Volume 12, number 2
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Menlikulova A. B, Kanseytov T, Zhussipova G, Kaladinov O, Saparova Zh. Biological Features Depending on Pigmentation and Ekzogormons Application for Increase of Reproduction and Meat Efficiency of Kazakh Fat-Tailed Coarse Wool Sheep. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)
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Biological Features Depending on Pigmentation and Ekzogormons Application for Increase of Reproduction and Meat Efficiency of Kazakh Fat-Tailed Coarse Wool Sheep

A. B Menlikulova, T Kanseytov, G Zhussipova, O Kaladinov, Zh Saparova  

Kazakhstan. UKO . s. Shymkent street Baytursynova 17 B f. 118, Indexs, 160000

ABSTRACT: The structure and physiological indicators of females of Kazakh coarse wool breeds of sheep differing on pigmentation level are of given in article. In the herd the specific weight of a female with the average level of pigmentation I made 54.14%, and intensively pigmented – 24.84% and weakly-pigmented – 21.02%. Sheep with intensive pigmentation showed resistance to temperatures and kept constancy of physiological indicators and on studying of influence of an ekzogormon(SZhK) on reproductive functions, growth and meat efficiency of Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool sheep. It is established that when using the foal serum of mares (SZM) on ewes of new Ordabasy fat-tailed coarse wool breed duration of heat of ewes increases that promotes in the first cycle of heat in dependence on age (3.5-5.5 years) to subject 87.8-97.2% of ewes to artificial insemination. Intensive 60-day autumn fattening of Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool lambs with use of natural pastures with additional top dressing and stimulation of growth of lambs an injection SZM (foal serum of mares) appeared an effective processing method of preparation the fat-tailed lambs on meat the weight and an exit of meat, according to 12.1 kg and 43.1% to 18.3 kg and 47.5%.

KEYWORDS: sheep of Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool breed; pigmentation level; live weight; constitution types; constitution measurements; physiological indicators

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Menlikulova A. B, Kanseytov T, Zhussipova G, Kaladinov O, Saparova Zh. Biological Features Depending on Pigmentation and Ekzogormons Application for Increase of Reproduction and Meat Efficiency of Kazakh Fat-Tailed Coarse Wool Sheep. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2015;12(2)


Pigmentation of hair of sheep participates in thermal control in an organism and protects animals from harmful sunshine. Pigmentation density at lambs depending on homogeneous type of selection I made 14.6%, and at lambs received from heterogeneous selection the size of pigmentation I decreased several times. Improvement of technology of receiving livestock products is connected with introduction of adjustable methods of reproduction of animals therefore many researchers turned the influence on hormones and hormonal preparations making multilateral and strong impact on all vital signs of an organism of animals and first of all on reproduction.

Synchronization of sexual function of farm animals represents the new processing method promoting receiving the farrowing calving, in certain economic and necessary terms [1].

The fertility increase problem, synchronization of hunting and the course of pregnancy at animals is one of the main for workers of animal husbandry. At the successful solution of this problem the fullest use of female structure is reached and producers, economic efficiency of animal husbandry. In this regard now around the world are intensively conducted research on use of natural hormones for regulation of processes of reproduction at farm animals to cause hunting and heat in economy convenient terms and to increase natural fertility of animals [2].

For increase of fertility of females with the help of application of ekzogormon by methods of the late biotechnological achievements of biological sciences it is necessary to generate asuperovulation. Theoretical bases of methods of stimulation by ekzogormonalny preparations of reproductive qualities of ewes and application of these methods in practice is known from Zavodovsky,s works M.M.AkademikM.Zavodovsky [3] at increase of fertility of females processing by hormonal methods revealed that the gonadotropny hormones which are present at foal serum of mares (SZM) during an inoculation of SZhK are extended by heat duration for 2-3 days that promotes emergence of a numerous ovulation in uterine sexual glands.

After this method is well investigated in biological science, in practice of animals a hormonal method is widely inculcated in different types of farm animals and proved increase of fertility at a uterus of animals.

This biotechnological method is widely put in fertility increase of the astrakhan sheep into practice.

On results of Shulov V.V. research [4] it is established that by application of SZhK it is possible to define possibility of a uniform change of a sex of lambs. If the issue of the donor is a male, when using its blood the male of an issue of sheep makes 63.3% and if the donor is female young growth – that the share of female makes 61%.

