
Best Article Award Recepient


Best Paper Award 2018 (Volume 15 Issue 3) announcement!

Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia is pleased to announce the winner of the Best Paper Award for September issue 2018, entitled:
Medium formulation and its optimization to enhance protease production by Streptomyces sp. isolated from Mangroves
BBRA congratulate the authors for their scientific contribution and immense hard work. We are very proud of the achievement from a competitive pool of more than 30 submissions.

Authors of the paper:

 Dr. J. Joel Gnanadoss Dr. J. Joel Gnanadoss Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
Loyola College
Chennai – 600034, TN
Mr. M. Parthasarathy Mr. M. Parthasarathy
Research Scholar
Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
Loyola College
Chennai – 600034, TN

We Congratulate all the participants.
Enjoy the fruit of your labor!

Our Editorial Advisory Board of Biosciences and Biotechnology has assessed the papers published in 2018(current Issue) on the given criteria carefully evaluated those papers according to their originality, contributions to the field, quality of presentation, and soundness of the science.


Prof.-Dr.-rer.-Nat.-Hesham Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Hesham Ali El-Enshasy
Editor in Chief, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
 Prof-Haseeb Dr. Haseeb Ahmad Khan
Editorial Board Member, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
 Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia Dr. rer. nat.Elsayed Ahmed
Editorial Board Member, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
 Rao-C-N-(RCN)-Rachaputi Dr. Rao C N (RCN) Rachaputi
Editorial Board Member, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia

We are thankful for your immense contribution and support!

Note: The best paper award is still open until the last coming issue of 2018.

Previous Winners

Best Paper Award 2018 (Volume 15 Issue 2) announcement!

Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia is pleased to announce the winner of the Best Paper Award for June issue 2018, entitled:
Molecular Docking Studies, Bioactivity Score Prediction, Drug Likeness Analysis of GSK-3 β Inhibitors: A Target Protein Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease
BBRA congratulate the authors for their scientific contribution and immense hard work. We are very proud of the achievement from a competitive pool of more than 28 submissions.

Authors of the paper:

Archit Sharma Er. Archit Sharma
Department of Biotechnology,
University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, India
 Dr. Akanksha Joshi Er. Akanksha Joshi
Department of Biotechnology,
University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, India
 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Department of Biotechnology, University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, India - Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Department of Biotechnology,
University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, India


We Congratulate all the participants.

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