Volume 12, number 2
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The Use of Feed Additives in the Diet of Cows and Young Cattle in Yakutia

Nikolaeva Natalia Afanasievna1, Pankratov Vladimir Viktorovich2, Chernogradskaya Natalia Matveevna3 and Grigoriev Mikhail Fedoseevich4

1Cand. of Agricultural Sciences Yakutsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture 23/1 B-Marlinskogo Street, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677001, Russian Federation 2Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy 15 Krasil'nikova Street, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677007, Russian Federation 3Cand. of Agricultural Sci., docent Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy 15 Krasil'nikova Street, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677007, Russian Federation 4Senior lecturer of «Environmental Engineering» Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy 15 Krasil'nikova Street, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677007, Russian Federation

ABSTRACT: The implementation of the State Program of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2012-2016" envisages ensuring the growth of livestock quantity and increase in its productivity, which so far is restrained by feed base limitations. The indispensable condition for achieving the desired level of livestock productivity is to develop effective ways to improve the biological value of their nutrition. The goal of the research – to study the effect of feed additives on the growth, development and milk productivity of cattle. Researches on use of feed additives have a positive effect on metabolic processes and helped to improve milk production, wherein the second test group, cows had a 22.2% higher productivity than the productivity in comparison with the control group and 4.7% higher than the first test group. Zeolite-hongurin additive to natural feed of the Kholmogory breed young stock provided the increase in average daily weight gain with the 1.3 g dose for 52.5 g, in comparison with the control group animals.

KEYWORDS: cattle; molasses; brewer's grain; hongurin; productivity

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Afanasievna N. N, Viktorovich P. V, Matveevna C. N, Fedoseevich G. M. The Use of Feed Additives in the Diet of Cows and Young Cattle in Yakutia. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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