Volume 12, number 2
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The Productivity of Greenhouse Cucumber Depending on the Types of Soils Andamounts of Mineral Fertilizers in the Conditions of South Eastern Kazakhstan

Elmira Abdikadyrovna Abzeitova1, Abai Orazovich Sagitov1, Zhakenbai Sarsenbayevich Zhurgenov1, Bozena Lozowicka2

1Kazakh National Agrarian University 8, Abai Street, Almaty city 050010, Kazakhstan 2Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, 22, Chelmonskiego Street, Bialystok15195, Poland.

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to examine the productivity of cucumber grown under different types of soils and fertilizer amounts in sheltered ground of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. The composition of soils, the types and amounts of mineral fertilizers are of great importance for the growth and productivity of cucumber (CucumissativusL.), which is widely cultivated in greenhouses of Kazakhstan. Types, amounts and combinations of fertilizers, the frequency of their application under greenhouse cucumber are regulated depending on the phenological phase of crop growth and development for balanced plant nutrition. And the research results showed rather high effectiveness of the studied soils. The cucumber plants, grown in the natural soil, were significantly superior to the plants, grown in the artificial substrate, by biometric indicators.

KEYWORDS: greenhouse cucumber; sheltered ground; soil substrate; fertilizer; mineral nutrition; yield, quality

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Abzeitova E. A, Sagitov A. O, Zhurgenov Z. S, Lozowicka B. The Productivity of Greenhouse Cucumber Depending on the Types of Soils Andamounts of Mineral Fertilizers in the Conditions of South Eastern Kazakhstan. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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