Volume 9, number 1
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Asadi M. H, Sayyah M, Rajabi M. Comparing Age Groups Anthropometric Measures of Young Male Student Athletes Participating in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competetions. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(1)
Manuscript received on : 16 December 2011
Manuscript accepted on : 25 January 2012
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Comparing Age Groups Anthropometric Measures of Young Male Student Athletes Participating in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competetions

M. H. Asadi1, M. Sayyah2 and M. Rajabi3

1Deparment of Baghiyatollah(a.s.) University of Medical Sciences.

2Department of Anatomical Sciences Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.

3Deparment of anesthesiology Group, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.

Corresponding Author E-mail: mansorsayyah@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: Anthropometric measures such as height, weight, and body composition have long been indispensable measures used to assess the health of general population in medicine and fitness in sport sciences. The purpose of this descriptive study was to compare the mean values of height, weight, and BMI of different age groups male student athletes participating in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competition. In this descriptive cross sectional study, a total of 840 young male student athletes competing in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competition voluntarily participated. The data were collected at the competition sites by using a Seca scale equipped with adjustable height bar made in Germany. All the statistical analysis was performed by SPSS:PC version 12.0. The results of the study showed that the means for age, weight, height, and BMI were 23.72±3.51yr, 69.16±9.43kg, 175.72±6.62cm and 22.38±2.59kgm2, respectively. The results of ANOVA test showed a significant increase in the BMI and weight of male athletes (p<0.05). However no such increase was present for the height variable. It was concluded that BMI and weight of the male athlete students increases significantly by the increase in age.

KEYWORDS: Athletes; Anthropometry; BMI; Competition

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Asadi M. H, Sayyah M, Rajabi M. Comparing Age Groups Anthropometric Measures of Young Male Student Athletes Participating in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competetions. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(1)

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Asadi M. H, Sayyah M, Rajabi M. Comparing Age Groups Anthropometric Measures of Young Male Student Athletes Participating in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Competetions. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9524


One of the subjects of interest for the specialists in health, medicine and sports sciences is the changing anthropometric characteristics of the individuals as they grow older.    While the formers scrutinize the change for the health purposes, the later are interested to closely monitor the changes as they may be associated with sport performance in the field of competitions.  Measuring anthropometric characteristics of athletes is an important index for evaluating their physical fitness (1). Weight and height are two important factors that are commonly used in identifying underweight, overweight, and obesity.  The changes in body mass index and other characteristics of the athletes are the subject of some studies (2).    While some researchers are interested in physical fitness of the athletes (3), others focus on the body weight control or injuries (4, 5).    Goodpaster (1997) regards BMI=19.06 as a criterion for masculinity and the ratio of 40 and above as an index of excessive obesity (6).   Jett (1993) identified BMI within the range 27-29.9 as overweight and above this range as obese (7).  Lee (1997) claimed that BMI can be successfully used to predict VO2 max which is a very reliable estimate of cardiovascular fitness (8). Lukhanen (1992) demonstrated that there was a significant relation between VO2 max and BMI in certain age groups (9).  Sayyah and associates (2011) conducted a research examining the relationship between the anthropometric characteristics of female athletes and the frequency of injury in the competitions of female athletes. The results of this research showed a significant difference between the mean value of BMI of the injured and non-injured athletes (10).  Huang reported that BMI significantly and differentially influenced individual fitness tests, but effects varied with age and sex. Higher BMIs were generally associated with lower fitness (11).   Katya and associates (2010) showed that youth BMI was positively associated with general health (12).    Considering the significance of Body Mass Index in health and fitness, this study was designed for two purposes: first to  determine the anthropometric index of male student athlete participating in sport Olympiad of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education; second, to determine whether significant change occur in anthropometric indices such as weight and height since they are the important variable that  determine BMI,  an important index that under certain circumstances is considered as a risk factors for health.

