Study of Genetic Parameters in Pearl Millets
S. S. Tomar, H. C. Singhal, D. K. Sharma, R. S. Sikarwar and I. S. Tomar
Department of plant breeding and genetics JNKVV, College of Agriculture ,Gwalior - 474 002 India.
ABSTRACT: Present investigation “study of genetic parameters in pearl millet (Pennisetun glaucum (L.) R.Br.) was conducted with the objective to collect the information on variability, heritablity, genetic advance among 45 F1s and 10 perents in pearl millet.The analysis of variance revealed that mean squire were highly significant for all the character except effective tillers/plant. The maximum range was found for plant height and minimum for effective tillers/plant.the highest genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for grain yield followed by 1000 seed weight,panicle length,panicle grith,plant height and moderate for effective tillers/plant,days to 50% flowering and Minimum for days to maturity.the highest phenotypic coefficient of variation was observed for effective tillers/plant followed by grain yield,1000 seed weight, penicle length,penicle girth and plant height.The high estimates of heritability were observed for all the characters taken under study except number of effective tillers/plant. The genetic gain was observed for grain yield followed by 1000 seed weight, penicle girth,penicle length and least for effective tillers.Grain yield/plant and 1000 seed weight recorded high amount of genetic advance.high heritability with high genetic advance may be attributed to the action of addtive genes, these characters also exhibited high GCV. Therefore phenotypic selection of these characters would be effective for the yield improvement.
KEYWORDS: Genetic parameters; Pearl millet
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