Manuscript accepted on : October 02, 2011
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Production of Riboflavin by Local Isolates of Aspergillus Terreus
N. A. Tambe¹ and C. J. Chandekar²
¹Department of Biotechnology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur India.
²Co-ordinator, Biotechnology Department, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur India.
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ABSTRACT: Riboflavin is a yellow, water soluble solid which plays an important role in growth and normal health of many living organisms as well as man. Aspergillus terreus was used for the production of riboflavin which was markedly affected by the composition of the culture medium, incubation period and agitation speed. The growth and production rate of vitamin was high by using shaked flask method. Maximal productivity (1044mg/L) was achieved when fungus was allowed to grow on synthetic medium fortified with glycine, oleic acid and ferric chloride. The used media at pH 6 and agitation speed at 250 rpm showed a good productivity rate for riboflavin in supplemented medium rather than medium containing no additives.
KEYWORDS: Riboflavin; Aspergillus terreus; human health
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Copy the following to cite this article: Tambe N. A, Chandekar C. J. Production of Riboflavin by Local Isolates of Aspergillus Terreus. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2011;8(2) |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Tambe N. A, Chandekar C. J. Production of Riboflavin by Local Isolates of Aspergillus Terreus. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2011;8(2). Available from: |
Riboflavin, the so called vitamin B2, is widely distributed in plants and animals and plays an important role in organism. It is yellow crystalline compound C17 H20 N4 O6, is precursor of flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide which acts as coenzymes for wide variety of enzymes in the intermediate metabolism (Lim, S.H. et al, 2001). It plays an important role in growth and normal health of many living organism as well as amn. Lack of riboflavin causes ariboflavinosis (Cooperman and Lopaz, 1984). Many Aspergillus spp. had been used for riboflavin production using a variety of cheap by products containing media (Sabry, S.A. et al, 1993). Three kinds of microorganisms are currently in use for industrial riboflavin production are Ashbya gossypii, Candida formata, Bacillus subtilis( Stahmann, K.P., et al, 1999). Riboflavin is an important vitamin as it plays an important role in producing antioxidants agent by scavenging damaging particles in the body known as free radicles (Lim, S.H. et al, 2001). Aspergillus terreus is used as riboflavin production in a medium containing beet molasses as the sole carbon source (Sabry, S.A. et al, 1995).
The present study involves the production of riboflavin by local isolates of Aspergillus terreus, cultivated on different culture media at different incubation periods.
Materails and Methods
Aspergillus terreus was used in present study procured from NCIM, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune as NCIM-660.
Maintenance of the Micro-Organism
The tested fungus was maintained on agar slants at 4oC using potato dextrose agar medium. Subcultures were almost carried out after every 4 weeks.
Corn steep liquor was used for riboflavin production which is obtained form ANIL PRODUCTS LTD. Ahmadabad.
gm of corn steep liquor in100ml of distilled H2O. Add 1 gm of glucose to it and then add 0.5 gm of peptone.
gm of corn steep liquor in100ml of distilled H2O. Add 1 gm of glucose to it and then add 0.5 gm of peptone. Then medium id fortified with 0.2 gm of yeast extract. Also 0.15 gm of KH2PO4 and 0.025 gm of MgSO4.7H2O.
It has the same composition of medium 2, but supplemented with FeCl3, 0.005 mg/l, oleic acid 1.5 g/l and glycine 0.2 g/l (Heba A. et al, 2009).
Material for riboflavin assay
Sodium hydroxide (2ml) and Potassium phosphate buffer pH 6.5.
Preparation of spores
The spore suspension was prepared by dispersing the spores from potato dextrose agar slant in saline suspension (which is prepared by taking 0.085 gm NaCl in 100 ml of distilled water) with sterile inoculating loop..
The tested medium was initially adjusted to pH 6.5. 50 ml of portions of the medium were dispensed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The flasks were sterilized by autoclaving at 121oC for 15 minutes. And inoculated with 2 ml spore suspension of 72h old culture and incubated at 30oC on a rotary shaker.
Dry weight estimation
The fungus growth was estimated by centrifugation technique. The fungus was washed, dried at 60oC until constant weight. The culture filtrate was then analyzed for their contents of riboflavin.
