Volume 11, number 2
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Response of Some Mineral Elements to Gaseous Air Pollutant Exposure in Glycine max L.

Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al-Muwayhi

Department of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shaqra University, P.O. Box 33, Shaqra, 11961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

ABSTRACT: Ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, solid particles and organic compounds are some of the most important air pollutants which directly affect plants and lead to shifts or changes in the concentration of elements within the plant tissue. Thus these pollutants have an impact on the sensitivity of plant species and the extent of resistance.The effect of gaseous air pollutants emitted from industries in the city in the city of Jeddah on some mineral elements in (Glycine max L), which were planted at distances (1-5 , 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 meters) from industrial city was evaluated. The plants were sown (Glycine max L) in an uncontaminated area far from industrial city. The plants were grown in three pots at each site, each pot having five seeds, and left until the completion of the initial growth of leaves and then transferred to the study site. The results of the study showed that concentrations of polluting air gases emitted by the industrial city during the study period, were 82 ppb for ozone, 28 ppb for sulfur dioxide, and 35 ppb for nitrogen dioxide. The results showed that there was a significant effect of these pollutants on the elemental content of the leaves. phosphorus was 1.93 mg /L at 2000 meters, and 1.65 mg / L at 1-5 meters, while potassium was 87 mg / L at 2000 meters, and 79 mg / L at 1-5 meters.

KEYWORDS: Air pollutants; Glycine max L; Major mineral elements; Minor mineral elements; industrial city

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