Manuscript accepted on : 05 August 2015
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Cavity Resonator With Electrostatic Focusing
Muhabbat Abdisattarovna Khizirova, Patam Turganovna Akhmetova, Zukhra Kadesovna Bittileyova, Bayan Ermakhametovna Tolymbekova and Dinara Tanashbekovna Aldekeyeva
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication Named After M.Tynyshpayev Kazakhstan, 050012, Almaty, Shevchenko 97
ABSTRACT: In this article we consider the possibility of using a single lens to modulate the speed of the electron beam. It is shown that the use of a single lens as a modulator in speed does not affect the value of the coefficient of interaction with the electron flux field lens.
KEYWORDS: Modulation; lens; electron beam
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Copy the following to cite this article: Khizirova M. A, Akhmetova P. T, Bittileyova Z. K, Tolymbekova B. E, Aldekeyeva D. T. Cavity Resonator With Electrostatic Focusing. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(spl.edn.2) |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Khizirova M. A, Akhmetova P. T, Bittileyova Z. K, Tolymbekova B. E, Aldekeyeva D. T. Cavity Resonator With Electrostatic Focusing. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(spl.edn.2). Available from: |
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