Volume 6, number 1
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Immunological Studies of Outer Membrane Proteins of E. Coli From Poultry

M. Suresh1, Y. Hari Babu1, S. Venkateshwar2 and M. Narsi Reddy2*

1Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary College, Bidar - 585 401India.

2Centre for Biotechnology, University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007 India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: mnreddydr@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: The effective control of avian colibacillosis has not been achieved world wide because of involvement of large number of serotypes, failure of whole cell bacterium to induce immuniy towards heterogenous serotypes and high cost of vaccination; moreover the protection offered by vaccine is of short duration. A total of 24 six weeks old commercial layer birds were divided into 3 groups comprising of 8 in each group. The vaccine was prepared using E. coli O6, O20 and O109 serotypes with FICA. Birds in the test group I injected with 0.5ml of vaccine which contains 77 μg OMP by oral route, similarly birds in the test group II injected with 0.5ml of vaccine which contains 77 μg OMP by s/c route. Birds in the control group injected with normal saline only. At 9th week both birds in the control as well as test groups were challenged by i/v route using live E. coli O20 serotype @ 1.5x 108 CFU/bird. However following i/v challenge with O20 strain, OMP vaccinated birds at 21 days post vaccination resulted in death of 7 birds in control group compared to death of 2 birds in T-I the percentage of survivability of birds is 75%.and 1 bird in T-II group the percentage survivability (efficacy) is 88.33. Different immunological tests like AGID, CIE and IE showed the presence of antibodies against OMPs of E.coli from poultry. OMP can be a potential vaccine candidate for the prevention of poultry colibacillosis in field condition.

KEYWORDS: OMP; E.coli; colibacillosis; AGID; IE; CIE

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Suresh M, Babu Y. H, Venkateshwar S, Reddy M. N. AImmunological Studies of Outer Membrane Proteins of E. Coli From Poultry. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2009;6(1)

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Suresh M, Babu Y. H, Venkateshwar S, Reddy M. N. AImmunological Studies of Outer Membrane Proteins of E. Coli From Poultry. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2009;6(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=8201

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