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Naima B, Okkacha H. Anthropic Impact on Soil of the Chamaeropaie in Tlemcen Region (Western Algeria). Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(3).
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Anthropic Impact on Soil of the Chamaeropaie in Tlemcen Region (Western Algeria)

Brahimi Naima1 and Hasnaoui Okkacha1,2

1Laboratory of Ecology and management of natural ecosystems . University of Tlemcen , Algeria - Tlemcen.

2Faculty of Sciences -Department of Biology . University Dr Tahar Mouley- Saida.

Corresponding Author E-mail: brahiminaima26@yahoo.fr

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2281

ABSTRACT: Powerful environmental agent, man alters ecosystems and environments. Since the Neolithic he went through domestication, artificialization of the soil, construction of terraces on slopes, urbanization and overgrazing. The intervention of man and his cattle impacted unevenly media components of the environment but the most visible elements are biotic and among them the soil. This study reveals the extent of this intervention by the disturbance of the soil (compaction, erosion). The determination of the packed soils surface (in m2 ) and their weight (in kg) is based on using the profile method which consists in metric measurements on 10 points located in a path created by man and his flock on a distance of 100 m. The interpretation of results by the Anova 1 and the PCA has clarified the affinities that exist between, on one hand, the compacted soils of the different stations, and, on the other hand to highlight the anthropozoogenic impact on the soil of  Chamaeropaie.

KEYWORDS: Chamaeropaie; Compaction; Anthropic Action; Statistical Study; Tlemcen Mounts

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Naima B, Okkacha H. Anthropic Impact on Soil of the Chamaeropaie in Tlemcen Region (Western Algeria). Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(3).

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Naima B, Okkacha H. Anthropic Impact on Soil of the Chamaeropaie in Tlemcen Region (Western Algeria). Biotech Res Asia 2016;13(3). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=16058


Throughout its history, an ecological system undergoes a variety of disturbances at different spatial and temporal scales. This set, called “disturbance regime,” is characterized by the nature of phenomena (fire, grazing, plowing, etc.), their spatiotemporal frequencies, their intensity and their respective sizes [1]. Each component of the disturbance regime behaves in a clearly manner on communities and populations. The disturbance effect can also vary according to their dates of occurrence, their location, their predictability, and also to the local and regional disturbances history [2] [3].

Grazing, although ancestral, occurs with a frequency and an intensity which varies throughout the year, and between successive years. Thus, the vegetation does not suffer all the time the same pressures, it is than unpredictable and it affects the structure of plant communities, causing their partial destruction (reduction of biomass). When grazing pressure becomes too great and the harvesting of resources exceeds their renewal, grazing becomes harmful [4].

For rangelands, the surface conditions affected by grazing [5]-[9]. The physical effects of the grazing animal’s hooves can cause loss or mechanical damage to the vegetation and changes to the soil surface condition [10]-[12].  The hoof, of the animal in movement, exerts forces on the soil surface in three directions: a vertical component of the top-down (weight), a sagittal component from front to rear (propulsion) or conversely (braking) and a lateral component of the body towards the outside (balance). The amplitudes of these forces vary according to members, front or rear, and the nature of the movement (walking, trotting or cantering) [13]. This shows that an animal in motion can have two simultaneous actions on the soil: surface compaction and erosion of soil.

Several results are available throughout the world and show that the impact of grazing on the soil surface condition varies depending on the ecosystem characteristics (soil, climate, vegetation) and the type, intensity, timing and duration of grazing. In particular, the importance of the effects of trampling on the soil varies depending on animal charge [14], [15], soil type (texture, organic matter content and moisture) [16] [17], seasonal weather conditions [18] and the vegetation type [19] [6].

The works of Hasnaoui [20], Benabadji et al. [21], Merzouk [22] and Hachemi [23] show the impact of grazing on scrublands and steppes of Tlemcen region. The ecosystem of the west Algerian part undergoes an important stocking, and that is causing the soil structure disturbance.

Overgrazing from inappropriate management of pastoralism, mainly sheep and goat, upsets the fragility and potential of the natural resources. Grazing leads to soil compaction and erosion of its upper horizons.

