Volume 12, number 2
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The Effect of Kangaroo Care on Weight Gain of Premature Neonates in Hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Z Kashaninia1 , M Dehghan2

1Dept of Pediatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran. 2Msc in Nursing.Social Security Organization,Yazd,Iran.  

ABSTRACT: A major problem faced by premature infants is impaired physical growth in their.Therefore The aim of thisstudy was todetermine the effect of Kangaroo mother care ( KMC) on weight gainof premature neonates . In a quasi- experimental studyon 46couplesmothers andpremature infants hospitalized in two experimental and control groups were placed done. In the experimental group KC was given one time a day for 30 minutes after feeding for four weeks.( withFace to Facethe trainingand booklet of KMCpreparedby the researcher). The infant weight in two groups was measured at the time of four weeks by the electronic weighting scale with an accuracy of  10 gr.  DataanalysisusingChi-squaretest, t-test, Mann-Whitneyand was done. infants' weight gain in the experimental intervention groupwassignificantly higher than inthe control group (p=0.009) which was statistically significant. The application of kangaroo care by preterm infants' weight gain. Therefore the study recommended the application of kangaroo care for all preterm infants as part of the routine daily care to preterm infants admitted to the NICU.

KEYWORDS: Prematurneonate; weight gain; Neonatal Intensive care unit; Kangaroo Mother Care

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Kashaninia Z, Dehghan M. The Effect of Kangaroo Care on Weight Gain of Premature Neonates in Hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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