Volume 12, number 2
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Development of Student's Creativity in Informational and Educational Environment

Meshcheriakova Irina, Mikhailova Natalia, Vorobyova Svetlana

Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russia, Orenburg, str. Sovetskaya 19, Rm. 208, 460 844 Index

ABSTRACT: The work presents a review of the problem student's creativity development in informational and educational environment of educational organization. Article presents theoretical basis of student's creativity development in informational and educational environment of educational organization. Essential characteristics of creativity concept such as development levels, structural components (operational, cognitive and motivational) are analyzed in the article along with conceptual field of the problem of student's creativity development in informational and educational environment of educational organization. Age specific of the youth that has substantial impact on student's creativity development has been revealed. Informational and educational environment of educational organization that contains external factors of student's creativity development is viewed as a system of informational educational resources and tools that provide conditions for realization of the main educational program of educational organization. Informational and educational environment of educational organization is characterized by such features as openness, humanitarian character, variability, ICT availability (availability of information and communication technologies). Besides pedagogical conditions of organization of informational and educational environment of educational organization aimed on development of student's creativity under the condition of informatization of educational process are presented. Considering of informational and educational environment in the context of student's preparation to life in information society and design of this environment on the base of activity approach is one of essential conditions. The other condition of development of student's creativity is project activity as the main type of activity. Preparation of pedagogical team of educational organization to collective creative work of students and pedagogues in development and effective application of multimedia resources in educational process is important condition of development of student's creativity.

KEYWORDS: ability; creativity; informational; educational environment; project method; information; communication technologies

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Irina M, Natalia M, Svetlana V. Development of Student's Creativity in Informational and Educational Environment. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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