Manuscript accepted on : 04-04-2023
Published online on: 13-03-2023
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Reviewed by: Dr. S. Parameshwari
Second Review by: Dr Rania I.M. Almoselhy
Final Approval by: Dr. Haseeb Ahmad Khan
Nutritional and Sensory Characterization of Watermelon Rind Powder Incorporated Crackers
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
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ABSTRACT: Watermelon, is a seasonal fruit with 91% of waterand is relished for its taste, good appeal and nutritional properties. The rind which occupiesa huge volume of the fruit is often disposed off and contributes to a large share from fruit waste. Watermelon rind is known to be a source of moisture, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. This study was framed with the intention of incorporating the wellness of watermelon rind in the commonly consumed snack, crackers. The watermelon rind was dried and powdered by using standard procedures. The powdered rind was incorporated in the ratio of 10%, 20% and 30% to the refined wheat flour and three variations of crackers namely C1, C2 and C3 were formulated. A significant difference (P<0.05) was found in the means of all the organoleptic parameters and the highly accepted variation in terms of organoleptic evaluation namely C3, was further subjected to nutritional evaluation.When compared with the control crackers the watermelon rind flour (30%) incorporated crackers was found to be superior in nutritional aspects.
KEYWORDS: Citrulluslanatus L.; Crackers; Rind; Value addition; Watermelon
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Copy the following to cite this article: Arivuchudar R. Nutritional and Sensory Characterization of Watermelon Rind Powder Incorporated Crackers. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2023;20(1). |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Arivuchudar R. Nutritional and Sensory Characterization of Watermelon Rind Powder Incorporated Crackers. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2023;20(1). Available from: |
Watermelon, (Citrulluslanatus L.) primarily contains 91% of water, 6% sugar and is a source of amino acid citrulline, Vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidant lycopene. The nature has bestowed us with this excellent thirst quencher, timely, during summer. There are different varieties of watermelon which differ in size, shape, colour of the rind, colour of flesh and so on. To mention a few, based on the colour of the rind viz. Sugar baby variety has bluish-black outer skin, improved shipper variety has dark green outer skin, Arkajyoti has light green rind with dark green stripes, ArkaManik variety shows green rind with light green stripes, Durgapurameetha light green coloured skin watermelon, and DurgapuraKesar variety is with green coloured rind with stripes[1]. Figure 1illustrates different varieties of watermelon with differences in rind and flesh.
![]() |
Figure 1: Varieties of watermelon |
The rind and seeds, major constituents(30%) of the fruit are often thought as waste and either used as animal feed or discarded. The edible watermelon rind approximates to about 40% of the total watermelon mass yet is often discarded as waste 2. The direct disposal of the watermelon rind causes environmental issues, hence it would be ideal to take the advantage of the nutritional potential of watermelon rind and make products of commercial value, instead of limiting it to agricultural waste. The polysaccharide contentof the rind 3 has been a potential reason for its reuse 4, thereby tolessen the accrual of watermelon rind as waste by transforming the polysaccharides in the watermelon rindto new products like biosorbent 5, bioremediation 6, biochar 7, and bioethanol 8.
With a revolution in the food industry and awareness created on health and environment, the fruit and vegetable wastes like pomaces, rinds and seeds are thought of nutrient treasures and are considered as a means of value addition to commonly consumed calorie rich bakery foods like cakes, cookies, breads[9]and in the formulation of pickles and jams10. Watermelon rind, considered as a potential source of dietary fiber, phenols, found to have high free radical scavenging property and antidiabetic activity in albino mice 11.A single dose of microencapsulated watermelon rind containing 4 g of L-citrulline seems adequate to improve endothelial function 12. Watermelon rinds had moisture (10.61%), ash(13.09%), fat(2.44%), protein(11.17%) and carbohydrates(56.00%). The greater free radical scavenging activity and β-carotene were present in significant amounts. It contained different types of phenolic compounds, the most abundant one was 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (958.3 μg/g dw) followed by vanillin (851.8 μg/g dw), while the lowest phenolic compound was coumaric acid (8.8 μg/g dw)13. More precisely, a 1” cube of watermelon rind provides 1.8 calories and a serving provides 2% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and 1 % of the vitamin B-614.
