Volume 11, number 2
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Risk of Becoming Ill with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Mexico

Austria Hernández Rosa Arianna1, E.Méndez MaríaTeresa2 and Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos3*

1Student of the Master’s Degree in Public Health in the Academic Area of Medicine (UAEH) Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Jurisdictional Coordinator of Epidemiological Surveillance (SSH) Health Services of Hidalgo, Mexico. 2Professor of the Master’s Degree in Public Health (UAEH), Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, México. 3Full time Research Professor in the Academic Areaof Medicine and Professor of the Master’s Degree in Public Health, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Health Sciences with emphasis on Public Health (ICSa-UAEH) Health Sciences Institute, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, México.

ABSTRACT: Tuberculosis is a contagious, communicable, curable, usually chronic disease of variable clinical presentation produced by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. It is mainly acquired through air. It is usually systemic and affects mostly the respiratory system. It is a public health problem in countries such as Mexico; tuberculosis is one of the deadliest reemerging diseases. Since it was discovered and reported that the tubercle bacillus are the causative agents, a significant advancement was in the study and treatment of this illness, where microbiological behavior was highlighted. Although the bacillus is important, it is not enough for the development of the disease since more than 90% of those infected remain to have it as a latent infection throughout their lives. Identify the risk factors that increase susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in Mexico. An electronic search of journals published in the period 2000-2013 without language restriction was conducted. 12 items which were indexed in Thomson Reuters, Elsevier, EBSCO CrossRef and Mexico were identified. In the literature review the authors agree that pulmonary Tuberculosis most often affects people with low socioeconomic status, especially if they have associated comorbidities such as HIV, DM and malnutrition, which are prevalent conditions of the Mexican society that aggravate and make more complex the profile of TB. One of the commitments in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the prevalence and mortality of tuberculosis, “Objective 6, 6C goal “Mexico is far from reducing TB if social determinants such as poverty are not solved, “goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger”, exclusion, poor housing conditions, among others, as well as the population prevalence of comorbidities such as HIV / AIDS and Diabetes Mellitus, otherwise Tuberculosis will continue to be the main killer disease reemerging

KEYWORDS: Smear-positive; Risk factors; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; pulmonary tuberculosis

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