Ekzagormona influences not all animal species and it is connected with breed, age, individual development, live weight, etc.

R.D.Yuzlikayev on one flock of the astrakhan sheep made [5] five years in a row experiments with an inoculation of SZhK and established, what not at all ewes fertility increases. Sheep at whom fertility were their hormonal preparations, high at repeated processing, the next year surely brings one issue.

Stimulation of growth of farm animals is essentially necessary for an intensification of production of animal protein, economy of forages, increase of economic efficiency of production of meat, especially in the conditions of industrial complexes [6].

Stimulation of growth of animals by various hormonal and fabric preparation draws the increasing attention in recent years.

From the practical point of view the greatest interest is represented by experiments on use of a wide range of hormonal preparations (an estrogen, androgens, anabolic steroids, insulin, etc.) for the directed change of a metabolism in increase of meat efultficiency of animals [7].

When using hormonal or their other substitutes of acceleration of growth of animals happens partially thanks to improvement of digestion, generally by activization of anabolic processes. There of not only the gain live weight raises, but quality of meat improves. As a result of the best use of a forage and decrease in its expense on weight gain unit cost of production of meat decreases.

E.K. Akhmedov [8] made experiments in which lambs of breedsromni-march were fed up by various amino acids. Methionine, a lysine and mix of these two amino acids were used. The best results are received when giving to sheep methionine. In this case lethal weight increases by 9.4% and quality of meat considerably improves owing to decrease of waters and increase of the maintenance of fat and protein.

Following from the adove that when using hormones and their substitutes considerably raises reproductive functions and meat efficiency of animals, therefore carrying out research works in this directions is actual.

Material and Technique of Researches

Research and production experiment was made in breeding economy of «Seraly» on the coarse wool Kazakh fat-tailed sheep where was studied the content of melanin, that is the quantity and type of a pigment from which the most acceptable the EPR method – spektometry(an electronic paramagnetic resonance) is. This method has that big advantage that it is highly productive, for regular mass researches and, being radio engineering in character, does not demand destruction of samples of wool.

Therefore when studying the content of melanin by us fat-tailed sheep by N.N. Alibayev,s technique, G.Lakhanova [9] are subdivided into three genetic groups: 1) intensively – black (>10.0%), 2) normal-blac(8,5-10,5%) and 3) weakly-black (<8,5). Research works on studying of influence of an ekzogormon(foal serum of mares) on reproductive qualities, growth and meat efficiency of Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool sheep it is carried out in breeding economy of «Seraly» and Akkum LLP of the Ordabasinsky region of the Southern Kazakhstan area.

In 2011 in October in breeding economy of «Seraly» groups of 3.5-5.5 summer ewes of new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed from live weight over 70 kg are formed. Chosen within 3 days ewes of comers in hunting allocated in separate group and to them in one day (morning) to the following sexual cycle on the inguinal party under skin foal serums of mares with a dose of 8-10 ml on 1 ewe were injected. After use of SZhK on ewes the specific weight of sheep with heat of duration of head and the ewes subjected to artificial insemination were determined.

When studying influence of SZhK on reproductive qualities of ewes next day in the morning the chosen ewes are inseminated by a received seed of rams of improving twice with a dose of 0.15 ml.

For studying of efficiency of an autumn fattening of Kazakh coarse wool fat-tailed lambs with use additionally a pasturable forage of top dressing and a biogrowth factor (inactive SZhK) fattening groups of lambs are created (control and I, II experimental groups). Lambs I and II group in starting (30 days) and finishing (30 days) the period received grain (260 and 400 g) and bran (20 and 200 g) of wheat, and control on 250 g grain and 200 g chop off wheat for the entire period of fattening. To lambs II experimental group SZhK(inactive serum of foal mares) in calculation of 0.15 ml on 1 kg of live weight is hypodermically entered. The repeated injection of SZhK was carried out every 15 days.

Results of Research and their Discussion

Biological and physiological features of Kazakh coarse wool breed depending on pigmentation

Research experience on wool efficiency and indicators of fraction of a hair of Kazakh coarse wool of sheep was carried out by many scientists [10,11,12,13].