The soils are mostly made up of little evolved soils, their surface particles are easily destabilized; they move on short distance and accumulate creating an effect of arenization.

Overgrazing also causes the plant cover loss and the floral heritage erosion and causes the loss of characteristic species perfectly adapted to the ecological factors by the transformation of the facies.

The Tlemcen scrublands region consists mainly of Chamaerops humilis (C.h), Calycotome intermedia, Asparagus acutifolius, etc. These ecosystems are used by farmers as grazing land. According to Hasnaoui [20], (C.h) dominated ecosystems are called Chamaeropaie; and they are generally rangelands.

This research aims to identify the effect that can cause livestock on soil structure of the west Algerian scrublands. This work, in which we are the forerunners, will help us identify the solutions to take for a sustainable development.

To approach the impact of the pastoral charge in the ecosystem dynamics is of great importance. In order to deepen the knowledge on the Chamaeropaie behavior, in view of anthropogenic pressures and to provide elements for solutions that help conserve natural resources, we conducted in-situ measurements on the behavior of soil undergoing the often too strong herd charge.

Anthropogenic impacts, related to the overgrazing, are shown by the trampling of the herbaceous layer, compaction and soil erosion. The latter can appear with the departure of soil fines due to the crumbling of the soil surface structure by the animals’ hooves.

The main objective of this study was to quantify soil compaction after pressures of anthropogenic order primarily related to pastoral overloads. To determine the impact of livestock on the soil behavior, sites parameters were measured and statistically processed.

Materials and methods

Geographical location and description of the study stations

The study focused on quantifying the soils compacted by animals. Field measurements were performed in December 2015.

Six Chamaeropaies locations were selected for this work (Table 1). They are characterized by an altitude ranging between 710m and 1180m, vegetation composed mainly of (C.h), Juniperus oxycedrus, Stipa tenacissima, Calycotome intermedia, Amepelodesma mauritanica, Thymus ciliatus, Asparagus acutifolius, Urginea maritima, Asphodelus microcarpus, and a mediterranean climate.

They are usually covered by a large herd consisting of cattle, sheep and goats (Table 2).

Table 1: Location of study sites (Wilaya of Tlemcen).

Location City/County Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) Bioclimatic level Main species Slope
FRAWNA Terny 34°47’N 01°24’W 1180 Semi -arid (C.h) , Ampelodesma mauritanica, Ammoïdes verticillata, Calycotome intermedia 10%
MAFROUCH Mansourah 34°50’N 01°17’W 1170 Semi -arid (C.h) , Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus,  Ammoïdes verticillata 12%
BOUDJMIL Beni Mester 34°52’N 01°23’W 820 Semi -arid (C.h) , Calycotome intermedia, Olea europea 10%
OUCHBA Chetouane 34°53’N 01° 15’W 710 Semi -arid (C.h) , Lavandula stoechas, Thymus ciliatus  Urginea maritima, Asphodelus microcarpus, Calycotome intermedia 15%
AIN FEZZA Aïn Fezza 34°52’N 01°14’W 860 Semi -arid (C.h) , Ampelodesma mauritanica, Asparagus acutifolius, Ceratonia  silica, Thymus ciliatus 25%
OUED LAKHDAR Oued Lahkdar 34°52’N 01°07’W 750 Semi -arid (C.h) , Juniperus oxycedrus, Stipa tenacissima, Calycotome intermedia,Olea europea,Ampelodesma mauritanica 25%

Table 2: Livestock (heads) in the studied stations.

Station Sheep Cattle Goats
FRAWNA 720 380 240
MAFROUCH 926 175 310
BOUDJMIL 409 350 83
OUCHBA 500-700 150 60
AIN FEZZA 5000 250 100
OUED LAKHDAR 4500 380 488

Source: Farm Subdivision, 2015.

Quantification of soil compacted

To determine the occurred soil changes, we follow an experimental protocol based on the profile method. The latter is to draw on the ground, using a marker, the limit of the path created by the herds in which we have a100 m length and on which we took 10 measurements (10 m spaced).

