Volume 8, number 1
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Bakoriya R, Thomas T, Saxena R. C. Ethanomedicinal Survey of Plants of Sehore District of M.P. showing Wound Healing Activity. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2011;8(1)
Manuscript received on : January 21, 2011
Manuscript accepted on : February 20, 2011
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Ethanomedicinal Survey of Plants of Sehore District of M.P. showing Wound Healing Activity

Rajesh Bakoriya1, Tessy Thomas2 and R.C. Saxena2*

1C.S.A. Government P.G. College, Sehore India.

2Pest Control and Ayurvedic Research Laboratory S.S.L. Jain, P.G. College Vidisha India.

ABSTRACT: The present paper reports 12 ethno-medicinal plants of Sehore district of M.P. which is used by the villagers for wound healing and other diseases. Out of 12 plants reported in the present study. Mimosa pudica, Aloe Vera, leaf gel Annona squmosa leaf pultis, Vitex nigundo latex have shown healing effect much faster than other plants extract.

KEYWORDS: Ethano-medicine; Wound healing; Re-epithilization

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Bakoriya R, Thomas T, Saxena R. C. Ethanomedicinal Survey of Plants of Sehore District of M.P. showing Wound Healing Activity. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2011;8(1)

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Bakoriya R, Thomas T, Saxena R. C. Ethanomedicinal Survey of Plants of Sehore District of M.P. showing Wound Healing Activity. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2011;8(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9394


Ethno-botany is a multidisciplinary subject which deal with the use of medicinal plants for various ailments based on ethnic knowledge. The present paper reports 12 plants of Sehore district of M.P. in India which are more frequently used by the villagers in remote areas for cut; wounds and other injuries. Similarly observations on ethno-medicinal use of herbal plants based on different ethnic communities of the country have been reported earlier which emphasized the need of such studies for exploring more and more hidden informations. SaxenaLalet al., (1994), Malviyaet al., (2008), Manjunathet al., (2006), Patel (2007). Shettyet al., (2007) have evaluated the wound healing effect of alcoholic extract of Ocimum sanctum. Recently, Sharma et al., (2010) have also reported the Ethno medicinal study of edible plants used by Gond and Bharia tribes of Chhindwara district of M.P. Looking to the wide occurrence of burn wound in the modern societies and the ointments used showing irritation on skin, it was thought important to work out such plants which posses wound healing activities.

Material and Methods

The plant listed in table 1 have been collected after one year survey of the remote villages of Sehore district and the knowledge gained from the local peoples. The plants belong to 11 different families of Dicot except Aloe veraof family Liliaceae. The plants were identified at Botany department of S.S.L. Jain College Vidisha (M.P.) India.

Table 1

S. No




Botanical Name Family Part used
1. Chhuimui Mimosa pudical Fabaceae Root
2. Mehandi Lawsoniainermis Lythraceae Bark
3. Halide Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae Rhizome
4. Pepal Ficusreligiosa Moraceae Bark
5. Gaur patha Aloe vera Liliaceae Leaf gel
6. Seta fal Anonasquamosa Anonaceae Leaves
7. Arjun Terminaliaarjuna            Combretaceae  


8. Shesham Delbergiasissoo Fabaceae Leaves
9. Nirgundi Vitexnigundo Verbenaceae Leaves oil
10. Neembu Citrus aurantifolia Rutaceae Fruits
11. Jamun Syzygiumcuminii Myratceae Leaves and seed
12. Mahua  Madhucaindica  Saptoaceae      Leaves and bark

Results and Discussion

The study is quite significance for pharmacologist, botanist and agricultural scientist who are engaged in the field of pharmacology. The plants listed in the table have been used invariable in several ailments including wound healing. The leaves of Mimosa pudicaof Fabaceae have been reported to be useful in bleeding piles where-as its roots deoxidation is found to be used in wound healing. Similarly Curcuma longa family-Zinzinberaceae, Lawsoniainermis family-Lythraceae and Ficusreligiosa family-Moraceae bark extract when applied topically give relief to the deep incision wounds as well as other skin diseases. It has patent antioxidant “curcumin” which is antibacterial and antifungal that seems to be used in wound healing. Citrus aurantifolia family Rutaceae fruits juice is useful in ring worm and to remove the dark spot of skin. Also other plants listed in the table 1 such as Aloe vera is well known for its anti-inflammatory activities Zuneja (2008). The other plants Terminaliaarjuna, Annonasquamos, Delbergiasissoo, Vitexnigundo, Maducaindicaand  Syzygiumcuminii have been found to be useful in deep incision wound which were reepithilized completely with 14 days periods. Recently Sheetal and Kunul (2010), Nath (2010) and Abbas lone (2009) have reported the ethno medicinal plants used in folk remedies including wound healing activity, which supports the present study.


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