Volume 18, number 3
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Kumar O, Keerthana G, Arun A. B, Joliholi A, Ravi L. Construction of 3D Model of Protein Drug Targets for Renibacterium Salmoninarum - a Bacterial Pathogen Causing Bacterial Kidney Disease in Young Salmonid Fish. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2021;18(3).
Manuscript received on : 23-06-2021
Manuscript accepted on : 25-10-2021
Published online on:  28-10-2021

Plagiarism Check: Yes

Reviewed by: Dr. Salim Albukhaty

Second Review by: Dr. Vaishnavi Babu

Final Approval by: Dr Jahwarhar Izuan Bin Abdul Rashid

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Construction of 3D Model of Protein Drug Targets for Renibacterium Salmoninarum - a Bacterial Pathogen Causing Bacterial Kidney Disease in Young Salmonid Fish

Om Kumar , Keerthana G<, Ashitha B Arun , Ananya Joliholi and Lokesh Ravi*

Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: lokesh.ravi@sjc.ac.in

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/2943


The aim of this study is to construct 3D models of potential drug targets for the Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) causing pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum. The bacterial pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum was selected for homology modeling studies since there were no known protein structures of the organism reported in the NCBI database. The reported protein sequences were run through DrugBank to pick out drug-targets. Online databases and web tools such as PMDB, UniProt, Drug Bank, and SwissModel were employed in this analysis. An aggregate of 412 protein sequences were identified as potential drug targets and were retrieved from the UniProt. Homology models of the protein sequences were constructed using the SwissModel database for all 412 proteins. These were then refined through a protein blast and Ramachandran plot analysis. Out of the 412 constructed models, 143 models were of reliable quality. These were then submitted to the PMDB database for further reference. To demonstrate the application of these constructed models, protein-ligand docking analysis using Auto Dock Vina was performed. Among the antibiotics that were tested against their known drug targets, trimethoprim demonstrated significant potential for the inhibition of R. salmoninarum’s dihydrofolate reductase protein, with a binding energy of -9.06 Kcal/mol and with the formation of 3 hydrogen bonds. Therefore through protein-ligand docking studies and the construction of 3D models of protein drug targets, Trimethoprim is proposed as a solution to the Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) problem in salmonid fishes. Further in-vitro evidences are in demand to prove this hypothesis.

KEYWORDS: Bacterial Kidney Disease; Homology Modelling; Protein Drug Targets; Protein Model Database; Renibacterium salmoninarum

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Kumar O, Keerthana G, Arun A. B, Joliholi A, Ravi L. Construction of 3D Model of Protein Drug Targets for Renibacterium Salmoninarum - a Bacterial Pathogen Causing Bacterial Kidney Disease in Young Salmonid Fish. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2021;18(3).

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Kumar O, Keerthana G, Arun A. B, Joliholi A, Ravi L. Construction of 3D Model of Protein Drug Targets for Renibacterium Salmoninarum - a Bacterial Pathogen Causing Bacterial Kidney Disease in Young Salmonid Fish. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2021;18(3). Available from: https://bit.ly/3pJWKfH


Salmon is the common name used to refer to the various species of the Salmonidae family. There are nine commercially important species of salmon and these are widespread across the world. Most are found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, contributing significantly to the economic and cultural value of the nations situated near these oceans. For example, Rawas, also known as the Indian salmon, the only species that can be found in India, (and primarily spotted in the waters of the Indian states of Gujarat and Maharashtra) is a huge contributor to the income generated here. In 2010, the harvesting, processing, and retailing of the Bristol Bay Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) created $1.5 billion in sales value across the United States.1 Norway is thought to be the largest contributor to the Atlantic Salmon Industry. The country accounted for a total of 63% (2.3 million tonnes) of the total production of Salmon in 2016.

