Manuscript accepted on : September 03, 2009
Published online on: 28-12-2009
Comparative Study of Availability of Vitamins From Leea Macrophylla Roxb
K. D. Jadhao1, M. P. Wadekar2 and M. S. Mahalkar1
1Department of Botany,Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati - 444 604 India. 2Department of Chemistry, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati - 444 604 India. Corresponding Author E-mail:
ABSTRACT: Leea macrophylla Roxb is a wild edible plant. The plant material was collected from Melghat (Maharashtra) for analysis of moisture and vitamin content. Vitamins are very essential nutrient for human life and whole plant of Leea macrophylla is helpful in nutritional point of view. It also fulfill our requirement of food. The dried powder of L. macrophylla. root with clarified butter was prescribed in morning as age sustainer. Leaves of the plant used as vegetable by tribal people. Present study deals with the study of availability of vitamin form Leea macrophylla Roxb. Fresh as well as shade dried material was used for estimation of vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) , vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) and vitamin-B12.
KEYWORDS: Leea macrophylla Roxb; fluorometer; spectrophotometer; vitamins
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Copy the following to cite this article: Jadhao. V. D, Wadekar. M. P, Mahalkar. M. S. Comparative Study of Availability of Vitamins From Leea Macrophylla Roxb. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2009;6(2) |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Jadhao. V. D, Wadekar. M. P, Mahalkar. M. S. Comparative Study of Availability of Vitamins From Leea Macrophylla Roxb. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2009;6(2) . Available from: |
Nutrition is the provision for the cells of organism to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with good nutrition. Some nutrients are required on a regular basis, while others are needed less frequently. Poor health can be caused by an imbalance of nutrients, whether an excess or a deficiency. Availability of vitamin nutrients in regular diet is very important. Vitamins are required to all living organisms including human and their consumption through diet fulfill the requirements of body1. Tribals and rural people know and also used number of wild edible plant. If we used these plant in daily diet may help to decrease the disorders caused by nutritional deficiencies. Deficiency of vitamins still occur in developed countries, it is due to poor nutritional diet in developing and poorly developed countries. Some of the deficiencies are induced by diseases or drugs2. To maintain health, vitamins are supplied by beans and fruits in various forms. Vegetables also supply various types of vitamins together and are consider as an excellent natural food. This study was undertaken to estimate vitamins from Leea macrophylla Roxb
Materials and Methods
Leea macrophylla Roxb was collected from Melghat region during 2008-09. Particularly plant material collected from chikhaldara in Amravati district, where the temperature noted 250c at height 822 feets. After the complete identification, description and noting of significance of each plant was taken for investigation. Fresh as well as shade dried plant material was used for estimation of vitamins by using spectrophotometer and fluorometer3.
Moisture contents
The moisture content is the amount of water present in plant material. The moisture percentage in material was determined by simple method. 10g of material was shade dried and weighed after drying. The difference in weight of fresh sample taken minus dry matter gives percentage of moisture as given in table I.
% Moisture content = [Loss in weight / Fresh weight of sample taken] x 100
Results and Discussion
Good health is a product of heredity, environment and nutrition. The human body is balance system, if it does not receive enough or if it receives too much of a nutrient, its balance can be disturbed4. Sincere efforts were made to estimate vitamins from Leea macrophylla Roxb.
The values of vitamins obtained were converted into per 100g fresh weighed sample. A daily requirements of thiamine in infants 0.5 mg, in children 0.7 – 1.2 mg in adult male and female 1-1.1mg 5.
Thiamine was noted in fresh leaves was 354mg/100 gm (Table II ) and in fresh root was 51 mg/100 gm (Table III) while dry leaves and root contain 9.9mg/100g and 25mg/100g thiamine respectively.
The daily requirement of riboflavin is 1.6 mg for the adult male and 1.2 mg for the female. Riboflavin was found in fresh leaves 0.026 mg/100 gm and in root 0.5 mg/ 100 gm (Table I I) . In dry leaves and root it was found to be 0.21 mg / 100 gm and 0.157 mg. / 100 gm (Table III).
