
Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia Journal follows Double-Blind Peer Review according to which Reviewers & the author(s) are not aware of each other’s identity. Reviewer’s details are published with each article after review.

All the manuscripts undergo a two-stage review process, the review is being done simultaneously by a minimum of two members of the international scientific committee. All articles that go through a rigorous blind peer review system are based on initial editor screening and involving international refereeing, ensures that articles meet the highest standards of quality.

Double-blind peer review is applied in order to avoid any conflict of interest or any biased view as the Author anonymity prevents any favour in review, which helps to judged research fairly. Also, the research done by prestigious or renowned authors can be considered only on the basis of the content of their papers, rather than their reputation.

Author(s) identity is removed from the manuscript and shielded from the reviewers during the review process. The reviewer is left with only the manuscript without any information that might enable him/her uncovers the identity of the author(s). Information removed includes the author(s) name, address/affiliation, country, phone/fax and email. Any information in the Acknowledgement and Declaration of Conflict of Interest that may lead to the uncovering of the identity of the author is also removed from the manuscript prior to sending it to reviewers.

Manuscripts are assigned to members of the editorial board of the journal or other qualified reviewers. The review process is done using the Manuscript Management System. Reviewers make one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept Unconditionally
  • Accept Conditionally
  • Reject in Current Form
  • Reject Unconditionally

    NOTE: A Reviewer’s Acknowledgement letter is issued to the reviewers after a successful review of the manuscript.

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