Manuscript accepted on : 10 October 2014
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Sabirova Aigyl Ilshatovna and Nagumanova Regina Vildanovna
Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Audit Department, Kazan Federal University (Institute of Management, Economy and Finance) (Kazan).
ABSTRACT: Effectiveness evaluation of agricultural enterprises’ activities with the aim of formation of state subsidy politics. In the work it is used the theory of fuzzy-sets. In the current research it is considred the traditional methods of evaluation of financial and economic conditions of agricultural subjects, as well it is presented the results of activities effectiveness evaluation on the bases of sales profitability calculation (unprofitability) of agriculture producers of the Republic of Tatarstan. On the bases of calculated parameters of big and average enterprises it is suggested the criteria of complex evaluation taking into account regional aspect. Suggested methodology makes it possible to realize the analysis of commodity producers functioning efficiency taking into account the industry approach as well in view of types activities. Used at work evaluation tools form high quality new approach of conditions of budget allocations distribution, with the purpose of region food security provision. Suggested methodology has practical importance, as it is observed diversification of food demand in relation with demographic changes and in relation to this it has become topical question about effective governmental support implementation of all level agricultural producers.
KEYWORDS: Analysis; Food security; Subsidy assistance; Activity effectiveness; animal breeding; agriculture
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Copy the following to cite this URL: Ilshatovna S. A, Vildanovna N. R. Application of Fuzzy-set And Multiple Approaches in Evaluation of Effectiveness of Agricultural Industry Enterprises Activities (As An Example of Animal Breeding of the Republic of Tatarstan). Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2014;11(spl.edn.2). Available from: |
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