Volume 7, number 1
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Prasad D, Phenolic Glycoside from root of Viburnum cylindricum. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2010;7(1)
Manuscript received on : October 30, 2009
Manuscript accepted on : December 07, 2009
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Phenolic Glycoside from root of Viburnum cylindricum

Dwarika Prasad

Department of Chemistry L.P. University Punjab India.

ABSTRACT: From Viburnum Cylindricum a phenolic glycoside was isolated and characterized as 1,1 dimethyl propyl-6’-O-trans-caffeoyl -a-D- glycoside by FAB-mass, 1H, 13C NMR.

KEYWORDS: Viburnum Cylindricum; Capriofoliaceae; Phenolic glycoside

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Prasad D, Phenolic Glycoside from root of Viburnum cylindricum. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2010;7(1)

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Prasad D, Phenolic Glycoside from root of Viburnum cylindricum. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2010;7(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9783


Viburnum cylindricum belongs to the family capriofoliaceace. It is evergreen shrub with grey back leaves oblong lanceolate or ovate glaucous green and occurs in moist shades oak forests between 1200-2500 mt (1) localy use in pain reliever. The phenolic glycoside was

Isolated from V.Dilatatum (2). The glycoside were previously isolated from V.oriental (leaves) and V. Wrightii (leaves) (3 and 4). Some other glycoside were isolated from some species of Scutellaria as S. Prostrata (root), S. Baicalisis (whole plant), S. Alpine (whole plant)(5 to 7).

Material and Method


Melting point was incorrect. 1H-NMR at (400 MHz). 13C NMR at (75 MHz) TMS as internal standard, using DMSO as solvent CC was carried out on silica-gel. The used solvent system was CHCl3-MeOH spots were visualized by 7% H2SO4  followed by heating.

Plant material 

Root of V. Cylindricum was collected from Tangsa Distt-Chamoli of Garhwal. The plant was identified from Department of Botany P.G.College Gopeshwar where bauchar specimen deposited.

Extraction and Isolation:

Air dried and coarsely powdered roots of V.cylindricum (2 Kg) was extracted with EtOH. The residue remains after evaporation was chromatographed over silica-gel and eluted with solvents of increasing polarity. Elution of column with methanol-Chloroform (73:27)  afforded compound purified by crystallization in ethanol.


Identification of compound was done by analysis of the 1H NMR, 13C-NMR and FAB-mass spectra comparison with data from the literature reference (2). The compound showed following spectroscopic data.


Colouress amorphous powder, FAB-m/z. 413(M+H)+ , 1H-NMR (400 MHz, DMSO) (agycone ) δ 2.27 (t, J= 7.2,8.0 Hz) 0.85 (t, J=6.6 Hz), 1.23 (s), (Caffeyl) 6.12 (s), 7.06 (d J=8.0 Hz),(glycone). 4.94(s), 3.25 (d, J=5.2 Hz), 4.26(t, J=6.8Hz), 3.96(dd, J=5.6, 8.8 Hz), 3.82(m), 4.02(dd, J=4.9, 4.0 Hz), 5.55(s,-OH), 5.32 (s, -OH). 13C –NMR (75 MHz, DMSO), (aglycone) δ 65.27 (C1), 24.09 (C2), 11.14 (C3), 14.03(C4) (Caffeoyal) δ 127.71 (C1”), 115.11(C2”), 149.69(C3”), 146.81(C4”), 116.63(C5”), 114.92(C6”), 147.25(C7”), 123.26 (C8”), 169.14 (C9”),(glycone) 103.77 (C1”), 74.93(C2’), 77.91(C3’), 71.85(C4’), 75.54(C5’), 64.74 (C6’).

Result and discussion

Compound was obtain colouress amorphous powder from methanol. Its molecular weight calculate 412 from its molecular ion peak at m/z 413 and fragments peak at 91, 95, 107, 136, 149, 154 in FAB-MS and elemental composition showed molecular formula C20O9H28 .

1H NMR spectrum of compound showed signals for methylene protons as doublet at δ 4.02 with coupling constant of 4.4 and 4.0 Hz indicate an oxygen bearing methylene proton assigned for H-6 and presence of quadrate at δ 2.27 (J=7.2 Hz) assigned for H-2. Signals for methine proton doublet at δ 7.06 (J= 8.0 Hz) and singlet at δ 6.1 indicated tri-substituted aromatic function for H-5,6’ and H-2”. Two doublet at 6.96(J=8.4 Hz) and 5.18 (J=3.6 Hz) for H-7” and H-8” unsaturated methane. The position of two singlets at δ 8.29 and 7.73 indicated presence of two aromatic hydroxyl group. The two sharp signals at δ 1.23 and 0.85 singlet and triplet respectively for methyl protons H-3 & H-4. Presence of a singlet at 4.94 indicated anomeric signalet signal showed configuration of sugar as α-linkage in the glucone part. The two singlet at δ 5.55 and 5.32 for hydroxyl group of sugar. These values were again confirmed by 13C  NMR spectra, which displayed 19 carbon signals the highly downfield signals at δ 147.25 and 123.26 for α-β unsaturated methin C-7” and C-8” and six peaks at δ 27.71, 115.11, 149.69, 146.81, 116.63, 114.92 for aromatic carbons. The presence of six peak at δ 103.77, 74.93,77.91,71.85, 75.54, 64.74 were coorelated with the sugar moiety.

The identity of compound was compared with the reported data of phenolic Glucosides isolated from Viburnum dilatatum (2) and hence it was identified 1,1 dimethyl propyl 6’-O-trans-caffeoyl-α-D-glucoside.


The authors are thankful to Principal P.G.College Gopeshwar for proving lab facilities and CDRI-Locknow for recording spectra.


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