Distribution of the fat-tailed coarse wool sheep with various extent of pigmentation of a hair on live weight is given in table 1.

Table 1: Distribution of females of the Kazakh coarse wool breed of sheep on live weight depending on extent of pigmentation of a hair, kg

Levels of pigmentation Of the heads Live weight, M±m
I group intensive-black 195 50.6±0.61
II group normal-black 425 49.3±0.58
III group weakly-black 165 47.4±0.63

It is established that in a flock the specific weight of females intensive-black pigmentation I made 24.84%, with the average level – 54.14% and are weakened by black level – 21.02%.

The live weight and exterior signs not only show the level of efficiency of animals, and also show degree of fitness of sheep to the existence environment.

From the table it is visible that the live mass of the Kazakh coarse wool breed of sheep differing on the level of pigmentation I made within 47.4-50.6 kg. At the same time, sheep differed on live weight depending on the level of a pigmentation of a wool cover.

Sheep with intensive-black pigmentation of indumentums had the high live weight (50.6 kg) which exceed indicators of analogs II – black and III weakly-black pigmentation respectively on 1.3-2.9 kg (R<0.001).

In breeding farms highly productive sheep constantly are exposed to selection under the constitution and specially developed ways are used.

Coarse wool sheep on exterior indicators are well adapted for desert and semidesertic conditions and generally have a large constitution, free skin and the strong body. The strong bone, a long leg provide fast walking on a pasture.

These distributions of fat-tailed females with various types of the constitution depending on pigmentation of a hair are presented in table 2.

Table 2: Distribution of females on constitution types depending on pigmentation of a hair, kg


Pigmentation levels




Types of the constitution, M±m

The strong


The rough


The gentle

I group, intensively – black 195 76.4±3.04 22.0±2.97 1.6±0.88
II group, normal – black 425 68.9±2.44 18.8±1.89 12.2±1.59
III group, weakened – black 165 67.9±3.63 1.8±1.04 30.3±3.58

The analysis of the table on distribution of females on constitution types differing on the level of pigmentation shows that the highest level is observed at females from the strong constitution from 67.88% to 76.41%. It specifies that long selection in this direction yields positive results. High level of animals from the strong constitution (76,4%) and low indicator of sheep of gentle type (1,6%) were observed at animals from intensive pigmentation. Sheep with weakened-black pigmentation made 30.3% of the gentle constitution.

In general by results of research it is possible to note that, sheep with intensive-black extent of pigmentation of a wool cover differ with the high level of fitness in comparison in animals with weakened-black pigmentation of indumentums.

We will consider distributions of fat-tailed sheep on constitution measurements depending on pigmentation of a hair (tab. 3.

Table 3: Distribution of females on constitution measurements, differing on pigmentation level


Genotypes of sheep



Measurements of a constitution of females
Height in withers Height in a sacrum Slanting length of a trunk Breast grasp Metacarpus
I group intensively -black  












I group normally –  black  












III group weakened -black  












From the table it is visible that the measurements of a constitution of females differing on pigmentation level on indicators: heights in withers, heights in withers, heights in a sacrum, the slanting length of a trunk, to a grasp of a breast and a grasp of a metacarpus. Here indicators of measurements of a body made: heights in withers from 71.8 to 74.5 cm, height in a sacrum from 72.5 to 75.4 cm, the slanting length of a trunk from 58.6 to 61.1 cm, to a grasp of a breast 93.4 to 96.1 cm and to a grasp from 7.8 to 7.9 cm.

However it should be noted that sheep with intensive pigmentation had high rates on body measurements: heights in withers of – 74.5 cm, height in a sacrum – 75.4 cm, the slanting length of a trunk – 61.1 cm, to a breast grasp – 96.1 cm and to a grasp – 7.9 cm. Measurements of a body of animals with weakened-black pigmentation had the lowered indicators and accordingly – 71.8 cm; 72.5 cm; 58.6 cm; 93.4; 7.8 cm.

However it should be noted that sheep with intensive pigmentation had high rates on body measurements: heights in withers of – 74.5 cm, height in a sacrum – 75.4 cm, the slanting length of a trunk – 61.1 cm, to a breast grasp – 96.1 cm and to a grasp – 7.9 cm. Measurements of a body of animals with weakened-black pigmentation had the lowered indicators and accordingly – 71.8 cm; 72.5 cm; 58.6 cm; 93.4; 7.8 cm.

