Volume 16, number 2
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Arif M, Gandotra R, Choudhary N, Sharma D, Lone A, Dogra A. Study on Distribution and Abundance of Indigenous Ornamental Fishes from Water Bodies of Jammu (J and K). Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2019;16(2).
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Study on Distribution and Abundance of Indigenous Ornamental Fishes from Water Bodies of Jammu (J and K)

Mohd Arif*, Roopma Gandotra, Neha Choudhary, Dheeraj Sharma, Aaqib Loneand Aayushi Dogra

Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu, 180006- India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: arif.nss.ju@gmail.com

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2763

ABSTRACT: Jammu division of Jammu and Kashmir is a region of high biological diversity and endemicity of fish fauna, but very little is known about the distribution of  freshwater indigenous ornamental fish. The study was carried out across the tributaries of three rivers viz., Chenab, Tawi and Basantar to study the diversity of ornamental fish. Regular collection trips were carried out at 13 different stations for a period of one year from December 2017 to December 2018  and a total of 30 species were reported belonging to 8 families and 18 genera. In all the study stations Cyprinidae family was found to be most prevalent (85%) and Osphronemidae (1%) was the least. The present work is a preliminary study on the distribution and abundance of ornamental fishes from freshwater bodies of Jammu.

KEYWORDS: Cyprinidae; Indigenous; Ornamental; Osphronemidae

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Arif M, Gandotra R, Choudhary N, Sharma D, Lone A, Dogra A. Study on Distribution and Abundance of Indigenous Ornamental Fishes from Water Bodies of Jammu (J and K). Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2019;16(2).

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Arif M, Gandotra R, Choudhary N, Sharma D, Lone A, Dogra A. Study on Distribution and Abundance of Indigenous Ornamental Fishes from Water Bodies of Jammu (J and K). Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2019;16(2). Available from: https://bit.ly/2YXxXV1


Ornamental fishes conventionally include the attractive colourful fishes of diverse characteristics which are kept in home aquariums and have asthetic value hence popularly known as ‘Aquarium fishes’. These living jewels need not always have bright colours as sometimes their curious characteristics such as morphology, colour combinations, innumerable fin structures, mode of taking food and preying habit may also add to their attractiveness and which also made them objects of considerable aesthetic value. Not only this, ornamental fishes categorized as small indigenous species (SIS), play an important part in the diet as a source of vitamin A and minerals (calcium, iron, zinc and other micronutrients) which are vital for healthy growth and development of lactating mother.

Attempt to assess the Indian freshwater fishes for conservation was made by NBFGR which enlisted 2610 species of fin fishes from different aquatic ecosystems of the country, inhabiting marine, brackish and freshwaters of which 291 species of fishes are exotic. India also possesses a rich diversity of colorful ornamental fishes with over 100 varieties of indigenous species. However, 85% of the different  ornamental fishes exported out of the country are wild collections made from the various  rivers and streams while remaining 15% are exotic fishes (Kurup et al., 2003 and Swain et. al, 2008).

Fish fauna of various lotic  water bodies of Jammu region has earlier been described by Das and Nath (1965, 1966 and 1971 ), Malhotra et al.  (1975),  Malhotra and  Jyoti (1971), Malhotra and Dutta (1976), Tilak (1971), Sharma and Sharma (1973 and 1974), Joshi et al. (1978), Jyoti and Gupta (1978), Dutta (2003 and 2012), Dutta et al. (2001a, 2002a,b, 2003 and 2006) Dutta and Malhotra (1984), Dutta and Kour (1999, 2005 and 2006), Dutta and Fayaz (2003), Sharma and Dutta (2012) Khajuria and Langer 2016, Sharma et al. (2016) and Mohan et al. (2013). However, there is no detailed information about the ornamental fish fauna of various water bodies of Jammu. Hence an attempt was made to study the freshwater ornamental fish diversity of Jammu adding to the knowledge of the farmers undertaking fish stocking programmes in various water bodies of Jammu.

Materials and Method

Study Area

Random and regular field surveys were carried out at thirteen lotic water bodies located in the Jammu Division of Jammu and Kashmir, India for a period of one year from December 2017 to December 2018.

viz., Station 1 (Jhajjar Kotli) 32°53ˈ N latitude and 74°57ˈ E longitude.