Parameters measured (photo.1):

– Major baseVol_13_no3_Anth_BRAH_forbetween two points of the line (in m)

– Minor Base Vol_13_no3_Anth_BRAH_for between two points (in m)

– Height compaction  Vol_13_no3_Anth_BRAH_for (in m)

 Figure 1: Soil compacted and naked between two clumps of (C.h) Figure 1: Soil compacted and naked between two clumps of (C.h)


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Statistical Study

It is based on Anova 1 and PCA methods. With Anova 1, the objective was to see the station effects on different measurements used and PCA enabled us to identify the relationship between observed parameters and to enhance the anthropozoogenic impact on the soil of Chamaeropaie.

Results and interpretations

The results obtained are shown in Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The processing of the results by Anova 1 with one factor using XLSTAT 2014 shows that the p-values ​​for all the variables measured are lower than the threshold α = 0.05 (PB = 0.0230; Pb = 0.0010; PH = 0.0393; PS = 0.0237; PMV = 0.0237). These results significantly reject the equality of means. We can say than that the station is of a significant effect on the variability of different parameters from one site to another.

In table 3 we have the Pearson correlations matrix. The latter shows the linear correlations of the variables taken two by two. We note that some correlations are very strong (r = 0.7171 (S / H and Mv / H) r = 0.9210 (B / b) and r = 1.0000 (Mv / S)), others are of average (r = 0.5659 (S / B and Mv / B) and r = -0.5150 (b / H)) and others rather low (r = 0.2201 (Mv / b) and r = -0.1463 (H / B)).

 Table 3: Pearson correlations matrix.

Variables B b H S Mv
B 1 0,9210 -0,1463 0,5659 0,5659
b 0,9210 1 -0,5150 0,2201 0,2201
H -0,1463 -0,5150 1 0,7171 0,7171
S 0,5659 0,2201 0,7171 1 1,0000
Mv 0,5659 0,2201 0,7171 1,0000 1

* (S): compacted soil area           *(Mv): compacted soil density

The average projection of the variables (B, b, H, S, Mv) in the correlation circle (Fig.2) shows the superposition of two variables S and Mv (strong correlation) and they are best represented in the axis1.

 Figure 2: Variables projection in the correlation circle Figure 2: Variables projection in the correlation circle


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The most distant points from the center are those which project the best in the factorial plane (Fig. 3). Note that the 1 axis between the two stations SA (Aïn Fezza) and SB (Boudjmil), is explained by the fact that SA station is the largest in the area from the point of view of compacted soil area (SSA = 0.0784 m2) and of the compacted soil density (MvSA = 141.12 Kg/linear meter (ml). According to the average of the surface and the density of the compacted soil, we can classify the stations in the following order: SA˃ SOL˃SF˃ SM˃SO˃SB.

 Figure 3: Stations projection plane in the factorial 1-2 axes system Figure 3: Stations projection plane in the factorial 1-2 axes system


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This difference between the study stations probably amounts to the lack of balance in the actual load herds (Table 2), taking into account the slope change from a station to another. It thus appears that the more the slope is significant (25%) the more compaction is important.

Figure 4: Variables projection in the correlation circle Figure 4: Variables projection in the correlation circle


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Herd composition shows a predominance of sheep, they occupy about 73% of the total. These results corroborate those of Benabadji et al. [21].These authors add that the investigation and field observations indicate a significant impact of grazing on soil. During the winter season, the passage of herds necessarily leads to a superficial soil compaction, the scale can vary according to the proportion of fines, in particular clays.

The gregarious behavior of these domestic animals (sheep, cattle and goats) increases the importance of levies on the herbaceous layer they use (overgrazing). This behavior increases the effects of trampling which devastate the vegetation. In addition to the intense grazing, the consecutive trampling due to the passage of an excessive number of animals bares the soil along the herds moving tracks. Similarly, Marion [24] reported that a high stress can limit the number of plant species while leading to a diversification of strategies to face this constraint.

The projected 60 observations are shown in Figure 5. We see that the first line F1 returns 62.24% of the inertia and the second axis F2 34.29%; with these two we than have 96.53% of the information, that is almost all.