Climatic and ecological factors – solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, air temperatures and soils, rainfall, plants, water are the able factors of forming new types of animals.

Physiological indicators of fat-tailed sheep with various genotypes on seasons of year are investigated. Among physiological signs changes of amplitude of frequency of breath, pulse rate and body temperature of sheep on climatic and pastoral factors, the years changing on seasons are analyzed. (Table 4).

The years changing on seasons made the analysis of physiological indicators of change of amplitude on factors – frequencies of breath 29.7 beat\min. – 61.0 beat\mines, pulse rate 57.0 beat\min. 70.3 beat\mines and body temperature 37.5 C0 – 38.4 C0.

Table 4: Physiological indicators of fat-tailed sheep distinguishing on a genotype on year seasons



of sheep


Physiological signs

Seasons of year and physiological indicators








I group,

intensively – black

Body temperature, C0 37.6 38.0 37.5 37.4
Pulse rate of an artery, beat\min 61.8 64.7 60.0 57.0
Breath frequency, beat\min 34.6 57.1 35.1 27.2
II group normally –  black


Body temperature, C0 37.7 38.1 37.5 37.4
Pulse rate of an artery, beat\min 62.2 67.5 62.1 57.3
Breath frequency, beat\min 37.1 61.1 36.3 28.1
III group weakened -black Body temperature, C0 37.8 38.4 37.8 37.8
Pulse rate of an artery, beat\min 63.5 70.3 63.5 59.0
Breath frequency, beat\min 38.3 63.6 38.7 29.7

Supervision of change of amplitude of physiological indicators on factors the years changing on seasons shows that the maximum level of physiological indicators made in the summer where body temperatures of sheep I rose to 38.4 C0, pulse rates of an artery – 70.3 beat\min and the frequency of breath 63.6 beat\min (Table 5).

Table 5: The maximum and minimum indicators of physiological signs on seasons of year of different genotypes of sheep


Genotypes of sheep


Physiological signs

Physiological indicators, M±m
Maximum indicator Minimum indicator

I group,

intensively – black

Body temperature, C0 38.0 37.4
Pulse rate of an artery, beat\min 64.7 57.0
Breath frequency, beat\min 57.1 27.2
III group weakened -black Body temperature,


38.4 37.8
Pulse rate of an artery, beat\min 70.3 59.0
Breath frequency,


63.6 29.7

And the minimum physiological indicators of pulse rate of an artery – 57.0 beat\min and the frequency of breath – 27.2 beat\min were observed in the winter where the body temperature of animals decreased to 37.4 C0 .

In the following research physiological indicators of different genotypes on seasons of year are analyzed. High level of physiological indicators is established at an weakened – black females: body temperature made – 38.4 C0 , pulse rate of an artery – 70.3 beat\min and the frequency of breath 63.6 beat\min.

Sheep with intensive – black pigmentation showed resistance to high and low external temperatures and kept constancy of physiological indicators. Here the body temperature of individuals made – 37.4 C0 , pulse rate of an artery – 60.0 beat\min and breath frequency – 57.1 beat\min. In hot and dry summer the frequency of breath of sheep I made – 57.1 beat\min, and in low temperature the named indicator made – 27.2 beat\min.

Use of the foal serum of mares (SZM) for increase of reproductive qualities of new Ordabasinsky fat – tailed coarse wool breed

In the Southern Kazakhstan area in breeding economy of «Seraly» on a basis of crossing of ewes of the Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool breed with rams of Edilbayevsky and Gissarsky breed new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed well adapted for the local ecological environment is entered. At this new breed a trunk wide and deep, on appearance in front and behind round, the volume of a fat tail big average, small, a fat tail from collected, besides the tightened, strong constitution, a foot direct, hoofs strong.

