeatability Plus Inter-day Mean 98.803
STD DEV 1.04069
% RSD 1.053

 Table 20: Result of Robustness study of Dronedarone

Change in Parameter R.T. Standard area Asymmetry Theoretical plates
Wavelength by +3 NM (291 NM) 4.05 7938226 1.22 7289
Wavelength by -3 NM (285 NM) 4.03 7844385 1.19 7281
Flow rate by +10% (1.1 mL/min) 3.66 7336241 1.18 6743
Flow rate by -10% (0.9 mL/min) 4.48 9010416 1.21 7566
Column oven temp by +2ºC (42 ºC) 4.13 8410892 1.23 6936
Column oven temp by -2ºC (38 ºC) 4.12 8435691 1.21 7083


System suitability test

System Suitability Acceptance Criteria

The analyte peak area’s relative standard deviation in standard chromatograms shouldn’t be more than 2.0%.

There should be at least 2000 theoretical plates of analyte peak in standard

The analyte peaks’ tailing factor (asymmetry) in standard chromatograms should be less than 2.0.

Data interpretation

As can be seen from the data given above, the procedure conforms to the requirements for system appropriateness. Therefore, it may be said that the intended analysis can be conducted using the chromatographic method.

Analysis of Marketed Test samples (Assay)

Dilsave 400 mg Tablet

Weight of 20 tablets = 15.5060 gm.

Average weight of tablet = 15.5060 /20 = 0.7753 gm. = 775.3 mg

Acceptance criteria

The assay found should fall within the 90-110% range.

Data interpretation

Based on the aforementioned findings, it can be said that the sample can be utilized for validation because the assay result for the chosen commercial test sample is within the acceptable range.

Validation of Rp-Hplc Method

Filtration Study

The analytical technique’s filtration inquiry assesses the filter’s compatibility with the sample, deposition on the filter bed, and interference from extraneous components on a tablet test sample.

Acceptance criteria

The absolute difference between filtered samples and unfiltered samples is calculated using NMT 2.0.

Data interpretation

PVDF and Nylon filters are both suitable for use as they meet the requirements for filter studies. Since nylon showed smaller absolute difference than PVDF filter, we chose to utilize it.

Solution Stability

The stability analysis was conducted on both test and standard samples in a typical laboratory setting, examining the solution after six, twelve, and twenty four hours under standard laboratory lighting.

Acceptance criteria

NMT 2.0’s absolute stability solution differs from the first solution in percentage terms.

Data interpretation

Testing and standard solutions were proven to be steady for a whole day. Therefore, you can use both solutions for up to 24 hours.


Specificity is the ability to accurately detect an analyte in the presence of expected components.

A standard solution was prepared and injected to ensure peak purity.

Acceptance criteria

Blank: There shouldn’t be any disruption at Dronedarone’s R.T. Placebo: At R.T. of Dronedarone, there shouldn’t be any interference. Sample solutions for testing and standards: Maximum purity: 0.95 NLT

Interpretation of the data

The chromatographic technique for Dronedarone met specificity requirements, with both standard and test solutions’ purity peaks within acceptable bounds, without interference from blank or placebo.

Linearity and Range

Linearity is an analytical method’s ability to produce test results directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte in the samples.

The respective linear equation for Dronedarone

Y = M X + C

Y = 418334.9181 x + 13759.060

Where, x = concentration of Analyte in µg/mL

y = is area of peak.

M = Slope C=Intercept


The Dronedarone demonstrated a linear response within the 2.0-30.0 μg/ml range, with a regression value within the limit.

Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)

σ = 40611.40658 (Residual standard deviation of a regression line)

s = 418334.9181

Detection limit (LOD)

LOD = 3.3 σ / S

LOD = 3.3 x 40611.40658 / 418334.9181

LOD = 0.320 µg/mL

Quantitation limit (LOQ)

LOQ = 10 σ / S

LOQ = 10 x 40611.40658 / 418334.9181

LOQ = 0.971 µg/mL


An analytical method’s accuracy is determined by its closeness to the true value, achieved by applying the method to samples with known analyte amounts.

Overall Recovery: 99.09 %

% RSD for Overall Recovery: 0.627

Acceptance criteria

The recovery rate for each level and overall recovery ranges from 98.0 to 102.0%. The percentage RSD for each level and overall recovery rate for NMT 2.0 is provided. Data interpretation:

The analytical procedure’s recovery was found to be within acceptable criteria at all three levels, and the recovery was not affected by changes in analyte concentration.


The precision of an analytical method refers to the agreement among individual test results when applied to multiple samplings of a homogenous sample, usually expressed as standard deviation or relative standard deviation.

Acceptance criteria

% Assay: The mean assay value for precision (6 samples), intermediate precision (6 samples), and precision plus intermediate precision (12 samples) ranges from 90-110%.

% RSD: The NMT 2.0 was utilized to calculate the % RSD for precision, intermediate, and precision plus intermediate precision samples.

Data interpretation: The method was found tobe precise and reproducible, with the % Assay and % RSD falling within the acceptance limit.


An analytical method’s robustness signifies its ability to withstand minor parameter changes, indicating its reliability during normal usage.

The following modifications have been made under the category of Robustness.

Change in Wavelength

Change in flow rate

Change in column oven temperature

Acceptance criteria

The system suitability acceptance criteria for chromatography should not be failed.

Data interpretation

The system suitability test results were found to be within the limits, indicating a robust analytical method.


The current work’s objective was to create a suitable, accurate, precise, and simple RP-HPLC method.

A survey of the literature revealed that several methods for quantifying dronedarone in bulk or prescription dosage forms have been reported.

In the current work, a new, sensitive, and suitable reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method was developed and validated in order to determine dronedarone in bulk dosage form. The developed RP-HPLC technique resolved the analyte using an isocratic procedure.


I take this opportunity with pride and enormous gratification to express the feelings of thanks and gratitude from the core of my heart to all individuals who abided with me directly and indirectly throughout the lean and lush phases during the materialization of this thesis.

I would like to thank to our Divine College of pharmacy, Satana for is valuable guidance.

I am also thankful to Vidisha analytical lab providing support and platform for project work.

Funding Sources

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Conflict of Interest

The authors do not have any conflict of interest.

Data Availability Statement

This statement does not apply to this article.

Ethics Statement

This research did not involve human participants, animal subjects, or any material that requires ethical approval.

Informed Consent Statement

This study did not involve human participants, and therefore, informed consent was not required.

Clinical Trial Registration

This research does not involve any clinical trials.

Authors contribution

Rutika B. waghchaure: Data collection, writing original draft, methodology Shivraj P. Jadhav: Project administration, Analysis, writing review and editing Khemchand R. surana: Visualization

Darshan S. sonawane: Data collection, editing of data. Sunil K. Mahajan: Resource and supervision.


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