 Figure 5: Projection plane of observations in the factorial 1-2 axes system Figure 5: Projection plane of observations in the factorial 1-2 axes system


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Note that two groups (1 and 2) are the best represented in the axis 1. The group 1 (Obs: 1, 5, 21, 22, 30 and 48) on the right, this is the only group with the most important values ​​in surface (m2) and density (kg/ml) of compacted soil (tables 4, 6and8). The variables S and Mv have a strong contribution to the similarity of observations (1, 5, 21, 22, 30 and 48). We deduce that this group represents compacted soils by cattle trampling, resulting in a more abundant runoff and significant erosion. On the left, group 2 (Obs: 3, 7, 9, 10, 13, 52, 54 and 56) is better represented on the negative side of the axis 1, since it has the lowest values ​​in S and Mv of the compacted soil (tables 4, 5 and 9) and these two variables also contribute greatly in the similarity of these observations.

Table 4: Différent parameters values – FRAWNA station

Station FRAWNA  (SF)
Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs1 1186 2,1 1,13 0,083 0,134 241,2
Obs 2 1185 1,11 0,55 0,123 0,102 183,6
Obs 3 1185 0,76 0,28 0,03 0,015 27
Obs 4 1186 1,12 0,52 0,1 0,068 122,4
Obs 5 1185 2,38 1,1 0,063 0,109 196,2
Obs 6 1182 0,83 0,25 0,1 0,054 97,2
Obs 7 1183 0,8 0,7 0,005 0,003 5,4
Obs 8 1184 1,74 0,83 0,03 0,038 68,4
Obs 9 1182 1,35 1,02 0,01 0,011 19,8
Obs 10 1190 0,6 0,49 0,015 0,008 14,4
Mean 1184,8 1,279 0,687 0,056 0,054 97,56


Table 5: Différent parameters values –  MAFROUCH  station

Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs 11 1150 1,52 0,57 0,073 0,076 136,8
Obs  12 1149 1,55 0,82 0,04 0,047 84,6
Obs 13 1149 0,8 0,65 0,005 0,003 5,4
Obs 14 1152 1,25 0,95 0,065 0,071 127,8
Obs  15 1152 1,13 0,57 0,075 0,063 113,4
Obs 16 1154 1,9 1,56 0,01 0,017 30,6
Obs 17 1151 1,08 0,78 0,04 0,037 66,6
Obs 18 1153 1,11 0,93 0,06 0,061 109,8
Obs 19 1153 1,95 1,1 0,015 0,022 39,6
Obs 20 1156 1,4 0,91 0,04 0,046 82,8
Mean 1191,9 1,369 0,884 0,042 0,044 79,74


Table 6: Différent parameters values – AIN FEZZA station

Station AIN FEZZA (SA)
Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs 21 846 2,46 1,56 0,075 0,15 270
Obs 22 840.5 2,06 1,16 0,075 0,12 216
Obs 23 837.5 0,79 0,66 0,035 0,025 45
Obs 24 834.5 1,62 1,17 0,025 0,034 61,2
Obs 25 833.2 1,82 1,25 0,065 0,099 178,2
Obs 26 834.5 1,97 1,46 0,03 0,051 91,8
Obs 27 834.7 2,65 1,77 0,05 0,11 198
Obs 28 836.3 1,15 0,62 0,025 0,022 39,6
Obs 29 836.3 2,33 2,13 0,02 0,044 79,2
Obs 30 839.6 2,1 1,6 0,07 0,129 232,2
Mean 837 1,895 1,338 0,047 0,078 141,1

Observation 2 is best represented in the axis 2. It presents the most important value in minor base (b = 2.13m) compared to the other two stations (Frawna and Oued Lakhdar).

The statistical processing shows that the action of some herds is obvious in the various stations. Once the vegetation cover degraded, biomass reduces and the litter disappears in passing herds, runoff on these tracks leads to erosion rill, compaction and stripping of the topsoil between the shrubs clumps and chamaephytes.