For the purpose of increase of fertility of ewes of new fat-tailed Ordabasinsky breed at the age of 3.5-5.5 years depending on  a cycle of heat with a live weight over 70 kg were collected separately in one flock. Then, before the coupling company did not begin to active rams were pulled aprons and separated females coming in hunting within 3 days in separate group. To these ewes in one day (morning) to the following sexual cycle on the thin inguinal party under skin SZhK was injected. A choice of the ewes who came to hunting was carried out in the evening on the same day, but that day sheep with heat were not revealed. Injected SZhK of a sheep came to hunting in the morning of the next day. Results of the beginning and duration of heat are specified in Table 6.

Table 6: Heat time at application of SZhK on Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed


Application of a gonadotrophin of SZhK on ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed


Ewes with the heat after one day 23.1%-24.1%
Ewes with the heat after second day 11.5% -13.5%
Ewes with the heat after three day 2.2%-2.6%
Ewes with the heat after six day 1.1%-1.5%

On average injected ekzogormony

92.8% of 3.5 summer
88.1% of 4.5 summer
87.8% of 5.5 summer

After application of SZhK on Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse breed proportion of ewes with estrus after day was 23.1-24.1%, after the second day – 11.5-13.5%, after three days – 2.2-2.6% and after six days of 1.1-1.5%. On average, 92.8% of the injected ekzogormony 3.5 year olds, 88.1% 4.5% 87.8 years old and 5.5 year old ewes were subjected to artificially insemination.

Compared with the previous estrus cycle after inoculation at 3.5 SZhK summer ewes 7.2%, from 4.5 to 12.9% of summer and summer 5.5-12.2% of ewes estrus did not occur. Of all the expected estrus sheep with 10.9% of them after applying the SZhK comes to hunting in the next cycle of estrus.

Thus, the use of SZhK on the new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed helps lengthening the duration of estrus.

In a market economy Kazakhstan specializes on breeding fat-tailed coarse wool sheep, that is to say sheep differing intensity of growth, maturity, quality to turn feed on food and steady to the harsh environmental conditions. Throughout the world, many countries planned and implemented a national plan for the development of sheep farming in the direction of improving the quality of mutton.

The development of sheep farming is very important for the use of natural and climatic conditions of the country and pasture.

In general, upon the occurrence of the sexual cycle of farm animals in their uterus sex glands mature female sex cells secrete hormones into the blood estrogenic, and their share rises, so begins a period of estrus. Prior to estrus in the preliminary injection of gonadotropin SZhKestrus of animals is associated with norm of ekzagormony, animal species, breed, age, live weight, and other features.

Therefore our aim is to investigate the effect of serum of pregnant mares on reproductive functions of the new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed.

The next morning, after the application of SZhK sheep during estrus selected rams aprons related group of ewes were inseminated with semen of rams improvers freshly prepared twice a day (morning and 8:00 in the evening 17 hours), with each manual insemination dose (0.15 ml) of semen was three times greater than the norm.

In evening in station mating insemination inseminated ewe were separated from a different estates of not inseminated sheep. The next morning all the groups in estrus selected active rams with an apron, then let ewes rams probes separate in another room and all selected ewes were inseminated doubly.

After application of SZhK on highly productive ewes of new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed duration of heat of ewes, increases depending on age table 7.

Table 7: Biostimulation of 3,5 – summer fat-tailed ewes


Biostimulation of 3,5 – summer fat-tailed ewes of new Ordabasinsky breed


Are impregnated the first day 67.9%
Are impregnated the second day 29.5%
Are impregnated the third day 2.6%

Apparently from table 2 last biostimulations 3,5 – summer ewes of new Ordabasinsky breed in the first day are impregnated 67.9%, for the second day – 29.5% and the third day – 2.6%. With increase of age the share of the impregnated ewes in the first day considerably raises with 67.9 to 77.6%.

In a cycle of the superovulated ewes extension of duration of heat means that in their blood an ekstrogen is more, specifies about continuation of processes of allocation of ova from women’s sexual glands.

Stimulation of growth in the course of fattening and meat efficiency of Kazakh fat-tailed coarse wool lambs

In the Republic of Kazakhstan having extensive natural pastures of fattening sheep during the spring and summer-autumn period of year is a cheap, widespread and effective processing method of training of sub-standard (not well – fad) sheep on meat. As high nutritional value of a pastoral grass, a regular watering place and skillful use of pastoral territories allow to increase sharply the live weight, lethal qualities of sheep and thus costs of the room for sheep, cleaning and transportation of forages disappear.