Farmed salmon is now a global commodity which has seen an exponential rise in various markets.2 Salmon aquaculture has expanded rapidly within the last two decades. It is predicted that salmon aquaculture will continue to expand in order to meet growing seafood demand, since wild capture fisheries have stagnated in terms of production. In Norway, this is a government backed industry with high levels of innovation.3 The production of the farmed species of salmon is restricted to a few countries like Norway, Chile, the UK and Canada. Nevertheless, this contributes a whopping 85% to worldwide production. Salmon aquaculture is responsible for 15% of the United Kingdom’s agricultural economy.

Salmon fishes are a favourite with culinary chefs, and are liked for their orange-coloured meat. The meat is believed to have several health benefits, including reducing obesity, making it extremely valuable as seafood.

Renibacterium salmoninarum is responsible for causing disease in young Salmonid fish. The infection is commonly known as Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD), Dee Disease, White Boil Disease or the Corynebacterial Kidney Disease. It is of substantial ecological importance due to its effect on both farmed and wild Salmonids.  It was first described under the name of Dee disease (1930), and was identified in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) species in Scotland. A gram positive diplobacillus bacterium that did not grow on any available media was recognized in the kidneys of the diseased fish. This pathogen was found to be exclusive to Salmonids. Ordal and Earp initially cultured the bacteria and identified it as a species of Corynebacterium based on its morphological appearance. Smith concluded that the Dee disease of salmonids in Scotland and the Bacterial Kidney Disease were caused by the same bacterium. 4, 5

Government agencies for statutory fish health programmes in the UK (FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen and Cefas, Weymouth) participated in a comparative study for the detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum. FRS conducted additional tests – Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFAT), Gram staining of tissue sections and H&E, a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay, to detect the elongation factor alpha 1 (ELF) gene of salmonids as well as the Msa2 genes of R. salmoninarum. Isolation using Mueller Hinton with added cysteine (MHCA) resulted in the fish testing to be culture positive. 6

Renibacterium salmoninarum is an intracellular pathogen which multiplies within phagocytes. It is slow growing and is described as a coherent genus. The properties associated with the cell envelope demonstrate the intracellular survival and multiplication characteristics in phagocytic cells.

The cell surface hydrophobicity of R. salmoninarum strains, examined using a salt aggregation method showed the strains to be sticky, auto-agglutinating, and were found to possess a hydrophobic cell surface. Strains with low virulence were found to be non-agglutinating and non-sticky. The adherence of the bacteria to host tissues plays a significant role in their ability to colonize and cause infection.7

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a sessile, strongly Gram-positive, non acid fast, non spore forming, rod shaped bacterium that usually occurs in pairs (diplococcus). It is approximately 0.3-1.0 µm × 1.0-1.5 µm in length.8  A slow growing organism, it is one of the earliest known bacterial pathogens of fish (especially salmonids). It is a facultative intracellular parasite, and because of this intracellular nature of infection, the bacterium has the ability to evade the immune response of the host. This makes BKD an especially challenging disease to control.9

The cell wall of R. salmoninarum is composed primarily of peptidoglycan. The major sugar component is galactose, in addition to N-acetylfucosamine, rhamnose and N-acetylglucosamine. Major amino acids present are alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, and glycine, where the third position of the peptide subunit of the peptidoglycan contains lysine. There is an interpeptide bridge between the lysine and the D-alanine of adjacent peptide subunits that is composed of glycylalanine.

R. salmoninarum is very similar to the Coryneform group of bacteria.8,10 The bacterium lives inside the pronephric kidneys of salmonid fish. It spreads in two ways – vertically inside the ova, and horizontally in shared water between cohabiting fish. A general consensus is that R. salmoninarum has co-evolved along with its host, the salmonids.10,11 Diagnostic tools for BKD are PCRs, especially real time quantitative PCRs (RT qPCRs).11

Control of infection of R. salmoninarum is an arduous process since there are no vaccines available that are sufficiently effective. Antibiotic resistance is also a significant complication with this pathogen. 9,12

In spite of being a potent pathogen causing significant economic damage to the fish industry, specifically to salmon and trout8, very little information is available about this bacterial pathogen. It has been studied very little mainly due to the punctilious and slow growing nature of the disease. This makes researching R. salmoninarum difficult. A more thorough study of R. salmoninarum remains necessary to combat the evasive Bacterial Kidney Disease.

