Volume 15, number 4
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Examining Use of Sonic Bloom Technology on the Stomata Opening of Drought-Stressed Soybean

Istirochah Pujiwati1, Bambang Guritno2, Nurul Aini2 and Setyawan P. Sakti3

1Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Islam Malang, 65144 East Java, Indonesia.

2Department of Agricultural Cultivation, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University Malang, 65145 East Java, Indonesia.

3Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University Malang, 65145 East, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author E-mail: isti.wati@yahoo.co.id

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2695

ABSTRACT: Sonic bloom is a technology that combines high frequency sound waves and organic nutrients, intended for better plant growth to increase its productivity. This study aimed to determine the effect of sound wave frequency and drought stress on stomatal opening, nutrient uptake efficiency through leaf, and soybean yield. We designed the research as a split plot experiment. The main plot was sound wave frequency consisting of four levels (no frequency imposed, frequencies 2, 4 and 6 kHz. The sub-plot was three soil moisture contents (50,75, and 100% field capacity). We found that the interaction of frequency and soil moisture content affected the width of stomata at the age of 30,40 and 50 days after planting (dap), the efficiency of nitrogen uptake, phosphorus uptake and potassium uptake and the protein content of seeds. The width of stomatal opening at a frequency of 4 kHz in soil moisture 100% FC showed the highest value and was not significantly different from soil moisture 75% FC. There was a positive correlation between exposure to plants with a frequency of 4 kHz with stomatal opening, nutrient uptake and increased yield of soybean crops. The use of sonic bloom technology with plant exposure at a frequency of 4 kHz could increase drought tolerance to 75% soil moisture content. Soybean seed yield increased by 40.89% and seed protein content increased by 10.3%.

KEYWORDS: Frequency; Nutrient Uptake Efficiency; Soil Moisture Content; Sonic Bloom; Soybean Yield

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Pujiwati I, Guritno B, Aini N, Sakti S. P. Examining Use of Sonic Bloom Technology on the Stomata Opening of Drought-Stressed Soybean. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2018;15(4).

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Pujiwati I, Guritno B, Aini N, Sakti S. P. Examining Use of Sonic Bloom Technology on the Stomata Opening of Drought-Stressed Soybean. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2018;15(4). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=32118

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