Volume 13, number 1
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Growth Regulators in the Technology of Reproduction of Improved Potatoes

Irina Pavlovna Uromova, Natalia Nikolaevna Koposova, Andrey Vladimirovich Kozlov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Shtyrlin and Yuliya Yurevna Davydova

Minin Nizhny Novgorod Statå Pedagogical University 1, Ulyanov street, GSP-37, Nizhniy Novgorod, 603950 Russia.

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2074

ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to studying a new generation of plant growth regulators with multi-functional action that are able to simultaneously stimulate growth and development, and to increase adaptability to adverse environmental factors, as well as to influence in the future the resistance of potatoes to diseases, showing strong anti-fungi and antibacterial activity, and ensuring protection from viruses and viroids. In course of the experiment, we studied the effect of growth stimulants (HB-101, Agat-25K and Gumi-20) on productivity and quality of potatoes micro plants of the early maturity varieties of domestic (the Udacha variety) and foreign (the Red Scarlet variety) selection obtained by the method of apical meristem in vitro and cultivated in greenhouses. The first spraying with these growth promoters was performed in the budding phase, the next two - with an interval of 7 days. The obtained results allow assuming perspective the use of the NV-101 and Agat-25K growth stimulants. A more substantial increase in growth and productivity, as compared to the reference group, was observed after processing domestic Udacha variety with the NV-101 stimulator, and increased resistance to late blight was ensured by a growth regulator with bio-fungicide activity Agat-25K. According to the results of enzyme immunoanalysis (EIA), the viral and bacterial infection is absent in plants in all studied variants. Thus, using growth regulators in the initial stages of the original seed is a promising method, the use of which is necessary due to the varietal characteristics.

KEYWORDS: HB-101; Agate-25K; Gumi-20; growth stimulant; growth stimulant with bio-fungicide activity; in vitro; apical meristem; biometric indicators of potatoes; potato yield; late blight

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Uromova I. P, Koposova N. N, Kozlov A. V, Shtyrlin D. A, Davydova Y. Y. Growth Regulators in the Technology of Reproduction of Improved Potatoes. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(1)

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Uromova I. P, Koposova N. N, Kozlov A. V, Shtyrlin D. A, Davydova Y. Y. Growth Regulators in the Technology of Reproduction of Improved Potatoes. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=7882

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