Volume 10, number 2
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Al-Jawadi Z. A. M, Bashi Z. I. D. Effect of Trace Element on First and Multiple Pregnancy. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2013;10(2)
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Published online on:  28-12-2013
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Effect of Trace Element on First and Multiple Pregnancy

Zena A. M. Al-Jawadi1 and Zahra I. Dallal Bashi2

1Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, Mosul University.

2Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Mosul University.


DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1204


A study of 105 women (40non-pregnant women [control group] and 65pregnant women) attending the child and maternal health center in Mosul, included determination of trace element (zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium and iron)in pregnant women and their effect on the three trimesters of pregnancy and in multiple pregnancy. The results showed significantly lower concentration of serum zinc, manganese, magnesium and iron in pregnant women compared with non-pregnant women at P=0.05, P=0.005, Pd™0.001 respectively, while concentration of serum copper clamp up through pregnancy, and the results showed significantly lower concentration of serum zinc in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy women compared with non-pregnant women at P<0.05, P<0.005 respectively and significantly lower concentration of serum manganese and magnesium in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy women compared with non-pregnant women at P<0.005, P<0.001 respectively. On the other hand, showed significantly lower concentration of serum iron in the three trimesters of pregnancy women compared with non-pregnant women at P<0.05, P<0.005, P<0.001 respectively. Finally the results showed in pregnant women low concentration of serum zinc and iron in multiple pregnancy compared with first pregnancy and high concentration of copper in multiple pregnancy compared with first pregnancy, while concentration of manganese and magnesium stay equal in spite of multiple pregnancy.


KEYWORDS: Multiple pregnancy; Non-pregnant women; Mosul

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Al-Jawadi Z. A. M, Bashi Z. I. D. Effect of Trace Element on First and Multiple Pregnancy. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2013;10(2)

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Al-Jawadi Z. A. M, Bashi Z. I. D. Effect of Trace Element on First and Multiple Pregnancy. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2013;10(2). Available from:https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=10856

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