Volume 11, number 2
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Spatial Discrete Soliton in Homogeneous Two Dimensional Waveguide Arrays with Kerr Medium

Dyako1, Mostafavi1*, Ali Yadollahpour2 and Keivan M. Aghdami3

1Department of Physic, Islamic Azad University, Boukan branch, Boukan, Iran. 2Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran. 3Department of Physics, Payem-e-Noor University of Miyandoab, Iran.

ABSTRACT: Behaviors of discrete spatial solitons in nonlinear mediums have recently received a plenty of research interest. In this study, for the first time, the effects of diagonal neighbors on spatial discrete solitons in a two dimensional waveguide with Kerr medium are investigated. A numerical model for propagation of the Gaussian beam through a two dimensional waveguides array is proposed. The waveguide contains medium with Kerr nonlinearity considering coupling to vertical, horizontal and diagonal neighbor through light electric field. Different values of intensity, nonlinear coefficient Kerr and Gaussian beam width of incident Gaussian beam are examined and finally suitable parameters for providing central spatial solutions are obtained.

KEYWORDS: Waveguide Arrays; Discrete Diffraction; Anisotropic Medium; Discrete Soliton

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