
Cross mark Policy

Crossmark Policy
Applying the CrossMark icon is a commitment by Oriental Scientific Publishing Company to maintain the content published and alert readers to changes if and when they occur.


What is Crossmark?

CrossMark, a multi-publisher initiative from CrossRef, provides a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of a document. OSPC recognizes the importance of the integrity and completeness of the scholarly record to researchers and librarians and attaches the highest importance to maintaining trust in the authority of its electronic archive. Clicking on the CrossMark icon will inform the reader of the current status of a document and may also provide additional publication record information about the document.


Correction, Retraction, Withdrawal Policies


  • Before publications: PDF Galley proofs are sent to the author for proofreading and corrections are done before the PDFs are sent for printing.
  • Post Publishing: Corrections are published if the publication record is seriously affected with regard to the accuracy of published information. Corrections are published in the subsequent issue under Corrections and addendum.

Oriental Scientific Publishing Company’s Retraction policy is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please Click here to view retraction policy.

Withdrawal Policy
Manuscripts may be withdrawn by submitting a letter to the editorial office stating the reasons for manuscript withdrawal.

If an author requests a withdrawal within 10 days of submission, the author is allowed to withdraw the manuscript without paying any withdrawal fee, however, if authors withdraw manuscripts any time after review and acceptance, a withdrawal fee will have to be paid.

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for Other countries $50/-

Oriental Scientific Publishing Company Content and Crossmark

Our content which will display CrossMark is restricted to current and future journal content and is also limited to specific publication types (see below). Articles in the Coming Issue will not have the CrossMark icon for the present.

Publication Types 

Article Type Short Description
Research Article These are detailed studies reporting original research and are classified as primary literature.
Review Article Review articles give an overview of existing literature in a field, often identifying specific problems or issues and analysing information from available published work on the topic with a balanced perspective.
Short Communication Short Communications are limited to 1000 words and are not subdivided.
Editorial Editorials are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the translational research community.
Case Report Case report presents the details of real patient cases from medical or clinical practice.


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