Homology Modelling is a computational technique that predicts the structure of a protein sequence by comparing it to the structure of a homologous protein sequence, on the basis of degree of similarity. In this study, the 3D structures of the proteins of Renibacterium  salmoninarum were developed using the technique of homology modelling. The protein structures are essential in order to design and develop drugs that can be used to curb the spread of this disease. The lack of availability of protein structures has hindered the understanding of binding specificities of proteins and ligands, which are prerequisites for drug design and development13,14. Well Established and recognized databases and tools were utilized for computing structures of potential drug target proteins. This data is important to curb the spread of this disease and also reduce the financial burdens incurred on the fisheries and the pisciculture industry on account of this disease. Homology modelling was carried out using preexisting FASTA format sequences of the proteins involved, along with similar preexisting templates that closely resembled the query sequence, in order to predict the structure of the proteins. It is absolutely necessary for the protein sequences to be available in order to understand the binding specificities of the protein and ligand to yield higher amounts of drugs to curb the spread of the disease. The structures developed in this study can be further exploited to develop drugs, which will be a boon to the fisheries involved in the rearing of salmonoid fishes13.

Materials and Methods

NCBI Database

The pre-existing information available on the organism was extracted from the NCBI database. The database compiles data about the organism from multiple databases (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).

Sequence Retrieval

The amino acid sequences required for this study were collected from the Uniprot Knowledge Database. The database is centralized, reliable and publicly accessible. The sequences with the best match were sorted based on the length of the amino acid chain. The required amino acid chain files were downloaded in the FASTA file format. The downloaded sequences were then saved with their respective accession IDs. This was for enabling easier accessibility in the future. The database can be accessed at: www.uniprot.org.

Sequence Alignment

The UNIPROT database enabled the compilation of amino acid sequences. The sequences were compared using the BLASTp server. This permits the comparison of the query sequence (also known as the amino acid sequence) with pre-existing protein sequences in the Protein Data Bank (for gauging percentage similarity). The first BLAST was performed for getting values similar to that of the pre-existing sequences of the non-redundant database. This was followed by a second BLAST which was conducted to obtain similar values with the sequences present in the Protein Data Bank (www.rcsb.org). The percentage of similarity was documented for further reference.

Structure Prediction

The Homology modelling technique was performed using the SWISS MODEL tool (https://swissmodel.expasy.org/). This online tool helped predict the three-dimensional structures of the selected drug-target proteins. The respective amino acid sequences of the proteins, as well as the templates available in the protein data bank were used to predict the 3D structure of the protein. The sequences obtained from UNIPROT were uploaded as FASTA files and the output (3D structures) were stored in PDB format. The availability and percentage similarity of the templates were the important factors that influenced the developed models. Ramachandran plots were used to analyze the structures. These are graphical plots that help in confirming the predicted structure’s accuracy. The most accurate of models were downloaded in PDB format.

Model Analysis

Qualitative analysis of the accuracy of the predicted model was conducted using the built-in Ramachandran plot feature in SWISSMODEL. It was expected that the degree angles of all the residues would be found within the Most Favored regions of the Ramachandran plot, as this is what determines the quality of the predicted structure. The residues that were observed outside of this favored region were considered to be unfavorable. These outliers affected the confidence score of the predicted model.

Model Submission

The 3D models of the proteins that exhibited good quality Ramachandran plot (confidence score) were submitted to the Protein Model Database (PMDB) (http://srv00.recas.ba.infn.it/PMDB/). The Protein Model Database is a resource that harbors manually built protein models that have been published in research based journals. All the models were uploaded in pdb file format and each entry was given a unique PMDB ID for future reference.

