Volume 1, number 1
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G. Panduranga Murthy G. P, Sudarshana M. S. Phytotoxic Effects Of Metalaxyl And Gaucho On Seedling Vigour And Chlorophyll Pigment Of Cajanus Cajan, Mill During Early Growth. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2003;1(1)
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Phytotoxic Effects Of Metalaxyl And Gaucho On Seedling Vigour And Chlorophyll Pigment Of Cajanus Cajan, Mill During Early Growth

G. Panduranga Murthy and M. S. Sudarshana

Tissue Culture and Crop Physiology Laboratory, P.G. Department of Studies and Research in Botany, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570 006, Karnataka India.

ABSTRACT: The present work has been carried out, on various parameters in Cajanus cajan Mill. cvs. TTB-7 and HYD-3C. The slurry of Metalaxyl (a fungicide) and Gaucho (an insectoside) were made, based on the formulation viz., recommended dosage, above recommended, below recommended and in combination dosage of both the pesticides. On termination day, Metalaxyl and Gaucho in both individually and in combination treatments of higher dosages have severely affected on germination and seedling vigour. When compare to control, the chlorophyll content and dry matter were greatly reduced at in-combination dosage than any other concentrations. But lower dosages did not affect much on germination and growth parameters. The calculated results of vigour index, tolerance index were decreased and the percent phytotoxicity was increased along with the increased and in combination dosages of both the pesticides. The relative susceptibility of HYD-3C has been observed, in both Metalaxyl and Gaucho than TTB-7. When compared with all these treatments, the experimental results clearly showed that better response of the above pulse crop occurred at control.

KEYWORDS: The present work has been carried out; on various parameters in Cajanus cajan Mill. cvs

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G. Panduranga Murthy G. P, Sudarshana M. S. Phytotoxic Effects Of Metalaxyl And Gaucho On Seedling Vigour And Chlorophyll Pigment Of Cajanus Cajan, Mill During Early Growth. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2003;1(1)

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G. Panduranga Murthy G. P, Sudarshana M. S. Phytotoxic Effects Of Metalaxyl And Gaucho On Seedling Vigour And Chlorophyll Pigment Of Cajanus Cajan, Mill During Early Growth. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2003;1(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=3374


Pesticides are used extensively to control, a wide array of agricultural pests for growing all most all the crops. However, excessive uses of pesticides produces adverse effects on crop plants and have tendency to penetrate into the tissue of the plants¹.

Application of pesticides have also shown that, they react with cellular constituents producing both physiological, germination changes and also at bio-chemical level2,3. Some workers have reported severe effects of pesticides on the seed germinations and have concluded that seed dressing in the form of emulsifiable concentrate were phytotoxic to majority of the crops4,5. Hence, the present study was initiated to investigate the toxic effects of a different concentrations of insecticides Gaucho and fungicide Apron, on percent germination, early growth, Phytotoxicity, chlorophyll and Dry weight of two cultivator varieties of Red gram.

Material and Methods

Certified breeders seed samples of Red gram cultivar variety TTB-7 and HYD-3C were procured from the Department of Pulses of Gandhi Krishi Vidyalaya Kendra (G.K.V.K.) U.A.S. Bangalore, Gaucho (insecticide seed treatment) and Apron (fungicide seed treatment) were obtained from authorised company Bangalore.

The slurry of both the pesticides, recommended dosage of Gaucho – 10 gms/kg and Apron – 6gms/kg of seeds were prepared. In order to observe the variations, 25% of the above recommended, 25% of the below recommended and also incombination of both Gaucho and Apron 50% among recommended were prepared.

Prior to treatment, the seeds of two cultivar varieties were surface sterilized with 0.1% Mercuric chloride for 10 minutes and washed thoroughly with distilled water for 4-5 times. For each treatment 25gms of seeds were taken and replicated for four times. The seeds were mixed thoroughly in all the concentrations of both the pesticidal slurry and kept for 24 hours. Then they were subjected for germination in germinator at 28±2°C using Between paper method.


Table 1 : Effect of presowing seed treatments with Gaucho and Apron on germination, early growth, phytotoxicity, chlorophyll content and Dry weight in pigeon pea cv. TTB-7 and Hyd-3C

