Software Implememntation of Autonomous Short-range Radio Navigation System
Vladimir Nickolaevich Lutay, Nail’ Shavkyatovish Khusainov and Pavel Pavlovich Kravchenko
Southern Federal University, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 105/42.
ABSTRACT: In the presented paper problems of a software implementation of a ground-based and on board part of an autonomous system of short-range radio navigation of aerial vehicle are discussed. Operation stages of a ground-based part of the system are described, the most important of which is a selection of aerical vehicle (AV) flight trajectory correction points, which are controlled by on-board inertial navigation system. The final result produced by a ground-based part of the system is a flight plan for on-board module. In the last part of the paper problems of range measurements’ filtering and monitoring of navigation field integrity are discussed. A control flow schemeis presented,which is implemented for a single processor computer.
KEYWORDS: Autonomous system short-range radio navigation; Correction of trajectories; Fault tree; filtering of range measurements; autonomous integrity monitoring; OS2000
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