Volume 5, number 2
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Shillewar K.S , Nanware S.S. Biodiversity of fishes of Godavari river at Nanded, (Maharashtra) India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2).
Manuscript received on : August 16, 2008
Manuscript accepted on : October 04, 2008
Published online on:  28-12-2008
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Biodiversity of fishes of Godavari river at Nanded, (Maharashtra) India

K. S. Shillewar1 and S. S. Nanware2

1Department of Zoology and Fishery Science, Science College, Nanded India.

2Department of Zoology, Yeshwant College, Nanded India.

ABSTRACT: River Godavari is the most important river in Marathwada and the source of capture fishery in this region. Fishes were collected during the two year 2005-2007,for the study of bio-diversity at Nanded,Maharashtra.Total number of 26 species belonging to 18 genera, 6 order and 9 family were recorded from this region. The results show rich fish diversity occurring in this stretch of the river.

KEYWORDS: Biodiversity; fishes; Godavari river

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Shillewar K.S , Nanware S.S. Biodiversity of fishes of Godavari river at Nanded, (Maharashtra) India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2).

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Shillewar K.S , Nanware S.S. Biodiversity of fishes of Godavari river at Nanded, (Maharashtra) India. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2008;5(2).Available from:


Fishes are form one of the most important groups of vertebrates influencing his life in various ways. Millions of human being are suffer from hunger and malnutrition and fish from a rich source of food and nutrition and provide a meal to tide over the nutritional difficulties of man in addition to serving as an important item of food. The fishes are also provided several products and by products including fish oil used for medicinal and industrial in the life of human being.

Fishes of the fresh or Inland water bodies of the Indian sub-continents have been a subject of study since last century; Hamilton Buchanan (1822); day (1878) ; Tiwari ; Jaryram ( 1981); Talwar and Jhingran (1991), Ghate and Wagh (1991); (1994;1995) Roa et.al. (1999) ; Dutta et.al.,2000 a,b,c Dutta et.al. (2003) ; paik et.al. (2003).

Reservoirs fishery in India is also important from social economic point of view assist has the potential providing employment to about millions people. According to Sughnan (1995); total area under the reservoirs in India 3.1 million hectors ; there are includes 19000 small reservoirs with a total water surface area 14855.57 hectors and about  180 medium and 56 large reservoirs of 527641 and 1140268 hectors reflectively. The Maharashtra is endowed with an area 179430 hectors under reservoirs and the staff produces more than 516 tones of fishes of these area; the state fisheries corporation was operating in 6,272 hectors of revelators and marketing the catches.

Fishes  in river Godavari

Phylum              ®           Chordata

Sub-phylum      ®           Gnathostomata

Super – Class   ®           Pisces

Class                  ®           Teleostomii

Sub-Class         ®           Actinopterygii

Ordar                  ®           Cypriniformers

Family                ®           Cyprinidae

Genus                ®           Catla

Species             ®           catla

Genus                ®           Labeo

Species             ®           rohita,bata and calbasu

Genus                ®           Cirrhina

Species             ®           mirigala and C.reba

Genus                ®           Cyprinus

Species             ®           carpio

genus                 ®           Punctius

Species             ®           P. ticto and p. sarana

Genus                ®           Chela

Species             ®           phulo                                           Genus    ®            Thynicthys