Germ R.L. S.L. P.P. CHL. ‘a’ CHL ‘b’ Total CHL. Dry weight
Treatments CV (%) (cms) (cms) V.I. T.I. (%) (mg-g-1) (mg-g-1) (mg-g-1) (gms)
Control TTB-7 97.67±1.69 12.1760±0.24 9.1905±0.21 2706.00±43.77 0.0281±0.00 0.0215±0.00 0.0496±0.00 1.30±0.03
Hyd-3C 89.00±3.16 9.0011±0.09 5.9236±0.041 1328.40±34.98 0.0155±0.00 0.0197±0.00 0.0354±0.00 0.88±0.01
BR TTB-7 89.66±1.69 9.9729±0.219 8.173±0.268 162784±72.92 81.96±3.19 18.03±3.19 0.0196±0.00 0.0167±0.00 0.0362±0.00 0.99±0.02
Hyd-3C 75.00±1.00 7.0824±0.155 4.9415±0.079 902.02±29.7 78.67±0.86 21.31±0.86 0.0100±0.00 0.0120±0.00 0.0221±0.00 0.70±0.01
Gaucho RD TTB-7 68.66±2.05 8.2982±0.276 7.1192±0.115 1058.20±17.93 68.20±3.31 31.78±3.31 0.0127±0.00 0.0076±0.00 0.0204±0.00 0.89±0.007
Dosages Hyd-3C 55.00±1.00 6.2035±0.324 4.2627±0.15 575.49±0.90 68.95±4.35 36.03±0.63 0.0056±0.00 0.0070±0.00 0.0127±0.00 0.62±0.01
AR TTB-7 60.66±1.82 7.3766±0.278 6.264±0.37 827.80±43.14 60.65±3.43 39.34±3.43 0.0075±0.00 0.0066±0.00 0.0142±0.00 0.82±0.01
Hyd-3C 50.50±7.50 4.7727±0.18 3.4164±0.20 414.13±31.93 53.04±2.59 46.94±2.58 0.0034±0.00 0.0042±0.00 0.0077±0.00 0.57±0.01
BR TTB-7 80.33±2.94 8.9683±0.178 6.8261±0.329 1264.04±60.41 73.65±0.77 26.33±0.77 0.0119±0.00 0.0096±0.00 0.0216±0.00 0.85±0.01
Hyd-3C 68.00±1.0 6.2203±0.241 4.586±0.144 734.79±4.138 69.08±1.93 30.91±1.93 0.0076±0.00 0.0080±0.00 0.0157±0.00 0.67±0.014
Apron RD TTB-7 70.33±2.62 7.3809±0.083 5.0570±0.11 874.63±28.18 60.62±0.55 39.40±0.56 0.0074±0.00 0.0062±0.00 0.0136±0.00 0.60±0.01
Dosages Hyd-3C 56.50±0.05 5.3818±0.02 3.7578±0.05 516.37±3.04 59.79±0.98 40.19±0.98 0.0047±0.00 0.0057±0.00 0.0104±0.00 0.44±0.01
AR TTB-7 59.33±2.86 6.8023±0.147 4.3062±0.279 670.04±16.87 55.90±2.17 44.08±2.17 0.0036±0.00 0.0028±0.00 0.0065±0.00 0.49±0.014
Hyd-3C 46.50±1.44 4.2179±0.123 2.4591±0.147 311.14±29.049 46.84±0.49 53.14±0.79 0.0025±0.00 0.0029±0.00 0.0054±0.00 0.32±0.03
Gaucho I+F TTB-7 56.33±1.24 6.0476±0.12 4.0043±0.14 566.15±15.81 49.67±0.51 50.32±0.51 0.0028±0.00 0.0021±0.00 0.0050±0.00 0.42±0.01
+ Apron Hyd-3C 37.50±1.5 3.7724±0.05 2.0395±0.05 218.11±12.67 41.91±1.07 58.07±1.12 0.0017±0.00 0.0020±0.00 0.0040±0.00 0.15±0.01

Germ : Germination %, RL : Root Length, SL : Shoot Lenght, VI : Vigour Index, TI : Tolerance Index, PP : Percent Phytotoxicity, CHL : Chlorophyll, AM : Arithmetic Mean, SD : Standard Deviation, CV : Cultivar Varieties, BR : Below Recommended dosage, RD : Recommended Dosage, AR : Above Recommended dosage, I+F : Insecticide + Fungicide Values are mean of ± SD based on three determinations According to International Seed Testing Association 1985 on the termination day (6th day for Red gram) of the experiment, percent germination, seedling growth, Radicle length and Plumule length were recorded. Chlorophyll was estimated at 8th day old seedlings6, in both the crops, Vigor index7, Tolerance index8 and percent Phytotoxicity9 were calcualted.

All the tabulated data were analysed using Arithmetic mean and standard deviation of three determination10,11.

Results and Discussion

Germination was severely inhibited at higher concentrations of both the pesticides i.e., 37.67% reduction in Gaucho, 38.34% reduction in Apron and 44.34% reduction of germination percentage at incombination treatment over control of 97.67% in cultivar variety TTB-7. And in case of Hyd-3C 38.5% reduction in Gaucho, 42.5%, reduction in Apron and 51.5% reduction of germination at incombination treatment over control of 89%.

This clearly indicates that the inhibitory action of insecticide and fungicide on the metabolic activities12,13,14 and gradual decrease in the length of radicle and plumule along with the increase in concentration and incombination treatment of both the pesticides15. The early growth inhibition of root and shoot at higher concentration indicates the effect on cell division and cell elongation16.

The Chlorophyll content was greatly reduced at incombination treatments than other concentrations of both the pesticides17. The percent phytotoxicity and the calculated results of vigor index and Tolerance index were also drecreased with the increase in concentrations and incombination treatments in both the cases18.

Further when the dry weight was estimated, it has been observed that nearly 75% reduction in Gaucho and 85% reduction in Apron of incombination treatment over higher concentrations and control.

In the present study (as shown in the table), an inhibitory effect has been observed on seed germination, early growth pigment content, percent phytotoxicity and Dry weight of Red gram cv. TTB-7 and Hyd-3C at incombination dosage and higher concentrations of both the pesticides. But below recommended dosage did not affect major change in germination and other parameters in both the cases. The more susceptibility of Hyd-3C has been observed in both Gaucho and Apron, when compare to cv. TTB-7.


The authors are grateful to Dr. G.R. Shivamurthy, Prof and Chairman, Dept. of Studies and Research in Botany, University of Mysore for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work.

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