Table 7: Différent parameters values – OUCHBA  station

Station OUCHBA (SO)
Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs 31 710 1,2 0,95 0,033 0,035 63
Obs32 710.5 1,83 1,09 0,02 0,029 52,2
Obs 33 710.2 0,97 0,65 0,025 0,02 36
Obs 34 708 2,1 1,8 0,035 0,068 122,4
Obs 35 706.5 1,92 1,45 0,015 0,025 45
Obs 36 708.1 1,02 0,92 0,005 0,004 7,2
Obs 37 710 2,12 1,95 0,03 0,061 109,8
Obs 38 707 1,52 1,12 0,015 0,019 34,2
Obs 39 707.5 1,57 0,87 0,045 0,054 97,2
Obs 40 708.1 2,13 1,85 0,01 0,019 34,2
Mean 708 1,638 1,265 0,023 0,033 60,12


Table 8: Différent parameters values – OUED LAKHDAR station

Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs 41 755.1 1,45 0,9 0,06 0,07 126
Obs 42 752.7 1,22 0,62 0,025 0,023 41,4
Obs 43 752.3 2,37 1,52 0,045 0,087 156,6
Obs 44 751.9 1,46 0,88 0,05 0,058 104,4
Obs 45 753.9 0,93 0,43 0,05 0,034 61,2
Obs 46 755.1 1,26 0,66 0,055 0,052 93,6
Obs 47 752.9 0,94 0,52 0,045 0,032 57,6
Obs 48 745.8 1,82 1,12 0,075 0,11 198
Obs 49 749.6 1,17 0,77 0,06 0,058 104,4
Obs 50 757.3 0,84 0,47 0,075 0,049 88,2
Mean 752 1,346 0,789 0,054 0,057 103,1

According to Gunnell [25], the stress to which plants are subjected by overgrazing is linked to consuming prior to grains; some Poaceae species deteriorate in favor of short-cycle species, causing a biological impoverishment and loss of biodiversity.

Table 9: Différent parameters values –  BOUDJMIL station

Profile Altitude B (m) b (m) H (m) S (m2) Mv(Kg/ml)
Obs 51 808.3 0,95 0,43 0,07 0,048 86,4
Obs 52 807.2 0,8 0,52 0,005 0,003 5,4
Obs 53 806.8 1,08 0,6 0,05 0,042 75,6
Obs 54 807.3 1,2 1,05 0,003 0,003 5,4
Obs 55 808.6 1,55 0,92 0,045 0,055 99
Obs 56 807.2 1,3 1,02 0,005 0,005 9
Obs 57 804.5 1,07 0,95 0,015 0,015 27
Obs 58 804 1,95 1,68 0,015 0,027 48,6
Obs 59 805.5 1,25 0,85 0,05 0,052 93,6
Obs 60 807.5 1,2 0,87 0,045 0,046 82,8
Mean 806 1,235 0,889 0,03 0,03 53,28

When land degradation is driven by overgrazing, there are only dwarf palms (C.h), cistus, thorny, broom and various non-palatable grasses. Sabir and Roose [26] consider that if scrublands are dense and closed for protection, they protect the soil against rainfall energy almost as well as the forest.


The repeated passage of herds exposes the soil to compaction phenomenon. This phenomenon has been studied by several measurements to determine the surface and the density of anthropized soils (compacted). The use of statistical tests (ANOVA 1, PCA) showed highly significant correlations between the surface and the density of the soil compacted (r = 1.000).

The more the surface of compacted soil increases, more the density of the compacted soil increases and only these two parameters have a significant contribution in the explanation of the phenomenon of compaction from one station to the other according to the correlation circle.

From this we have three groups:

1- Soil with high exposure to the phenomenon of compaction; it is the case in Aïn Fezza station.
2- Soil moderately exposed to the phenomenon of compaction; it is the case of Oued Lakhdar, Frawna, Mafrouch and Ouchba stations.

3- Soil with low exposure to the phenomenon of compaction and shown only by the Boudjmil station.

This difference is explained by the uneven loads of herds in the studied stations.
In this situation of soil compaction, water infiltration capacity is reduced which increases runoff during rainfalls. Unfortunately, the vegetation potential is constantly threatened by erosion which impact is even stronger than the soils are sloping and are not stabilized by vegetation, which, less supplied with water, becomes sparse then disappears; and then, flora is impoverished, the biomass production decreases.

A solution to this environmental degradation is a sustainable pastoralism based on a Chamaeropaie regulation course.


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