Volume 12, number 2
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Large Discrete Systems Evolutionary Synthesis Procedure

David  Aregovich  Petrosov1,  Vadim Alexandrovich Lomazov1,  Sergey Igorevich Matorin2,  Alina Ivanovna Dobrunova1  and Valentina  Ivanovna Lomazova2

1Belgorod State Agricultural University Named After V. Gorin, Russia, 308503, Belgorod region, pos. Mayskiy, ul. Vavilova 1 2Belgorod National Research University, Russia, 308015, Belgorod, ul. Pobedy, 85

ABSTRACT: The article discusses the problems of structural synthesis of large discrete systems with predefined behavior, which assumes transition of a given input signal into required reference output signal. A combined method for building the procedure of synthesis based on evolutionary methods and mathematical analysis of Petri nets has been proposed. An evolutionary procedure of structural synthesis of large discrete systems with static inter-component links has been developed. Computational experiments performed with the use of the built model give evidence to the efficiency of the proposed synthesis procedure.

KEYWORDS: System analysis; structural synthesis of large discrete systems; evolutionary algorithms; genetic algorithm;Petri nets;simulation modeling

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Petrosov D. A, Lomazov V. A, Matorin S. I, Dobrunova A. I, Lomazova V. I. Large Discrete Systems Evolutionary Synthesis Procedure. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)

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