Usually fattening of sheep will be organized without top dressing by concentrates, however at low efficiency of pastures it top dressing of the meat contingent of sheep by green material of valuable herbs or the concentrated sterns is necessary.

Fattening of sheep with top dressing matters more in increase of their meat efficiency. As G.A. Nemchinova, B.Z. Bazoron point [14] at the 63-day fattening of lambs pastures with additional top dressing of 0.2 kg of oats to 1 head a day the average daily gain made 100-114 g.

At the 60-day of fattening of low weight fine-fleece lambs after their separating from ewes on pastures of a foothill zone with top dressing on 150 g grain of barley and on 150 g grain waste of wheat and during the finishing period (30 days) also additional top dressing on 200 g saflor meal an average daily gain also of lambs made in the fall 150 g that is 37 g higher or for 32.7% than at contemporaries from control group. During fattening lambs of experimental group a gain of mass of fat (1,56 kg), especially muscles (2,76 kg) are higher, than at contemporaries from control group – 0.55 and 1.73 kg [15].

By data of Sh.M.Musoyeva [16] top dressing of lambs of the Tajik breed from the moment of separating increases production of a young high-quality lamb meat from 33 to 37%.

By means of hormonal preparations it is possible to increase meat efficiency of sheep at their fattening and stagnation, to improve quality of meat, therefore stimulation of growth of animals attracts more and more attention now.

Single hypodermic implantation to 3-4 monthly lambs at stagnation of a tablet of methionine(250 mg) in three experiences increased a gain of live weight by 41.6 and 29% in comparison with control. Action of an arginin was more considerably shown at the beginning of experience, action of a betazin was not constant [17].

For increase of efficiency of preparation of low weight sub-standard (not well-fad) fat-tailed lambs on meat by fattening at the end of August feeding groups are created: control and sexperimental groups of lambs (І and II) sub-standard (not well-fad) groups of lambs with a production weight respectively 28.4, 28.6 and 29.0 kg.

During the starting period (30 days) Lambs of all groups were grazed on natural pastures and wheat was in addition fed up by grain (260 g per day on 1 head) and bran (200 g days on 1 head). Besides, to lambs of II-experimental group SZhK(inactive serum of blood of the foal of mares) in calculation of 0.15 ml 1 kg of live weight is hypodermically entered. The repeated injection of SZhK was carried out every 15 days.

During the finishing period (30 days)  lambs of I and II experimental groups in addition to a pastoral forage received on 400 g grain and 200 g of bran of wheat, and control on 250 g grain and 200 g of bran of wheat.

Growth of lambs of I and II experimental groups in the course of fattening comes more intensively, than at lambs from control group. The average daily grain I and II experimented groups during the finishing period made respectively 193 and 210 g that on 46 and 63 g or for 31.6 and 42.8%. Than at contemporaries of the last group. Among experimented groups lambs II experimented group differed in higher intensity of growth (210 g against 193 g).

The pasture of lambs began very much early in 600-700 h. In the afternoon about 1100 pasture of lambs stopped to 15 h. Were on vacation under a shadow. After 1500 lambs were brought to a pasture and about 2100 h were grazed. Top dressing of lambs with the concentrated sterns was carried out in 1200 h and in the evening.

At control slaughter of lambs before statement on fattening with a perpetual live weight of 28.1 kg hulks with an average weight of 12.1 kg are received at an exit of 43.1%. The exit of internal fat made only 0.8% and considerably was below standard requirements of the meat industry (2%)(table 8)

Table 8: Results of control slaughter of lambs




At statement



Groups of lambs after a fattening
control I experimental II the experimental
Perpetual live weight, kg 28.1±0.54 35.5±0.65 37.1±0.66 38.5±0.70
Mass of meat, kg 12.1±0.44 15.9±0.50 17.2±0.52 18.3±0.54
Exit of meat, % 43.1 44.8 46.4 47.5
Including mass of a fat tail, kg 1.5±0.07


1.8±0.12 2.2±0.13 2.3±0.54
Exit of a fat tail,% 5.2 5.0 5.9 6.0
Mass of internal fat, kg 0.22±0.07 0.43±0.09 0.56±0.05 0.62±0.07
Exit of internal fat, % 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.6
Lethal weight, kg 12.12±0.40 16.33±0.55 17.7±0.54 18.82±0.56
Lethal exit, % 43.8 46.0 47.9 48.9
Mass of an offal, everything, kg 3.74±0.13 4.37±0.16 4.49±0.18 4.68±0.19
Exit of an offal, all % 13.3 12.3 12.1 11.9

In this regard indicators of lethal weight (12.2 kg) and a lethal exit (43,4%) were low.