Results and Discussion

Pathogen and Drug Target Selection

The pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum was identified as a potential target for homology modeling studies since there were no known protein structures of the organism present in the NCBI database (although there were 1309 reported protein sequences available). Thus, R. salmoninarum was ideal for computational protein model creation. Among the 1309 protein sequences, non-enzymatic proteins, subunits as well as duplicates were eliminated, leaving a final count of 1249 proteins. These 1249 proteins were then verified on the DrugBank website (www.drugbank.ca) in order to check if these were potential drug targets. Among the 1249 proteins, a total of 412 protein sequences were identified as drug targets. Homology model construction was carried out for these 412 protein sequences. Many similar studies have seen a rise due to the coronavirus outbreak, homology modelling and molecular docking have been key in identifying drug targets and potential medicines. A homology modelling study of TMPRSS2( spike entry priming) was done using a similar pathway.

Constructing Homology Models

The 412 selected protein sequences were retrieved from the UniProt database (www.uniprot.org) and were stored in the FASTA file format (. fasta). These sequences were then subjected to a BLASTp (also called as Protein Blast) (https://www.blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) to find within the PDB website (www.rcsb.org), suitable templates for homology modelling for the protein structures that had more than 80% similarity match. All of the 412 sequences showed a match of greater than 80% with the available crystal structures in the PDB website. Therefore, all the 412 sequences were subjected to computational homology modelling using SWISS Model (https://swissmodel.expasy.org/).  The tool created different models for each protein sequence. Among the created protein sequences modelled, the optimal model was selected using the Ramachandran plot analysis.

Ramachandran Plot Analysis

Ramachandran plot analysis was carried out on all the protein sequence models constructed using SWISSModel, via inbuilt options in the website. The protein models which portrayed more than 95% of residues in the favoured regions of the Ramachandran plot were considered to be eligible for structural application. Among the 412 constructed proteins, 143 protein models contained more than 95% of residues in the Ramachandran favoured region and were thus considered for further applications. Fig.1 shows the graphical representation of the most preferred protein model with 100% score in the favoured region and a least preferred model with 80% score within the favoured region.

Vol18No3_Con_Lok_fig1 Figure 1: Ramachandran plot analysis for the created protein models. A: Most preferred protein model with 100% score in the favoured region; B: Lesserpreferred protein model with 80% score in the favoured region.

Click here to view figure

PMBD ID Submission

Constructed protein models of all the 143 proteins were then submitted to a public database (PMDB) (http://srv00.recas.ba.infn.it/PMDB/) for public access. A catalogue of the constructed protein models that were submitted to the PMDB database is listed in Table.1. This allows researchers working in this field of study to retrieve and execute further structural bioinformatics analyses specific to this pathogen.

Table 1: PMDB entries for Renibacterium salmoninarum. The following drug targets and their respective UniProt Ids, the Ramachandran favoured region and the PMDB IDs have been used in this study to determine the potential drug targets for R. salmoninarum. The Ramachandran scores above 95% were considered to obtain the potential structure of proteins.