Station II (Nagrota) 32°47ˈ N latitude and 74°55ˈ E longitude.

Station III (Sidhra) 32°77ˈN latitude and 74°57ˈ E longitude.

Station IV (Gujjar Nagar) 32°43ˈ N latitude and 74°52ˈ E longitude.

Station V (Mandal) 32°67ˈ latitude and 74° 74ˈ longitude.

Station VI (Phallian) 32°70ˈ N latitude and  74° 79ˈE longitude.

Station VII (Gho-Manhasan) 30° 67ˈN latitude and 74° 79ˈE longitude.

Station VIII (Gajansu) 32°90ˈN latitude and 74° 82ˈ E longitude.

Station IX (Chakrali) 30°68ˈN latitude and 74° 80ˈ longitude.

Station X (Sehi) 32°30ˈN latitude and 74° 43ˈ E longitude.

Station XI (Bishnah) 32°59ˈN latitude and 74° 84ˈE longitude.

Station XII (Arnia) 32°50ˈN latitude and 74° 77ˈE longitude.

Station XIII (Chadwal) 32°77ˈN latitude and 74° 89ˈ E longitude.

Figure 1: Map showing Various Study Station. Figure 1: Map showing Various Study Station.


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Identification of the Fishes

Fishes were collected from lotic water bodies of Jammu region using different types of nets namely gill net, cast net and drag net. The ornamental fishes were categorized based on the characteristics like colorations, body shapes, banding patterns, fin structure, transparency and preying habits. The fish fauna were identified using the reference works of Talwar & Jhingran (1991), Jayaram (1999) the confirmation of the same was done at FBRC ZSI Hyderabad.

Biodiversity Parameters

Fish species diversity was subjected to diversity analysis using indices like species richness.

(S = number of species); Shannon – weiner diversity Index (1949); Simpson’s Index (Simpson 1949); Species Dominance Index (Berger and Parker 1970); Margalef Index and Perilous Evenness (Pielou 1966).

Shannon-Weiner Index

H=S/1 = 1 [Σ (Pi) (Log2Pi)]


H = Shannon-Weaver index

Σ represents a capital epsilon

S= number of species, pi= proportion of individuals of the total sample belonging to thei species calculated as ni/N for each I th species with ni being the number in species I and N, the number of individuals in the sample.

Simpson Diversity Index


D2= Σ (nj/n) (n – nj/n – I)


Where, nj = number of individuals of the jth species in the sample

n= Σ nj = total number of individuals

jSn = number of species in the sample

Margalef’s Richness Index


Measurement of species richness Margalef’s index was used as a simple measure of species richness (Margalef, 1958).

S = total number of species

N = total number of individuals in the sample

Iog = natural logarithm


For calculating the evenness of species, the Pielou’s Evenness Index (e) was used (Pielou, 1966).

e = H / Iog S

H = Shannon – Wiener diversity index

S = total number of species in the sample

Results and Discussion

The survey of thirteen stations of Jammu division revealed the presence of 30 ornamental fish species belonging to 8 families and 18 genera. In all the study stations, Cyprinidae family was found to be dominant with highest percentage occurance (85%) followed by family Bagaridae (11%), Channidae (10%), Mastacembelidae (10%), Neamchilidae (4%), Heteropneustidae (3%), Badidae (1%), and Osphronemidae (1%).

Diversity indices (Table 3) showed the Shannon-Weaver (Hmax.) highest at Station-13 (2.689) and lowest at Station-3 (1.385). The Simpson indices were highest at Station-13 (0.9181) and lowest at the Station-8 (0.8028) but the species dominance was high at Station -3(0.3144) and lowest at Station 13(0.0818). The Evenness values were recorded high at Station-10 (0.9531) and lowest at Station-4(0.601). The Marglef”s richness index value was found highest at Station-9 (2.871) and lowest at Station-8 (0.9779). The diversity indices of all the 13 study Stations during present study shows variability at all the study stations. From the above statistical indices applied, it can be concluded that there is variation among the diversity values from all the indices. This can be attributed to fluctuations in the abiotic factors like topography, pH, substratum, pollution and biotic factors like feeding habits of the fish and various anthropogenic activities. Present conclusion are in line with other workers who also correlate rich diversity in rivers with better food availability, breeding sites and water depth (Marais,1988; Welcomme,1985; Hina,2010; Khajuria et al., 2013; Andotra, 2014; Samal et al., 2016).

