Volume 11, number 2
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A Study of the Relationship between University Organizational Structure and Students’ Perceptions of Climate Maturity in Universities of Bandar Abbas

Mitra Mashadi Abolghassem1, Jafar Tork Zadeh2* and Mahdi Mohammadi2

1Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Islamic Azad, Bandar Abbas Branch, Bandar Abbas, Iran. 2Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Master of Art Faculty, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

ABSTRACT: The presents study aimed to investigate the relationship between the type of organizational structure and students’ perceptions of climate maturity in universities of Bandar Abbas. This study was conducted on all students of Bandar Abbas (over 16206) in the second semester of 2010-2011 and 385 students were selected using a stratified relative random sampling. Organizational structure scale (Torkzadeh & Mohtaram, 2011) and climate maturity scale (Torkzadeh, 2008) were research tools distributed and collected after calculating the validity and reliability. Results of the dependent t-test showed that the hindering structure is the dominant organizational structure in universities of Bandar Abbas (Bohshehr, Iran). In addition, results of the one-sample t-test indicated that the level of climate maturity is lower than the favorable efficacy level. In addition, results of the multivariate regression indicated that the enabling structure is a significant positive predictor of the level of climate maturity. Hindering structure was not significantly related to the level of climate maturity in universities of Bandar Abbas but was the significant positive predictor of the level of climate maturity in University of Medical Sciences.

KEYWORDS: Organizational Structure; Enabling Structure; Hindering Structure; University; Climate Maturity

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