Volume 12, number 2
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Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Monitoring of Processes Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Forest Sector

Saida Olegovna Apsalyamova, Bella Olegovna Khachir, Oleg Zakireevich Khuazhev, Ruslan Adamovich Khut and Anzor Ruslanovich Khachemizov

Kuban State Technological University 2, Moskovskaia, Krasnodar, Russia, 350072

ABSTRACT: The management function being a system of monitoring and inspection of controlled subject’s operation in time with the purpose to assess reasonability and effectiveness of managerial decisions, check the degree of their realization, any variations and unfavorable situations for timely making of adequate managerial decisions is an important task. The dynamics of feasible management of organizational system’s financial resources seem possible due to the application of mathematical and instrumental methods and models in optimizing socio-economic infrastructure of a region accounting for potential and real opportunities of forest sector. Therefore, in the course of dynamic management of corporate organizational systems’ economy, control should act as a feedback element and according to its data previously made managerial decisions should be corrected. Continuous control allows for not only finding variations from planned economic parameters but foreseeing them and assessing the causes of errors, promptly making reasonable managerial decisions. Schemes of managerial decisions made are submitted for basic situations of production and commercial activity within the framework of exact calculation allowing for finding factors of predictability in connection with economic consequences of various situational moments and making managerial decisions.

KEYWORDS: economy; forest sector; innovations; investments; small business; ecology; economic systems; management algorithms

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Apsalyamova S. O, Khachir B. O, Khuazhev O. Z, Khut R. A, Khachemizov A. R. Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Monitoring of Processes Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Forest Sector. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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