Species             ®           sankol

Genus                ®           Rohitee

Species             ®           catio

Genus                ®           Amblypharyngedon

Species             ®           mola

Genes                ®                Rasbora

Species             ®           damiconus

Order                  ®           Clupeiformes

Family                ®           Natopteridae

Genus                ®           Natopterus

Species             ®           natopterus and chitala

Order                  ®           Siluriformes

Family                ®           Bagridae

Genus                ®           Mystus

Species             ®           M. Seenghala and
M.  Cavassius

Family                ®           Siluridae

Genus                ®           Wallago

Species             ®           attu

Family                ®           Claridae

Genus                ®           Clarias

Species             ®           batrachus

Family                ®           Mugilidae

Genus                ®           Mugil

Species             ®           carsula

Ordar                  ®           Perciformes

Family                ®           Gobidae

Genus                ®           Glossogobius

Species             ®           giuris

Order                  ®           Channiformes

Family                ®           Channidae

Genus                ®           Channa

Species             ®           C.muralius,




Order                  ®           Mastacem-beliformes

Family                ®           Mastacem-belidae

Genus                ®           mastacembelus

Species             ®           armatus

The Godavari river is the most important river in Marathwada region. It has the source at Trimbakeshwar in Sahyadris hills near Nasik this river enters in Aurangabad district and flowing in Beed,Parbhani and Nanded district. The other rivers of Marathwada region are Penganga, Budna, Asna, Sina, Sindhphana Bindusara, which are used for drinking water, Agriculture, Industries, and fisheries purpose, mainly in these rivers traditional capture fisheries is carried on the fishes caught in these rivers are Major carps, local majors, local minor carp.

In Godavari river at Nanded, it is rich in fish Fauna.Fishes are formed an important item of human diet from the time man appeared on earth and are primarily caught for this purposes. Fish diet provides proteins, fat a Vitamins A & D

Due to the high consumption of fish as food, fishes are having good market value, & it gives economy to people. In Godavari river all along over the river at various centers fishermen caught the dishes & sell in the market.

At Nanded, In Godavari river , at morning time many fisherman are observed, for fish catching.

Due to small water quantity at Dunkin station fishermen are used the thermocol Tarafa for fishing.

It is made up of Thermocol. There shape & size are vary, as fishermen choose the size. A large and strong tharmacol are choose, the length of the Tarafa is long than the side.

Fishermen are seet on the tarafa & simply pull the water back side in result tarafa goes ahead, Tarapha is generally covered by plastic for to put it dry and also for prevent from damaging. The weight of tharmacol is very low, hence it can easily handled after fishing operation.After the fishing is done fishes are removed from the nets are collected in pots.

Material and Methods

Fishes were collected from different fishing station with the help of local fisherman from river Godavari and Nanded fish market (Taroda fish market Friday fish market, Itwara fish market Nanded.) Examined for their colour pattern, cleaned with clean warm water to remove dirt, micro-organisms and blood strains and preserved in 10% formaldehyde solution.

A systematic identification of fishes was done with the help of standard literature (Day,1878;Talwar and Jhingran,1991; Khanna,1992 and Srivastava et.al.,1994.)

Results and Discussion

The fish fauna is an important aspect of fishery potential of a water body more work has been carried out on fish found icthoyofauna fish inhabiting water bodies and reservoirs. Distribution of fish species is variable because of geographical and geological conditions. The present work confirm the occurrence of 26 fish species belonging to 6 orders 18 genera and 9 families. The order cypriniformes was dominant with 13 fish species to be followed order silluriformes (4) and channiformes with 4 species, order clupeiformes², perciformes, mastacembeliformes & mugliformes with one fish specie each.

The work is supported by number of earlier studies on similar lines. Das and Nath (1996 a,b) were there first to describe 23 fish species belonging to 7 families and 14 genera inhabiting river Tawi and its tributaries. Das and Nath (1971) revised fish fauna of Jammu enlisted the presence of 27 fish species belonging to 8 families and 15 genera in river Tawi and its tributaries. Tilak (1971) surveyed river Tawi and is tributaries and reported the presence of 35 fish species inhabitancy river and Tawi and its Gadigarh tributary.  Malhotra et al. (1975) prepared and identification key of 45 fish species including 37 fish species inhabiting river Tawi and its tributaries Gadigarh. Dutta (1978) have reported fish species belonging to 32 genera inhabiting a spring fed Gadigrah stream, a tributary of river Tawi. Nath (1986) prepared a checklist of fishes of Jammu and Kashmir state and enlisted 28 fish species inhabiting river Tawi. Fish found of river Tawi is more diversified as compared to the 59

species belonging to 5 orders, 15 families and 41 genera inhabiting river. Basantar and Dutta (2000 a, 2001c) and 26 fish species belonging to 3 orders 6 families and 18 genera collected from the river Chenab. Dutta et al. (2001 a) worked out the presence of 88 fish species belonging to 7 orders, 20 families and 51 genera inhabiting river Tawi & its various tributaries. Dutta et al. (2003) in a survey of river Tawi and its various tributaries have reported the occurrence of 96 fish species belonging to 7 orders 20 families and 52 genera. Pawar et al. (2003) studied fish diversity in the Sirur dam and confirmed the occurrence of 11 fish species belonging to 5 orders.


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