Volume 11, number 2
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Recuperating Waste into Valuable Organic Manure Using "Environment’s Plowman"

R. Thiruneelakandan1 and G. Subbulakshmi2

1Department of Chemistry, Anna university of Technology, Thiruchirapalli 2Department of Chemistry, GRT Institute of Technology, Tiruttani.

ABSTRACT: Application of chemical fertilizers reduces land productivity and crops become dependent on periodic inputs of the chemical fertilizers. Land, need to be prevented from degradations. Green manures are effective alternatives to chemical fertilizers in the management and preservation of soil fertility and productivity, adding organic matter and nutrients to the soil. soil fertility can be improved and maintained initially through use of organic inputs like well decomposed organic manure/Vermicompost .The best alternative of the present day’s environmental degradation is to make proper use of the available unutilized organic biodegradable wastes in order to convert them into compost within a short period. Vermicompost could be used as an excellent soil amendment for main fields. Edwards (1988) reported that vermicompost could promote early and vigorous growth of seedlings. . Huge quantity of wastes can be converted into nutrient rich bio-fertilizer.Integrated application of NPK fertilizer along with vermicompost in field crops not only influences growth and production of plants. It also enhances the root formation, elongation of stem and production of biomass, vegetables, ornamental plants etc.

KEYWORDS: Solid waste; Earthworm; Water; Compost; Chamber

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