
Instruction to Authors

We encourage our authors to submit their manuscript for publication as an e-mail attachment or through online submission. The manuscript should be according to the journal’s format mentioned below. Regular papers submitted to BBRA must report original research and will be subject to review by experts/referees of the relevant field.

Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, that they have not been published already, and that they are not under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.

Manuscripts submitted for publication should meet the following criteria: validity of data, clarity, conciseness, reproducibility of results, and compliance with typescript requirements. In discussing the results, it is mandatory to set forth a sound conclusion on the novelty of the materials submitted for publication.

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The following should be used as a guide in preparing papers for publication.

Manuscripts for Research articles submitted to Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia should be divided into the following sections:

title page, abstract with keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, references, tables, and legends to figures.


Authors are required to submit, with the manuscript, the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of three potential reviewers. Please only supply the names who can commit to the review, if invited. Note that the editor retains the sole right on the selection of reviewers.


Submission of an article to the BBRA will be taken to imply that all authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that the contributions of all people involved in the research have been properly acknowledged. The covering letter should clearly identify who will deal with correspondence concerning the article.

Manuscript Text

Files should be formatted double-spaced with no hyphenation and automatic word-wrap (no hard returns within paragraphs). Please type your text consistently, e.g. take care to distinguish between ‘1’ (one) and ‘l’ (lower-case L) and ‘0’ (zero) and ‘O’ (capital O), etc.

Title page

Short title (running head) of not more than 45 characters. The title page should include the author’s name(s), affiliations and the address to which all correspondence should be made.

The author’s name should be as follows:

The first name, Middle name, Last name (full names)

Telephone and fax numbers should also be supplied, along with e-mail address if available. Present addresses of authors should appear as a footnote.


The abstract should be brief not exceeding 200 words.

The purposes of an abstract are:

  1. to give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the paper so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them
  2. to provide keywords and phrases for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes.


Each paper should have three to six keywords indicating the contents of manuscripts.


The title should be short and informative. A running title is also necessary.


The introductory section should contain a brief review of the problem with which the study deals, validate the approach taken, and clearly formulate the goals.

Materials and Methods

This section comprises a full description of the object of the study (including Latin names), the conditions of growth of microorganisms and higher plants, and consecutive steps of the experiment. The original names of instruments and reagents should be specified, and the manufacturer’s name (company, country) should be given in parentheses. Please indicate the source from which the particular strain has been obtained.

Results and Discussion

This section should provide a concise description of experimental data obtained, illustrated by tables and figures (which should not duplicate each other). Rather than mechanically repeating the data of tables and graphs, the text should seek to reveal the principles detected. It is recommended to use past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results. This section should be completed with a major conclusion that answers the question specified in the introductory part of the article.

The appropriate place for each table or figure should be indicated in a square box in the left margin. Each table (no less than three columns) should be submitted on a separate sheet and have a number and a title. Two copies of each figure should be submitted. Figure captions should be submitted on a separate page. The figures should contain minimum inscriptions. Photographs should be presented in three copies, two of which should be free of inscriptions.


Tables should be typed as text, using either ‘tabs’ or a table editor for layout. Do not use graphics software to create tables.

Figures and Graphs

Please keep illustrations as separate files.

Acceptable formats: TIFF, JPEG, PDF, WMF, GIF, EPS (resolution independent files)


The source of any financial support received for the work being published must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section and not in the form of foot-notes. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees to be named. Funding sources should not be included in the Acknowledgment section.

Conflict of interest

All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including grants, membership, employment, ownership of stock or any other interest or non‐financial interest such as personal or professional relation, affiliation and knowledge of the research topic.

Funding Sources

Please provide the source of financial support if any.

Statement of Informed Consent

All papers submitted to our Journal should declare agreement with the following ‘statement of informed consent’.

All the authors involved in the manuscript must assure their consent for the publication of the manuscript. Furthermore, individuals who provide writing assistance should be identified by the authors, and they must disclose the funding source for this assistance.

Ethics of Human and Animal Experimentation

Papers describing any experimental work with humans should include a statement that the Ethical Committee of the institution in which the work was done has approved it, and that the subjects gave informed consent to the work.

Experiments with animals should be done in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. Papers should include details of the procedures and of anaesthetics used. The Editors will not accept papers where the ethical aspects are, in their opinion, open to doubt.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text; they should not be listed alphabetically by author or title or put in date order.

Reference style:

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.

References should be cited in the text in superscripts only.


1. Halpern S. D., Ubel P. A., Caplan A. L. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002;347(4):284-7.


2. Deppe G. (ed): Chemotherapy of Gynecologic Cancer, 2nd edn. New York: Alan R. Liss. 1998; pp 297–308.

Chapter in book:

3. Cabana B.E.: Bioequivalence and in vitro testing of drug formulations. In: Towards Better Safety of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products (Brenner DD, ed). Amsterdam: Elsevier North-Holland Biomedical Press. 1994; pp 301–322.

References to ‘submitted work’ are not acceptable. All references should refer to work that has either been published or has been accepted for publication (in press). Exhaustive lists should be avoided. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.

In the text, references should be referred to using the appropriate number as a superscript immediately following the relevant section of text.


Words to be abbreviated should be spelt out in full the first time they appear in the text with the abbreviations in brackets. Thereafter the abbreviation should be used.


Proofs will be sent (on request) to the corresponding author and should be returned with one week of receipt via e-mail (preferred). Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors; any other corrections may be charged to the authors. Authors are advised to check their proofs very carefully before return, since the inclusion of late corrections cannot be acceptable. Corrected proofs are to be returned to the publishers.


All articles published in this journal become the property of the Journal and should not be published or reproduced in any form in full or in part without the written permission of the Editor.

Ethics of human and animal experimentation

Papers describing any experimental work with humans should include a statement that the Ethical Committee of the institution in which the work was done has approved it, and that the subjects gave informed consent to the work.

Experiments with animals should be done in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. Papers should include details of the procedures and of anaesthetics used.

The Editors will not accept papers where the ethical aspects are, in their opinion, open to doubt.

Please submit your manuscript via e-mail (preferred) to:

Dr. Meena Iqbal
10, New Maulana Azad Colony,
Idgah Hills, Bhopal – 462 001
Madhya Pradesh, India
Contact No.: +91-9893222458

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