Sl. No. Drug Target Name UniProt ID Ramachandran Favourable Region PMDB ID
1 DHNA-CoA synthase A9WLY2 95.96% PM0083536
2 DXP reductoisomerase A9WML8 95.49% PM0083539
3 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase A9WTJ3 96.76% PM0083543
4 BPG-dependent PGAM A9WSB8 97.00% PM0083530
5 2,5-diketo-D-gluconic acid reductase A9WQX7 95.27% PM0083548
6 MECDP-synthase A9WLY3 96.54% PM0083556
7 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase A9WLY2 96.32% PM0083557
8 2-isopropylmalate synthase A9WML8 95.80% PM0083559
9 3-dehydroquinase A9WTJ3 97.65% PM0083560
10 3-dehydroquinate synthase A9WSB8 95.34% PM0083564
11 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase A9WQX7 96.10% PM0083565
12 Ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase A9WS61 95.38% PM0083567
13 HMBPP reductase A9WPD7 96.38% PM0083586
14 HTPA reductase A9WQ18 96.28% PM0083591
15 HTPA synthase A9WNM3 95.76% PM0083593
16 DMRL synthase A9WR65 96.34% PM0083596
17 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase A9WV17 95.97% PM0083597
18 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase A9WSQ3 95.17% PM0083598
19 Adenosylhomocysteinase A9WU61 96.19% PM0083599
20 Adenylate kinase A9WST7 97.86% PM0083600
21 Adenylosuccinate synthetase A9WV79 96.69% PM0083605
22 Aldo/keto reductase A9WQQ7 96.21% PM0083606
23 Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase A9WST4 96.23% PM0083608
24 Amino acid transporter A9WNN1 95.42% PM0083610
25 Ammonium transporter A9WP34 95.55% PM0083612
26 Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase A9WR05 96.02% PM0083614
27 Argininosuccinate synthase A9WQ90 96.82% PM0083616
28 Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase A9WNH0 95.58% PM0083618
29 Aspartate–tRNA(Asp/Asn) ligase A9WSD4 97.22% PM0083620
30 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase A9WR63 98.56% PM0083622
31 ATP-dependent dethiobiotin synthetase A9WL42 96.13% PM0083623
32 ATP-dependent RNA helicase A9WPJ4 95.90% PM0083625
33 ATP-dependent RNA helicase A9WNH6 96.08% PM0083629
34 Bacterial regulatory protein A9WTC5 96.49% PM0083631
35 Beta-thionase A9WQJ7 95.36% PM0083632
36 Bifunctional protein A9WU39 96.16% PM0083633
37 Bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein A9WLT2 96.24% PM0083635
38 Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase A9WNW7 95.43% PM0083637
39 Carbonic anhydrase A9WME9 96.56% PM0083642
40 Chaperone protein A9WQP7 100.00% PM0083705
41 Chitosanase A9WUI6 96.17% PM0083708
42 Chorismate mutase A9WMQ5 100.00% PM0083966
43 Chorismate synthase A9WSC0 96.93% PM0083710
44 Citrate synthase A9WQB8 96.17% PM0083890
45 Cystathionine gamma-lyase A9WQJ8 96.05% PM0083891
46 Cytidylate kinase A9WRN3 97.27% PM0083892
47 dCTP deaminase A9WT08 97.33% PM0083893
48 Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase A9WPH8 95.65% PM0083955
49 Deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase A9WN66 97.86% PM0083934
50 Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase A9WU17 97.02% PM0083935
51 Diaminopimelate decarboxylase A9WNA8 95.31% PM0083936
52 Dihydrofolate reductase A9WNH1 96.45% PM0083938
53 Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase A9WML3 95.38% PM0083939
54 Dihydropteroate synthase A9WUQ9 97.19% PM0083940
55 DNA ligase A9WTZ3 97.53% PM0083941
56 DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase A9WPF0 97.71% PM0083942
57 Enoyl-CoA hydratase A9WVC8 96.19% PM0083943
58 Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase A9WRS8 95.31% PM0083944
59 Fibrillar surface protein A9WSZ8 95.33% PM0083945
60 Fumarylacetoacetate A9WLG1 95.00% PM0083946
61 Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase A9WL74 99.38% PM0083947
62 GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase A9WN78 95.16% PM0083948
63 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase A9WSK0 98.51% PM0083949
64 Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase A9WNE3 96.90% PM0083950
65 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase A9WT42 95.49% PM0083951
66 Glutamate racemase A9WNP4 97.28% PM0083952
67 Glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase A9WPI0 96.02% PM0083953
68 Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase A9WP26 97.11% PM0083954
69 D-fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase A9WMF4 95.19% PM0083956
70 Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC A9WQK3 96.55% PM0083957
