Volume 11, number 2
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Mohammad P, Masoumeh P, Hossein K. J.Evaluation of Apple Hydro Extracts on Liver Enzyme ALT, AST and ALK in Female Rats Receiving Glyphosate Toxins. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2015;11(2)
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Published online on:  10-02-2016
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Evaluation of Apple Hydro Extracts on Liver Enzyme ALT, AST and ALK in Female Rats Receiving Glyphosate Toxins

Pourahmadi Mohammad1, Pourfard Masoumeh2 and Kargar Jahromy Hossein3

1Department of Anatomy, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran. 2Department of Student Research Committee, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran. 3Zoonoses Research Center, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran.

ABSTRACT: Due to agricultural prosperity and in order to improve production, the herbicide glyphosate toxin, one of the organophosphates toxins is used. Apple has a therapeutic effect on liver diseases. The aim of this experiment is to evaluate the effect of apple hydro extracts on liver enzymes changes in female rats which receive glyphosate toxins. In this study 64 female rats were divided into 8 groups of 8 rats. The first group (control group), the second, third and fourth groups respectively received 200 mg / kg, 400mg / kg and 800 mg / kg of apple hydro extracts as gavage feeding for 14 days. The fifth group received 200 mg/kg glyphosate toxins as gavage feeding. Sixth, seventh and eighth groups received glyphosate toxins with apple hydro extracts. At the end of the study, the amount of ALT, AST, and ALK were measured. To analyze the obtained data, one-way ANOVA was used. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software. The serum levels of AST, ALT, and ALK of control group and group 4 which received the maximum dose of apple hydro extracts were reduced. In group 5 and group 8 which received the maximum dose of apple hydro extracts in addition to glyphosate toxins, the percentage reduction was increased more than group glyphosate. Serum levels of AST, ALT and ALK in the groups that recieved apple hydro extracts in addition to glyphosate toxins compared to the group which only received apple hydro extracts and control group have thigher levels. In this research, apple hydro extracts reduced the serum levels of liver enzymes and maximum dose showed the greatest effect. It could be due to the antioxidant, phenol and poly phenol compounds’ feature and high percentage of potassium and phytoestrogens of apple.

KEYWORDS: Glyphosate; Apple; Liver enzymes

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Mohammad P, Masoumeh P, Hossein K. J.Evaluation of Apple Hydro Extracts on Liver Enzyme ALT, AST and ALK in Female Rats Receiving Glyphosate Toxins. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2015;11(2)

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Mohammad P, Masoumeh P, Hossein K. J.Evaluation of Apple Hydro Extracts on Liver Enzyme ALT, AST and ALK in Female Rats Receiving Glyphosate Toxins. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2015;11(2).Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=6599>

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