Volume 16, number 1
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Mangaba Residue (Hancornia Speciosa GOMES) Potentially used for Producing Antioxidants and Lignocellulosic Enzymes

Millena Cristiane De Medeiros Bezerra Jácome1,2, João Maria Martins Jácome1, Carlos Eduardo De Araújo Padilha1, Murilo Ricardo Do Nascimento Arrais1, Francisco Canindé De Sousa Júnior1,3, Camila Gambini Pereira2 and Everaldo Silvino Dos Santos*1

1Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RN, Brazil.

2Laboratory of Food Separation Processes, Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RN, Brazil.

3Laboratory of Bromatology, Department of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RN, Brazil.

Corresponding Author E-mail: everaldo@eq.ufrn.br

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2719

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the mangaba residue (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) and used as a substrate for the production of enzymes by semi-solid fermentation (SSF) using Aspergillus niger. The physical-chemical and bioactive attributes of mangaba bagasse and its extracts were addressed. Polyphenols concentrations of 564.1 ± 0.047 mg of gallic acid / g of oil and Total Antioxidant Activity - TCA of 95.46 ± 1.58 mg ascorbic acid / g ethanolic extract were found. In addition to the higher enzymatic production of lipase (50.11 ± 0.02 U / g) and pectinase (0.45 ± 0.01 U / g) through SSF. In general, in comparison with other similar residues and other works the results presented by the mangaba residue are relevant because it is an inexpensive raw material with potential added value to be exploited for the production of enzymes by fermentation in solid substrate using A Niger and extraction of antioxidant compounds.

KEYWORDS: Agro-Industrial Waste; Lipase; Pectinase; Semi-Solid Fermentation

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Jácome M. C. D. M. B, Jácome J. M. M, Padilha C. E. D. A, Arrais M. R. D. N, Júnior F. C. D. S, Pereira C. G, Santos E. S. D. Mangaba Residue (Hancornia Speciosa GOMES) Potentially used for Producing Antioxidants and Lignocellulosic Enzymes. Orient J Chem 2019;35(Special Issue 1 Spectroscopy March 2019).

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Jácome M. C. D. M. B, Jácome J. M. M, Padilha C. E. D. A, Arrais M. R. D. N, Júnior F. C. D. S, Pereira C. G, Santos E. S. D. Mangaba Residue (Hancornia Speciosa GOMES) Potentially used for Producing Antioxidants and Lignocellulosic Enzymes. Orient J Chem 2019;35(Special Issue 1 Spectroscopy March 2019). Available from: https://bit.ly/2G1bEph

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