71 Glycerol kinase A9WS93 96.39% PM0083958
72 Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase A9WMG6 95.28% PM0083959
73 Glycine dehydrogenase A9WME4 95.47% PM0083960
74 Glutamine amidotransferase A9WN01 95.46% PM0083961
75 GTP cyclohydrolase 1 A9WUR0 96.47% PM0083962
76 Guanylate kinase A9WSA4 97.77% PM0083963
77 Guanyl-specific ribonuclease A9WLY7 100.00% PM0083964
78 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase A9WV91 95.93% PM0083965
79 Histidine ammonia-lyase A9WN95 96.09% PM0083652
80 ATP-dependent DNA helicase A9WSE4 97.76% PM0083578
81 Homoserine O-acetyltransferase A9WMJ0 95.67% PM0083581
82 Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase A9WUR5 96.87% PM0083583
83 Lipoyl synthase A9WS40 97.67% PM0083585
84 L-serine dehydratase A9WME8 95.68% PM0083587
85 Lysine-tRNA ligase A9WUP4 95.84% PM0083590
86 Malate synthase A9WLG6 96.88% PM0083595
87 Malonyl-CoA-[acyl-carrier-protein] transacylase A9WP65 95.36% PM0083603
88 Methionine aminopeptidase A9WM52 95.69% PM0083607
89 Methionine–tRNA ligase A9WP14 98.03% PM0083617
90 Methylisocitrate lyase A9WQB9 96.63% PM0083626
91 Molybdopterin biosynthesis enzyme A9WQ16 96.05% PM0083653
92 NH(3)-dependent NAD(+) synthetase A9WUC0 98.70% PM0083654
93 Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase A9WTU4 97.76% PM0083655
94 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase A9WUV0 97.24% PM0083656
95 Organic hydroperoxide resistance protein A9WMD8 95.54% PM0083657
96 Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase A9WV95 96.33% PM0083658
97 o-succinylbenzoate synthase A9WRT7 95.71% PM0083659
98 Pantothenate kinase A9WMF5 96.41% PM0083660
99 Phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase A9WRF8 96.00% PM0083661
100 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase A9WL73 95.17% PM0083662
101 Phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase A9WUJ2 98.81% PM0083663
102 Phosphoglycerate mutase family protein A9WVN2 95.08% PM0083664
103 Phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase A9WMZ3 96.08% PM0083665
104 Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase A9WQZ0 96.24% PM0083666
105 Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase A9WLR9 95.97% PM0083667
106 Predicted secreted protein A9WPE9 100.00% PM0083668
107 Probable nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase A9WUT8 96.83% PM0083669
108 Recombinase A A9WQ43 95.40% PM0083969
109 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase A9WU15 95.91% PM0083970
110 Putative quinone oxidoreductase A9WLL0 95.49% PM0083971
111 Pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate oxidase A9WQ92 95.89% PM0083974
112 Pyruvate kinase A9WR48 95.51% PM0083973
113 Quinone oxidoreductase A9WQ80 96.91% PM0083975
114 Regulatory protein A9WQ45 100.00% PM0083976
115 Ribokinase A9WUQ1 95.65% PM0083977
116 Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A9WUW8 97.70% PM0083978
117 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase A9WR72 95.39% PM0083979
118 S-adenosylmethionine synthase A9WSA1 96.28% PM0083980
119 Serine hydroxymethyltransferase A9WM39 96.39% PM0083981
120 Serine–tRNA ligase A9WUS1 97.40% PM0083982
122 Signal recognition particle receptor A9WP32 95.72% PM0083983
123 Sodium/proline transporter A9WL16 96.94% PM0083984
124 Spermidine synthase A9WUF9 96.15% PM0083985
125 SURF1-like protein A9WSP5 100.00% PM0083986
126 Thioredoxin peroxidase A9WSN6 98.65% PM0083987
127 Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase A9WPZ8 96.15% PM0083988
128 Thymidine phosphorylase A9WKS1 97.85% PM0083989
129 Thymidylate synthase A9WNH2 96.12% PM0084073
130 Transaldolase A9WT40 97.24% PM0083990
131 Transcriptional regulator A9WT73 96.32% PM0084022
132 Transcriptional regulator A9WMH1 95.85% PM0084021
133 Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase A9WT09 98.70% PM0084023
134 Tryptophan synthase alpha chain A9WR53 96.92% PM0084024
135 Tyrosine–tRNA ligase A9WQH9 96.14% PM0084062
136 UDP-galactopyranose mutase A9WMM1 95.45% PM0084063
137 UDP-galactose 4-epimerase A9WN76 95.46% PM0084064
138 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase A9WMK3 96.44% PM0084065
139 Undecaprenyl-PP-MurNAc-pentapeptide-UDPGlcNAc GlcNAc transferase A9WRD8 95.40% PM0084066
140 UDP-N-acetylmuramate–L-alanine ligase A9WRD7 95.82% PM0084067
141 Uracil-DNA glycosylase A9WM93 96.93% PM0084068
142 Urocanate hydratase A9WN96 95.44% PM0084069