Estimation of riboflavin
o.8 ml of the above culture filtrate is taken into the flasks and to this add 0.2 ml of sodium hydroxide. Now take 0.4ml of resulting solution in flasks which was then neutralized with 1 ml (0.1M) potassium phosphate buffer and the absorbance of the produced color was measured at λ 445 nm. The amount of riboflavin produced was calculated from a previously prepared standard curve (Lim, S.H. et al, 2003).
Result and Discussion
Effect of cultivation technique and Medium Composition
The present work was started by finding the ability of the tested fungus to grow and produce riboflavin on different tested media using shaking fermentation conditions. In present study, three different media were used with different concentration of some constituents.
The result of the study shows that better production of riboflavin was observed under shaked culture techniques. The results in Table 1 and 2 showed the fungus growth and riboflavin production during the cultivation of Aspergillus terreus on medium (1) and medium (2) at different agitation speeds using shaked flasks on different incubation period. The tested fungus survived well on all cultivation medium but the medium (3) proved to be most suitable for both growth and riboflavin production. Similar findings were observed by Heba, A. et al, 2009 and Sabry and Ghozlan, 1994. The good productivity was recorded with the formulation of medium 3 as compared with those attained with medium 2 was due to addition of Fecl3, oleic acid and glycine.. Therefore, it is clear that the additives in medium support the fungus growth and vitamin production. In support to the finding, Schlee and Straube also reported that such supplements stimulate the falvogenesis process ( Heba, A. et al, 2009).
Effect of Agitation speed on riboflavin production
The agitation speed has a great effect on the production rate of vitamin as well as fungus. The result given in table 2 and table 3 containing medium 2 and 3 revealed that the vitamin production rate increases with the increase of agitation speed. The maximum vitamin production (1044) mg/l was obtained after 7 days at 250 rpm.
K.M. Ghanem and H.A. Ghozlan have given that production of Riboflavin by Aspergillus terreus from beet molasses. Similar finding were observed by Sabry and Ghozlan, 1994. Foaad and Affif, 2000 proved that Asp. terreus could utilize glucose as carbon source and yield 0.6 g/L riboflavin. The Asp. terreus during Riboflavin fermentation using corn steep liquor as a substrate utilizes some organic nutrient in substrate. In certain cases, the glucose may be replaced by a lipid such as corn oil or low level of corn oil may be added to glucose to stimulate Riboflavin production rate or yield.. Hence maximum production observed was 1044 mg/L and corn steep liquor supported maximum production of riboflavin by using the respective fungus.
Table 1: Fungus growth and riboflavin production during the cultivation of Aspergillus terreus on medium 1 at different agitation speed using shaked flasks.
Incubation period( day) | Agitation rate 150 rpm | Agitation rate 250 rpm | ||
Dry weight
(mg/l) |
Riboflavin(mg/50ml) | Dry weight
(mg/50ml) |
Riboflavin(mg/l) | |
5 | 0.45 | 354 | 0.35 | 347 |
6 | 0.48 | 562 | 0.42 | 420 |
7 | 0.53 | 596 | 0.45 | 562 |
Table 2: Fungus growth and riboflavin production during the cultivation of Aspergillus terreus on medium 2 at different agitation speed using shaked flasks.
Incubation period( day) | Agitation rate 150 rpm | Agitation rate 250 rpm | ||
Dry weight
(mg/l) |
Riboflavin(mg/50ml) | Dry weight
(mg/50ml) |
Riboflavin(mg/l) | |
5 | 0.63 | 665 | 0.64 | 578 |
6 | 0.65 | 782 | 0.67 | 682 |
7 | 0.68 | 780 | 0.69 | 790 |
Table 3: Effect of agitation speeds on the growth and riboflavin production by A. terreus grown on medium 3 at different incubation periods using shaked flasks.
Incubation period( day) | Agitation rate 150 rpm | Agitation rate 250 rpm | ||
Dry weight
(mg/l) |
Riboflavin(mg/50ml) | Dry weight
(mg/50ml) |
Riboflavin(mg/l) | |
5 | 0550 | 855 | 615 | 800 |
6 | 680 | 900 | 643 | 1044 |
7 | 659 | 780 | 600 | 980 |
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