Manuscript accepted on : 10 March 2015
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The Prognosis of Endoscopic Surgery in Children with Chronic Sinusitis
Soheila Nikakhlagh1*, Razieh Heidari2
1Associate Professor of Otolaryngology,Head and Neck surgery Hearing & Speech Research Center,Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,Ahvaz, Iran. 2Medical student. Hearing & Speech Research Center,Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,Ahvaz, Iran
ABSTRACT: Pediatric sinusitis is a common disease that Due to its considerable influence in children’s quality of life, the disease, especially in its chronic or recurrent form, is of particular importance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of endoscopic sinus surgery in children, the outcome of surgery, complication and relapse. This descriptive epidemiological study was conducted on under 18 year children who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery. In this study, children who have undergone surgery in the interval, have been investigated, and data such asage, sex, and diagnosis, were recorded. Improvement or relapse is determined using a follow-up of patients with in six months to seven and a half years of after endoscopy surgery. After collecting data, statistical analysis was done using SPSS and Chi-square test with P <0.05. A total of 83 children (including 43 males and 40 females) have under gone endoscopic sinus surgery. Patients were in an age range from 3.5to 18 years and the average age was 12.47 years. Most of surgeries were related for chronic sinusitis without polyps (37 cases) and 44.6% of cases. 84.3% of children who underwent nasal and sinus endoscopy had been no recurrence after surgery. In an evaluation of relationship between cause and prognosis, a significant association was found between sinus it is with polyposis and worse prognosis compared with other groups(P <0.001). In this study no significant correlation was found between age and gender with the etiology of disease or prognosis. Overall,the study found that endoscopic sinus surgery can be aneffective proceeding with minimal side effects in children who have long suffered froms in usitis and the most prognostic factor in recurrency is type of chronic sinusitis. Identifying the correct candidates for surgery andsurgeon expertise can make a significant help to these children.
KEYWORDS: Sinusitis; Pediatric; Endoscopy Sinus Surgery; Outcome
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