Growth of mass of meat, especially internal fat in the course of fattening happens more intensively (in 1.38 – 1.52 and by 2.32 – 2.55 times), than live weight (by 1.30 – 1.38 times) and the mass of an offal (by 1.17 – 1.25 times) therefore an exit of meat, especially internal fat, considerably raise. During this period growth of mass of meat at lambs of experimental groups, especially II groups comes more intensively (in 1.43 and 1.51 times), than at contemporaries from control group therefore at lambs of the first groups an exit of meat at lambs of the first group was higher (46,4 – 47,5%), than at contemporaries from control group (44.8%).

At the fat-tailed of lambs from experimented groups, especially II more valuable in the food relation the maintenance of pulp I was higher (81,2 – 82,0%), and is opposite by lower than bones (18.2 – 18.8%), than at contemporaries from control group (80.7 and 19.3%).

In the course of a 60-day autumn fattening sub-standard Kazakh fat-tailed lambs at the expense of noticeable increase of standard and meat efficiency of lambs from each lamb on meat is got within 4788-6390 tenges of profit at profitability of 42.6-54%.

Fattening of experimented groups, especially II group on natural pastures with additional top dressing by fodder grain and bran of wheat, and also stimulated by an injection of SZhK was effective, profit was 892 higher also 1602 tenges, than at contemporaries from control group acquired on a pasture with top dressing by grain and bran of wheat.

Thus, 60-day autumn fattening of sub-standard (not well-fad) fat-tailed lambs after their depriving from ewes on natural pastures with additional top dressing by grain and bran of wheat and stimulation of growth of lambs by an injection of SZhK promoted completing the weight and an exit of meat according to 12.1 kg and 43.1% to 18.3 kg and 47.5%.


Fat-tailed ewes with intensively – black pigmentation of indumentums differs in high live weight (50,6±0,61) than analogs of normally – black (49.3±0.58) and weakened – black coloring (47.4±0.63).

At distribution of the fat-tailed females on constitution type depending on pigmentation it is established that level is observed by the highest at females with the strong constitution (from 67.9 to 76.4%) and low – at sheep of gentle type (from 1.6 to 30.3%).

Fat-tailed sheep from the high intensive – black pigmentation unlike normally – black and also weakened – black pigmentation were steadier to high and low fluctuation of temperature and kept constancy of physiological indicators on seasons of year. It indicates the high level of fitness of sheep with intensively – black degree of a wool cover to local conditions on comparison by animals with weakened – black pigmentation of indumentums.

When using the serum of foal mares (SZhK) on ewes of new Ordabasinsky fat-tailed coarse wool breed duration of heat of sheep increases in the first cycle depending on age (3.5-5.5 years) to subject 87.8-97.2% of ewes to artificial insemination and only on average 10.9% expected after application of a gonadotrophin with the heat comes to hunting in the following cycle of heat.

After application of SZhK on fat-tailed ewes (3.5 years) in the first day of an ovulation of 67.9%, the second day – 29.5% and the third day – 2.6% and with increase of age of ewes (3.5 till 5.5 years) a share of sheep of ovulated ewes in the first day raises with 67.9 to 77.9%.

At the superovulated ewes in connection with extension of duration of heat, allocation of an ekstrogen in blood amplifies.

Intensive 60-day autumn fattening of Kazakh coarse wool fat-tailed lambs with use of natural pastures with additional top dressing and stimulation of growth of lambs by an injection of SZhK(serum of foal mares) appeared an effective processing method of preparation the fat-tailed lambs on meat the weight and an exit of meat allowing to finish, according to 12.1 kg and 43.1% to 18.3 kg and 47.5% and to receive from 1 head of the lamb realized on meat 6390 tenge of profit at profitability of 54%.

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