
Preparing your manuscript

  1. Research Article
  2. Review Article
  3. Editorial
  4. Case Report
  5. Short Communication

Research Article

  • Follows the outline of Introduction, Materials, Methods, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement, conflict of interest, funding source (grant number) and References.
  • Supported by the significant and relevant amounts of data.
  • Data should have been developed by the author(s).
  • Conclusions are based primarily on the data presented and compared to the published literature.

Review Article

  • Authors suggestion
  • The topic is relatively broad in scope
  • A review article should be on-topic which is of interest to a wide readership.
  • Review articles should have comprehensive coverage of a topic in clear and lucid language with representative figures and images.
  • Represents an overview of published information and data from many authors and sources
  • It does not contain original data (to any great extent).
  • Abstract and keywords are a must.
  • It usually includes a large number of references.


  • Written by the OA Text Editors, Associate Editors, or Invited Guest Editors on a variety of subjects of interest to the Journal readers typically shorter than one page.

Case Report

  • Case Reports must provide an original description of a previously unreported entity or report a new presentation of a known disease or a new perspective of the case which poses a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.
  • Case Reports should include a comprehensive review of similar cases and state the differences between the present case and previous cases.
  • Case reports should be accompanied by clinical, radiological and pathologic images.

Short Communication

  • Short Communications are limited to 1000 words and are not subdivided.
  • The paper should contain an abstract, main body and references, and contain no more than 6 figures or tables, combined.
  • The abstract is limited to 100 words.
  • They aim to report new ideas, recent advances in modelling and software.
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