Graph 1: Showing the family wise ornamental fish species at different Stations, their total number along with their percentage occurrance in lotic water bodies of Jammu region. Graph 1: Showing the family wise ornamental fish species at different Stations, their total number along with their percentage occurrance in lotic water bodies of Jammu region.


Click here to view graph

Table 1: Showing the fish diversity at different study stations of Jammu viz.,

Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Salmostoma bacaila (Ham. Buch.) + + + +
 Salmostoma panjabiensis (Ham. Buch.) + + + +
Aspidoparia morar (Ham. Buch.) + +++ + + +++ +
Barilius vagra (Ham. Buch.) + + +++ + +++ +++ +
B. bendelisis (Ham. Buch.) + + +++ + +++ +++ +
Rasbora rasbora (Ham. Buch.) + + +
 Esomus danricus (Ham. Buch.) _ _ +
Danio devario (Ham. Buch.) +++ + +++ + ++
Chela cahius ++ + + +
C.laubuca + + +
Tor tor (Ham. Buch.) + + +
T. putitora (Ham. Buch.) + + + + + +
Puntius sophore (Ham. Buch.) + + +
P. chola (Ham. Buch.) + +
 P. ticto (Ham. Buch.) + + + + +++ + + +++ +++ +
 P. conchonius (Ham. Buch.) + + + +++ + + +++ +++ +
P.sarana (Ham. Buch.) +++ +++ +++ +
Crossocheilus latius + + + + + + +
Nemacheilus botia (Ham.) + + + + +
Mystus seenghala (Sykes) + + + + + +
 Mystus bleekeri (Day) + + +
Heteropneustes fossilis + + +
Xenentodon cancilia (Ham. Buch.) +
Mastacembelus armatus (Lac.) + + +
Macrognathus pancalus (Ham. Buch.) + + + +
Channa punctatus (Bloch.) + + + + +
C. striatus (Schneider) +
C.maruilius + + + +
Badis badis +
Trichogaster fasciatus + + +

Table 2: Showing the fish diversity indices of  13 different lotic water bodies of Jammu.

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9 Site 10 Site 11 Site 12 Site 13
Taxa_S 6 10 6 14 6 7 10 7 18 7 10 9 18
Individuals 119 310 791 530 83 109 679 462 373 201 686 309 396
Dominance D 0.2355 0.1635 0.3144 0.1655 0.2333 0.1864 0.168 0.1972 0.09324 0.1569 0.2055 0.1259 0.0818
Simpson 1-D 0.7645 0.8365 0.6856 0.8345 0.7667 0.8136 0.832 0.8028 0.9068 0.8431 0.7945 0.8741 0.9181
Shannon H 1.603 1.993 1.385 2.13 1.60 1.803 1.98 1.76 2.609 1.89 1.86 2.13 2.689
Evenness e 0.8276 0.7339 0.6661 0.601 0.8253 0.8673 0.7303 0.833 0.7549 0.9531 0.6447 0.9351 0.8175
Margalef’s Richness Index d 1.046 1.569 0.7493 2.072 1.132 1.279 1.38 0.9779 2.871 1.131 1.378 1.395 2.842


Figure 2: Showing the fish diversity indices of 13 different lotic water bodies of Jammu. Figure 2: Showing the fish diversity indices of 13 different lotic water bodies of Jammu.


Click here to view figure


The detailed survey of water bodies of Jammu region disclosed the presence of 30  ornamental fish species which not only serve decorative purpose but also are exploited for food value. These fishes has the great potential for commercial trading which inturn will help to improve the economic status of local population of Jammu region. It is thus necessary on the part of State government and local people to make contribution  towards conservation of  the natural habitat of these fishes.


The authors  are greatly indebted to the Head, Department of  Zoology, University of Jammu for providing the facilities to carry out the research work.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest.

Funding Source

The corresponding author is indebted to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for finacial support (NFHE-ST) to carry out the research work.


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