The Recommended dietary allowance of ascorbic acid is 90mg per day. Vitamin C was noted 5240 mg / 100 g in fresh leaves and 620mg/100g in root (Table I I). Also it found 1140 mg/100 g in dry leaves and 220mg/100g in dry root (Table III).
The daily requirement of vitamin-B12 is 2 µ gm in adult6. Fresh leaves and root contain 0.0002mg/100g and 0.035/100g where as dry leaves and root contain 0.0006mg/100g and 0.0003/100g vitamin –B12 respectively.
Leea macrophylla Roxb. contain highest amount of vitamin C than the other vitamins. Vitamin C is maintaining collagen protein necessary for the formation of connective tissue in skin, ligaments and bones. It protect the thiamine, riboflavin from oxidation .Thus Leea macrophylla Roxb plays vital role in nutrition point of view.
Table 1: Moisture Content.
Plant | Plant Material | Fresh weight | Dry weight | Moisture in percentage |
Leea macrophylla Roxb | Leaves | 10g | 2.51 g | 74.9% |
Root | 10g | 3.12g | 68.8% |
Table 2: Vitamin content of Leea macrophylla Roxb : Table – II From fresh plant material.
Sr. No. |
Name of Vitamins | Plant Part taken for analysis | weight of plant part. | Volume. of extract | Volume of extract taken for analysis | Fluorescence/Absorbance |
Vitamins per 100g |
Thiamine |
Leaves | 1 g | 20 ml | 10 ml | 60 | 354 mg | ||||||||||
Root | 1g | 20ml | 10ml | 9.0 | 51 mg | |||||||||||
Ascorbic acid |
Leaves | 1 g | 10 ml | 1 ml | 1.066 | 5240 mg | ||||||||||
Root | 1g | 10 ml | 1 ml | 1.250 | 620 mg | |||||||||||
Riboflavin |
Leaves | 2 g | 100 ml | 10 ml | High/Blank | Low/blank | H/B | L/B | ||||||||
6.2 | 5.1 | 4.1 | 5.4 | 3.5 | 3.4 | 0.45mg | 0.026mg | |||||||||
Root | 2g | 100 ml | 10 ml | 10.1 | 7.5 | 7.2 | 8.9 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 0.057mg | 0.5mg | |||||
Vitamin-B12 |
Leaves | 4mg | 100ml | 10ml | 0.002 | 0.0002mg | ||||||||||
Root | 4mg | 100ml | 10ml | 0.296 | 0.035mg |
Table 3: From dry plant material
Sr. No. | Name of Vitamins | Plant Part taken for analysis | weight of plant part. | Volume. of extract | Volume. of extract taken for analysis | Fluorescence/Absorbance | Vitamins per 100g | |||||||
Thiamine |
Leaves | 1 g | 20 ml | 10 ml | 2.0 | 9.9 mg | ||||||||
Root | 1g | 20ml | 10ml | 5.1 | 25 mg | |||||||||
Ascorbic acid |
Leaves | 1 g | 10 ml | 1 ml | 0.236 | 1140 mg | ||||||||
Root | 1 g | 10ml | 1ml | 0.417 | 220mg | |||||||||
Riboflavin |
Leaves | 2 g | 100 ml | 10 ml | High/Blank | Low/blank | H/B | L/B | ||||||
A-5.2 | B-4.9 | C-3.1 | A-4.7 | B-2.8 | C-2.0 | 3mg | 0.21mg | |||||||
Root | 2g | 100ml | 10ml | 8.2 | 7.8 | 5.9 | 7.5 | 5.6 | 5.0 | 2.3mg | 0.157mg | |||
Vitamin-B12 |
Leaves | 4 mg | 100 ml | 10 ml | 0.005 | 0.0006mg | ||||||||
Root | 4 mg | 100 ml | 10 ml | 0.003 | 0.0003mg |
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