Crackers is a widespread snack with easy accessibility, affordability, long shelf life and suitable for all age groups. As, wheat flour or all-purpose flour is the major ingredient in cracker along with sugar and fat, carbohydrate becomes the major nutrient in crackers and the other desirable nutrients and non-nutrients like dietary fiber are found to be deficit. At present, studies focus on formulation oflow-carbohydrate food products by increasing the level of indigestible carbohydrates. Wheat flour or refined wheat flour, which is rapidly digested and absorbed in the duodenum and proximal regions of the small intestine, leads to a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, when high glycemic foods are consumed. A way to reduce the glycemic index in bakery products would be the partial substitution of wheat flour with flours, rich in indigestible carbohydrates. Literature search showed that the blends of acha and pigeon pea15, corn silk16, red onion skin17, pea peel18, defatted coconut flour19, jelly fish 20, Hibiscus sabdariffa calyxes’ residue 21, pumpkin seed flour 22, etc. had been used as prospective ingredients to formulate value added crackers. In this regard, watermelon rind, as a source of fibre and nutraceuticals, is used in this study as a means to reduce the rate of absorption of glucose from crackers.
Preparation and Assessment of watermelon rind flour
The dark green coloured watermelon was purchased, the rind was gathered, washed, cut into pieces and shade dried. Moisture was found to be completely removed on the 7th day, where weight loss was used as an index to detect the extent of drying15. The dried rind was powdered in the mixer and seived.
The prepared composite flour mix with refined wheat flour and watermelon rind flour( Control- 100:0, C1- 90:10, C2- 80:20, C3- 70:30), were assessed for functional properties like moisture, water absorption index, oil absorption capacity, swelling capacity, hydration index, and bulk density.
Formulation of watermelon rind flour substituted crackers
The dough for crackers formulation was made by blending refined wheat flour, watermelon rind flour mixed in different proportions viz. (C1- 90:10, C2- 80:20, C3- 70:30), baking powder, a pinch of salt and shortening, while for the control crackers watermelon rind flour was not used. The prepared dough was rolled, cut, baked at 210oC for 15 minutes16. The well baked control, C1,C2 and C3 variations of crackers were cooled and evaluated for organoleptic acceptability.
Organoleptic evaluation of the formulated crackers
A set of 20 panel members rated all the variations of crackers on a 9-point hedonic rating scale for organoleptic properties like colour, appearance, texture, flavor, taste and overall acceptability.
Nutritional evaluation of the accepted variation of crackers
The accepted variations of crackers were evaluated for nutrients like energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus and non-nutrients like fibre as per the standard procedures 17.
Statistical analysis
The descriptive statistical analyses were performed and the mean values were subjected to Analysis of variance with DMRT (P<0.05) to determine the significant difference in the developed variations of crackers18.
Results and Discussion
Assessment of watermelon rind flour
Table 1: Functional properties of control and variations of composite flour
Functional property |
Control |
C1 (10g watermelon rind powder) |
C2 (20g watermelon rind powder) |
C3 (30g watermelon rind powder) |
Moisture (%) |
5.2 |
6.1 |
6.2 |
6.2 |
Water absorption capacity (%) |
142.6 |
142.4 |
141.3 |
141.2 |
Oil absorption capacity (%) |
156.03 |
156.1 |
155.8 |
155.6 |
Swelling capacity (g/ml) |
0.76 |
0.76 |
0.71 |
0.71 |
Hydration index (%) |
1.54 |
1.49 |
1.49 |
1.48 |
Bulk density (g/ml) |
0.62 |
0.66 |
0.63 |
0.62 |
The functional properties of flour serve as an index to test their suitability in food product formulations. The above table values show that functional property values of composite flours were in par with the refined wheat flour and hence found suitable for preparing crackers. The composite mix watermelon rind flour and wheat flour (30:70) for bread formulation showed water absorption capacity of 3.044g/g, Oil absorption capacity of 2.150g/g, Swelling capacity of 6.894g/g and bulk density was 0.54g/ cm3 19, the difference in the value obtained in this study when compared with literature may be attributed to the fact that refined wheat flour has been used in this study for crackers formulation, while whole wheat flour had been used for bread formulation.
