Volume 5, number 2
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Kataria H. C, Bux S, Ambhore S, Shrivastava S. C, Pathak G, Namdeo M. Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater in and Around Bhopal City, M.P. India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2)
Manuscript received on : July 20, 2008
Manuscript accepted on : October 21, 2008
Published online on:  15-03-2016
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Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater in and Around Bhopal City, M.P. India

H.C. Kataria1*, Shahla Bux2, Santosh Ambhore2, S. C. Shrivastava2, Gunjan Pathak2 and Meenakshi Namdeo2

1Professor, Department of Chemistry, Government Girls P.G. College, Bhopal - 462 038 India.

2Research Scholar, Government Geetanjali Girls P.G. College, Bhopal - 462 038 India.

ABSTRACT: Determination of fluoride concentration of 15 groundwater samples from different sites in and around villages near Bhopal city was carried out by using selective fluoride ion-electrode. The out-come of the results were discussed in the light of pollution status fluorosis in school going children (infants) because they used different sources of drinking water of different sites and they are being exposed to used drinking water from several points and types. In the present study fluoride has varied from 0.12-0.99, 0.10-2.1 and 0.14-2.5 mg/L in groundwater of Bhopal and nearby villages of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal some cases of fluorosis are also noted in certain areas of Bhopal region.

KEYWORDS: Determination; Fluoride Ion concentration; ground water; exposed; fluorosis

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Kataria H. C, Bux S, Ambhore S, Shrivastava S. C, Pathak G, Namdeo M. Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater in and Around Bhopal City, M.P. India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2)

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Kataria H. C, Bux S, Ambhore S, Shrivastava S. C, Pathak G, Namdeo M. Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater in and Around Bhopal City, M.P. India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2) . Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=7258


The quality of ground water depends to a large extent on the effects of land use patterns, types of aquifer and the permeability of soil cover of study area. Due to rapid growth of urbanisation and industrialisation much sewage is disposed off that has generated fair chances of groundwater pollution by percolation and infiltration of sewage water mixing into water sources. The deterioration in groundwater quality and due to industrial effluents and supply of water from low-depth (Shallow) bore-wells. Hence it becomes necessary to monitor the groundwater continuously to assess the fluoride concentration.

Fluoride concentration in India, creates health problems and fluorosis. The disease previously called as “mottled teeth” reported in Madras City (1933). Most of the population of 18 states out of 35 States in India are well affected with dental, skeletal and non-skeletal fluorosis, which Southern India is badly affected by “Fluorosis”. Fluoride in drinking water is 1.0-1.5 mg/L recommended by WHO (2004).

Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh covers an area of 2.79 lac h. of 16.8 lac population.

Fluoride concentration has analyzed by using ion selective Electrode and ORION 407A meter followed by standard as prescribed by APHA (1992). The water samples was preserved by adding total ionic strength adjustment Buffer (TISAB) in 1:1 radi and analyses for fluoride levels using electrode. Actual fluoride levels is calculate by standard curve platted on a semilog graph conc. (Log axis) vs mV. Teofia and Teofia index (TTI 1991) has commonly used to score dental fluorosis in several endemic areas of this country.

In the present study fluoride observed in the range of 0.12-0.99, 0.10-2.1 and 0.14-4.2 mg/L. in winter, summer and monsoon (W, S and M) season in bore-wells water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal. The results are summarized in Table 1. Fluroide concentration in water may results in substantial reduction in dental carries of children adults. Requirement and recommended limits of fluoride as per ISI: 10500 (1983) in range of 0.6-1.2 mg/L.

Table 1: Fluoride concentration in drinking water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal (2007-08) in mg/L.

S.No Winter Summer Monsoon
1. 0.12 0.20 0.024
2. 0.30 0.32 0.040
3. 0.10 0.50 0.38            4.                   0.90                    0.80             0.60
5. 0.78 0.66 0.74
6. 0.40 0.48 0.54
7. 0.60 0.64 0.98**
8. 0.40 0.90 1.0
9. 0.80 0.10 0.14
10. 0.70 0.60 0.65
11. 0.60 0.59 0.90
12. 0.68 0.76 1.10
13. 0.76 0.88 2.5**
14. 0.99** 2.0 1.90
15. 0.64 1.72 1.60
16. 0.50 1.2 1.42

W.H.O. Standard 0.6-1.0 mg/L, Limits by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Delhi) 1.0-2.0 mg/L.

(1) Nai Basti (2) Peepalner (3) Gondar Mau (4) Tagore Ward

(5) Shivaji Nagar (6) Pratab Ward (7) Abbas Nagar
(8) Gondipura (9) Kabirham (10) Jatkhedi (11) Parvalia Sadak (12) Jharkheda (13) Near Air Port (14) Intitute of Aeronatutics (15) Village Jhiranaya (16) Sonkaccha Village.

Fluroide has little significance in industrial water. Amount of 1 to 1.5 ppm is an effective preventive of dental carries. Above this amount fluroide may causes dental fluorosis. Such water may be defluroridated to reduce the fluoride concentration before public use. The values obtained are well below the permissible limits 1ppm as prescribe by ICMR excepts some of the sampling stations the values are found beyond the limits at SS12 To SS15.

Some important workers has contributed their studies on fluoride are pandit, C.G. et al., (1940). Handa (1975), Dhaindsa et al., (1984), Dwarkanath et al., (1991), Gupta et al., (1993), Kataria (2004), Thombal, D.U. et al., (2008) and Tripathi et al., (2008).


  1. APHA: Standard mehods for the examination of water and wastewater, Americal Public Health Association (Greenberg, AE, Clexeri, L.S. and Eaton A.D., 18th ed. Washington DC.) (1992).
  2. Dhindsa, S.S., et al., Surface and ground water quailty in Kota, JIWWA. 16(32): 294-297
  3. Dwarkanath, M., et al., Incidences of fluorosis in village Gudalpur (T.N.) Ind. J.Environ. Hlth., 33(2): 182-186 (1991).
  4. Gupta, S.C., et al., Fluroide distribution in groundwater of south Eastern Rajasthan, Indian J. Environ Hlth., 35(2): 97-109 (1993).
  5. Handa, B.K., Geochemistry and Genesis of Fluroide containing in India, Grounwater 13(3): 275-281 (1975).
  6. Kataria, H.C., et al., Fluorosis with special refence to fluroide contents in drinking water of Bhopal city (M.P.) Research Link,14 3(4): 12,13 (2004).
  7. Pandit C.G., et al., Endemic Fluorosis in South India J. Med. Res., 28: 553-558 (1940).
  8. Thombal, D.U., et al., Fluorides in some groundwater samples of Sailu Tehsil, Current World Environment, 3: 209-210 (2008).
  9. Teotia, SPS and Teotia, Endemic Fluoride, Bomes and teeth update, J. Environ. Toxicol, 1: 1-16 (1991).
  10. WHO, Guidelines for drinking water quality vol. (1) World Health Organisation, Geneva (2004).
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