Diversification Of Crop Production By Means Of Spreading Soybeans To The Northern Regions Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Svetlana Vladimirovna Didorenko1*, Zakiyeva Araily Alenkhanovna3, Ivan Viktorovich Sidorik2, Aigul Izteleuovna Abuglieva1, Mukhtar Sarsembekovich Kudaibergenov1, Ayup Rashitovich Iskakov3
1LLP “Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop production”, 1, Erlepesova Street, Almalybak village, Karasay district, 040909 Almaty region, Republic of the Kazakhstan, 2LLP “Kostanai Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture”,12, Yubileinaya Street, Zarechnoe village, Kostanai district, Kostanai region, 111108, Republic of the Kazakhstan. 3Kazakh National Agrarian University, 8, Abai Avenue, Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1998
ABSTRACT: Selection and ecological species evaluation at the Kazakh SRI of Agriculture and Crop Production and the Kostanai SRI of Agriculture is aimed at creating soybean varieties adapted to most agri-environmental conditions of each region of the country, in order to break away from the monoculture. The article shows the results of the selection work aimed at creating ultra-early, high-yield soybean varieties for Northern Kazakhstan. Selection stages are shown, from hybridization to top nurseries. The joint work of the Kazakh SRI of Agriculture and Crop Production and the Kostanai SRI of Agriculture has resulted in obtaining an early ripening maturing variety of soybeans "Ivushka (Willow)", ripening group 00, submitted for state strain test in 2015.
KEYWORDS: soybeans; variety; diversification; strain test; crossbreeding
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Copy the following to cite this URL: Didorenko S. V, Alenkhanovna Z. A, Sidorik I. V, Abuglieva A. I, Kudaibergenov M. S, Iskakov A. R. Diversification Of Crop Production By Means Of Spreading Soybeans To The Northern Regions Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=6880 |