Protein Ligand Docking

To demonstrate the application of the constructed homology models, protein-ligand study (to screen for an effective antibiotic against R. salmoninarum) was performed. Three known antibacterial drugs i.e., Isoniazid, Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine, were subjected to protein ligand docking with their reported drug targets from R. salmoninarum (constructed in this study) as well as from other template organisms (as crystal structures from the PDB website, belonging to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, & Burkholderia cenocepacia respectively).15,16 As shown in Table.2, the results of the docking study demonstrated that among the three antibiotics, trimethoprim exhibited the highest potential to be an effective inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase protein, with a binding energy of -9.06 Kcal/mol, while,Isoniazid exhibited an inconsequential binding energy of -5.36 Kcal/mol and sulfadiazine exhibited a binding energy of -6.65 Kcal/mol. The graphical representation of the protein-ligand interactions between the antibiotic (drug) and its protein (drug target) is shown in Fig.2. Among the three antibiotics, on account of it exhibiting a high binding energy of -9.06 Kcal/mol with the formation of 3 hydrogen bonds (Thr-84, Arg-85, Asn-136) and having 13 hydrophobic interactions, Trimethoprim may be proposed as a drug of choice against R. salmoninarum and the Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD). The protein models built in this study could be applied to other docking studies as well as advanced molecular dynamic simulation studies for the purpose of recognition of effective antibiotic drugs against this specific pathogen/disease.

Vol18No3_Con_Lok_fig2 Figure 2: Protein Ligand Docking of Trimethoprim with the constructed model protein (Dihydrofolate reductase), to understand the specificity of drug accuracy. It Represents the protein-ligand interactions between the antibiotic (drug) and its protein (drug target) There are 3 H-Bonds present and the binding energy is -9.06Kcal/mol

Click here to view figure 

Table 2: Binding energies of the drug targets from R. salmoninarum and template organisms, docked against established antibiotic agents. Trimethoprim exhibited the highest potential and thus, is an effective inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase protein, with a binding energy of -9.06 Kcal/mol. Isoniazid exhibited an insignificant binding energy of -5.36 Kcal/mol and sulfadiazine exhibited a binding energy of -6.65 Kcal/mol.

Antibiotic Protein Organism Binding Energy (in Kcal/mol)
Isoniazid Dihydrofolate reductase Mycobacterium tuberculosis -5.1
Renibacterium salmoninarum -5.36
Trimethoprim Dihydrofolate reductase Streptococcus pneumoniae -8.01
Renibacterium salmoninarum -9.06
Sulfadiazine Dihydropteroate synthetase Burkholderia cenocepacia -4.77
Renibacterium salmoninarum -6.65


This study purported to build 3D computational protein structures of the under-exploited R. salmoninarum which is responsible for the Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) of the commercially viable Salmonid fishes.  The results of the study also suggests that among the test antibiotics screened, since trimethoprim demonstrated significant affinity against its drug target, it can be a potent antibiotic effective against R. salmoninarum. This proposal can be investigated further via computational approaches such as MD simulation and/or in-vitro screening of antibiotics against the said pathogen.

The structures thus developed in this study can also be helpful in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease. These can also be used to lay out a roadmap for discerning the effect of inhibition of selective proteins. Those proteins might be efficient antibiotic drug targets, and they might lead to the construction of other antibiotic chemicals that may be better than currently available drugs. This docking study offers a novel grassroots level platform for eventual in-silico as well as wet lab work on Renibacterium salmoninarum specific drug discovery, development and design.


The authors are grateful to the management of St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India for supporting this piece of research work.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Funding Sources

There are no funding source.


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