Manuscript accepted on : September 27, 2009
Published online on: 28-12-2009
Evaluation of Anti-Nephrolithiatic Activity of Pedalium Murex Linn. Leaves in Albino Rats
M.Thamizhmozhi1*, A. R. Mullaicharam2 and S. Murugesh3
1Aadhibagawan College of Pharmacy, Rantham, Cheyyar - 604 407 India.
2Periyar College of Pharmacy, Trichy - 21 India.
3Department of Microbiology, Sastra Deemed University Tanjore India.
ABSTRACT: Pedalium murex (Linn), (pedaliaceae), a plant which is useful in urinary diseases conditions is distributed in the coastal areas of south India. The aim of the work was to study the anti nephrolithiatic activity of various extracts of pedalium murex. Petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extracts of the plant were prepared and evaluated for anti nephrolithiasis activity. Albino rats were treated with the prepared extracts. Thus it may be concluded that pedalium murex possesses significant anti nephrolithiatic activity.
KEYWORDS: Pedalium murex; anti-nephrolithiasis; petroleum ether extract; chloroform extract
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Copy the following to cite this URL: Thamizhmozhi. M, Mullaicharam. A. R, Murugesh. S. Evaluation of Anti-Nephrolithiatic Activity of Pedalium Murex Linn. Leaves in Albino Rats. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2009;6(2). Available from: |
India has a rich heritage of medicinal herbs which are used by local population and traditional practitioners for the treatment of several disease conditions. Diseases related to renal system are common and so many researches are going on to cure it. One of the common renal diseases is urinary stone formation called as nephrolithiasis. Hypercalciuria & Hyperoxaluria is the common cause of urinary stone formation. Pedalium murex Linn, family pedaliaceae which is commonly known as Gokhru is useful in urinary diseases conditions such as gonorrhea, dysuria and incontinenece of urine. Pedalium murex is distributed in the coastal areas of south India. Therefore present study was undertaken to evaluate the anti-nephrolithiatic activity by using various extracts of Pedalium murex Linn.
Materials and Methods
Plant material
P.murex L. was collected from Pattukottai district, India and authenticated by Plant Anatomy Research Centre (PARC), Medicinal plant research unit, chennai.
Preparation of Extracts
The shade dried leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits and seeds of about 1 kg were subjected for size reduction to coarse powder. Petroleum ether extract was prepared by soxhlet extraction apparatus. Chloroform and 70% ethanol extract were prepared by maceration process. Aqueous extracts were prepared by soxhlet extraction apparatus.
The percentage yield (w/w) of petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extracts were 7.9, 6.7, 2.76 and 5.9 respectively.
In bred albino rats (weight 150-230gms) were used.
The animals were maintained in a ventilated room with 12:12 hour light, dark cycle in polypropylene cages. Standard pellet feed (Hindustan lever Ltd. Bangalore) and tab water ad libitum were provided throughout experimentation period. Animals were acclimated to laboratory conditions one week prior to initiation of experiments; the animals were deprived from food for 16 hrs but freely allowed to access water. The experiments were conducted according to the guidelines for Experiments on Animals, India and approved by ethical committee. (Ref.No: IAEC/XIII/21/CLBMCP/2005-2006.20/10/06).
Toxicity Studies
Acute Oral Toxicity
Ecobichon DJ: The basics of toxicity testing 2nd edition. CRS. Press Newyork (1997) 43-85. The procedure was followed by OECD guidelines, 423 (Acute toxic class method).
Determination of LD50 value
The determination of ED50 values helps in ascertaining the potency of a drug in terms of reference standards, when the response in quantol, the ED50 values become LD50, found by “Hit and Trial” method.
Anti Nephrolithiasis Activity of Various Extracts of Pedalium Murex Linn:
Thirty five albino rats of either sex were divided into seven groups which comprises of 5 animals each. Rats of each group were treated for 7 days. Group I was used as control. Group II received ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride. Group III received ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride treated with standard drug. Group IV received ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride treated with petroleum ether extract of Pedalium murex Linn. Group V received ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride treated with ethanolic extract of Pedalium murex Linn. Group VI received ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride treated with chloroform extract of Pedalium murex Linn. Group VII received Ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride treated with aqueous extract of Pedalium murex Linn. On the eighth day animals were anesthetized and blood samples were collected for analysis.
Assessment of Renal function
Blood samples were collected from ratino bulber venous plexus with the help of a glass capillary under light ether anaesthesia.. The blood samples were centrifuged and the serum separated was used to estimate urea, calcium, creatinine, phosphate, uric acid and magnesium.
Preliminary phytochemical screening
Preliminary phytochemical screening indicated that the petroleum ether extract was found to contain glycosides, fixed oils, fats, proteins, phytosterols, steroids, alkaloids and flavonoids, the ethanol extract contains glycosides, proteins, phytosterols, steroids and flavonoids, the chloroform extract contains glycosides, phytosterols, steroids and flavonoids and the aqueous extract contains carbohydrates, glycosides, phytosterols and steroids.
Toxicity studies
The extract of Pedalium murex was found to be safe for further biological studies, as no lethality were obsereved at 1000mg/kg, orally in rats.
Anti Nephrolithiasis Activity Of Various Extracts Of Pedalium Murex Linn:
The results of the various extract reveal that the Pedalium murex is having anti nephrolithiasis activity. The petroleum ether extract was found to possess maximum anti nephrothiasis activity. The results were given in table 1.
Table 1: Anti nephrolithiasis activity of Pedalium murex extracts.
Serum analysis of the following in mg/dl Mean ± sem | |||||||
S.No | Design of treatment | Urea | Calcium | Creatinine | Phosphate | Uric acid | Magnesium |
1. | Control | 73±0.9714 | 21±0.412 | 2.52±0.134 | 9.15±0.192 | 28.2±0.537 | 9.6±0.412 |
2. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl and standard drug extract | 51.2±1.174 | 18±0.5 | 2.04±0.143 | 8.26±0.212 | 30.84±0.706 | 10.3±0.612 |
3. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl | 102.4±0.9299 | 28.1±0.535 | 4.1±0.136 | 9.45±0.223 | 42.3±0.8327 | 8.4±0.317 |
4. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl and petroleum ether extract | 55.2±1.172 | 19±0.572 | 2.08±0.5 | 8.28±0.13 | 31.82±0.220 | 10.8±0.412 |
5. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl and Chloroform extract | 69±0.651 | 24±0.13 | 2.98±0.15 | 8.22±0.223 | 26.3±0.6272 | 9.4±0.438 |
6. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl and Methanolic extract | 58.9±1.43 | 23±0.5 | 2.54±0.15 | 8.22±0.223 | 26.3±0.6272 | 9.4±0.438 |
7. | Ethylene glycol with NH4Cl and Aqueous extract | 68±0.9924 | 20±0.621 | 3.08±0.13 | 9±0.212 | 25.3±0.6272 | 9.4±0.521 |
In Indian system of medicine Pedalium murex is claimed to have property to cure the renal diseases. So this work was planned to know about the anti nephrolithiasis property of the pedalium murex. Various extracts of pedalium murex were prepared. From this study it can be concluded that the petroleum ether extract of P.murex showed better anti nephrolithiasis activity among the other extracts.
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