Organoleptic evaluation of the formulated crackers
Table 2: Statistical analysis of organoleptic evaluation of formulated crackers
Variations |
Colour |
Appearance |
Texture |
Flavour |
Taste |
Overall Acceptability |
Control |
8.6±0.24a |
8.8±0.29a |
8.8±0.61a |
8.8±0.73a |
8.7±0.26a |
8.8±0.51a |
C1 |
7.6±0.81c |
7.6±0.95c |
7.9±0.63b |
7.6±0.23c |
7.7±0.21c |
7.3±0.63c |
C2 |
7.8±0.11b |
7.7±0.15c |
7.9±0.58b |
7.6±0.29c |
7.9±0.32b |
7.6±0.24c |
C3 |
8.1±0.84b |
7.9 ±0.26b |
8.0±0.50b |
8.1±0.76b |
8.2±0.44a |
8.1±0.57b |
Values are mean ± SD. Samples with different superscripts across the column, where a<b<c using Duncan’s
Multiple Range Test are significantly different at (P< 0.05).
The Duncan’s Multiple Range Test in the above table shows that there is a significant difference in all the parameters of organoleptic evaluation namely color, appearance, texture, flavor, taste, and overall acceptability between control and the developed variations of crackers. Among the different formulations of crackers variation 3 (C3), 30% of watermelon rind flour substitution has the highest overall acceptability. A similar study has shown that cookies formulated with 30% watermelon rind flour incorporation had the highest overall acceptability (8.23)20. The variation with the highest overall acceptability, C3 has been tested for nutrients and phytochemicals.
Nutritional evaluation of the accepted variation of crackers
Table 3: Nutritional evaluation of the accepted variation of crackers
Nutrients /100 gms of Crackers |
Control |
30% Watermelon rind flour incorporated crackers (C3) |
1 |
Energy(kcals) |
182 |
174 |
2 |
Carbohydrates(g) |
23 |
21.2 |
3 |
Protein(g) |
4 |
11.64 |
4 |
Fat(g) |
18 |
13.5 |
5 |
Dietary fibre(g) |
1.02 |
12.75 |
6 |
Zinc(mg) |
0.3 |
3.2 |
7 |
Iron(mg) |
1.78 |
5.63 |
8 |
Calcium(mg) |
29 |
53.52 |
9 |
Phosphorus(mg) |
17 |
69.21 |
Table 3 depicts that in comparison with the control crackers except for energy and carbohydrate all the other nutrients and fibre was found to be higher in watermelon rind flour incorporated cookies. The fibre from fruits and vegetables has proved to be beneficial for many metabolic disorders. A study in which the cookies formulated with 2.5% watermelon rind flour had shown a significant increase in mineral and vitamin contents21. It is also studied that up to 20% of watermelon rind powder in the cookie making increases dietary fiber, decreases predicted glycemic index to medium, and improves the antioxidant activity, without affecting the acceptability of the cookie22, in another study, the cooking yield and cooking loss were at maximum with the incorporation of 15% rind powder in noodles, and it was also found that the sensory evaluation indicated that the noodles with 10% watermelon rind powder, was most accepted among the value-added noodles23. It was also studied that, the wheat flour can be substituted with watermelon rind and orange pomace flours up to 10% without adversely affecting the overall quality attributes of the biscuits24,while in this study it has been possible with up to 30% of incorporation of watermelon rind flour. Literature also states that watermelon rind contained more citrulline, a non-essential aminoacida potential antioxidant and a vasodilator, than the flesh25and contains major volatile compounds of nine-carbon aldehydes and alcohols representing aroma26.
Agro-wastes are the large volumes of solids waste resulting from the production, preparation and consumption of fruit and vegetable pose potential disposal and pollution problems along with loss of valuable biomass and nutrients. There is a potential for conversion of agro-wastes into useful products or even as raw material for other industries. The utilization of wastes of fruit and vegetable processing as a source of functional ingredients is a promising field 27. Thus, this study concludes that the watermelon rind a major waste from watermelon fruit has huge nutritional potential and can be effectively used in food formulations. A significant increase in the watermelon rind flour incorporated crackers protein, fibre, iron, zinc calcium and phosphorus was found along with a significant reduction in energy, carbohydrate and fat is worth mentioning. Therefore, watermelon rind flour can be used as a source of fibre and nutrients and further studies may include the phytochemical screening and antioxidant studies from watermelon rind flour incorporated food formulations.
Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interest.
Funding source
There are no funding sources.
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