Methods and materials

Data were collected during the two weeks of competitions. Seca model scales made in Germany equipped with adjustable height bar were employed to measure the height and weight of athletes.  The measurements were conducted during the events by referring to the arena or by transferring the scales to the residential place where the athletes were residing during the events.  Prior to participating in the measurement,  every athlete was asked to complete a question form containing demographic data such as age, name, and other information and then take his shoes and warm-up suit off.  Then, he was asked to step on the surface of the scale face up to the researcher in such a way that his back was straight and parallel to the height bar.  At this point, the researcher adjusted the height bar to the top of the head of the subject that was in full standing position. The reading from the height bar was recorded as the height of the subject for measuring the weight, the weight gauge indicating the weight of the subject was recorded as the weight of the subject. Following the completion of the data collection, statistical analysis was performed on data using SPSS 12.0. The variable of Body Mass Index was calculated by the formula:

W (kg)/ H squared (m)


A total of 840 male athlete students from different medical universities participated in this project.  The results of analysis are presented in table 1 to 3.  The results showed that the means for age, weight, height, and BMI were 23.72±3.51yr, 69.16±9.43kg, 175.72±6.62cm and 22.38±2.59kgm2, respectively.   Kolmogrove-smirinov test confirmed the normality of the variables; therefore, parametric statistical procedure was applied to analyze the data. The results of ANOVA test showed that there was a significant increase in mean values of BMI and weight of the athletes (p<0.05).  However no such increase was present for the height variable.   Scheffe post hoc test showed that the  significant difference was present between the BMI of  the  age group 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 compared to the age groups 23 and higher ( p<0.05).  No significant differences was found between the BMI of the age group 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 (p>0.05).  Similar results were found for the weight of the subjects.  That is,  significant difference was present between the  weight  of  the  age group 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 compared to the age groups 23 and higher ( p<0.05).  No significant differences was found between the weight of the age group 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 (p>0.05).  However, no significant differences was found between the height of the age groups (p>0.05).     Pearson correlation coefficient was used to test the association between weight, height and age (table 4). The association between the weight and age; weight and height were significant (P<0.05).

Table 1 : Comparing the Body Mass Index of the athletes according to age.

Age(year) Frequency Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
18 7 20.40 2.654 17 26
19 39 21.36 2.208 18 26
20 92 21.61 2.592 16 31
21 119 21.98 2.506 18 31
22 121 22.11 2.199 17 30
23 112 22.42 2.487 18 31
24 65 22.28 2.244 18 28
25 67 22.63 1.980 18 27
26 48 22.75 2.731 16 31
Over 26 170 23.74 2.820 18 31
Total 840 22.38 2.598 16 31

Table 2 :  Comparing the weight of the athletes according to age

Age(year) Frequency Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
18 7 62.714 6.7753 53.0 75.0
19 39 67.423 9.1842 51.0 86.0
20 92 66.897 9.3137 51.0 99.5
21 119 67.992 8.7248 47.5 97.0
22 121 65.967 7.6767 48.0 95.0
23 112 69.527 10.1571 50.0 99.5
24 65 68.500 8.8724 51.0 97.0
25 67 69.940 9.0309 50.0 93.0
26 48 70.071 9.4041 46.0 99.5
Over 26 170 73.594 9.5541 53.0 99.5
Total 840 69.163 9.4312 46.0 99.5

Table 3 : Comparing  the height of  the athletes according to age.

Age(year)  Frequency Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Minimum Maximum
18 7 175.57 4.721 1.784 171 183
19 39 174.69 6.838 1.095 164 193
20 92 175.89 6.899 .719 164 198
21 119 175.85 6.579 .603 160 192
22 121 175.83 6.409 .583 158 194
23 112 175.18 6.326 .598 158 194
24 65 175.59 5.445 .675 165 186
25 67 175.70 7.883 .963 155 189
26 48 176.07 6.620 .955 160 189
Over 26 170 177.44 6.764 .519 159 198
Total 840 175.72 6.623 .229 155 198

Table 4: One-way Analysis of variance comparing BMI, weight and height of the athletes.

Sources of variatios Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
bmi Between Groups 541.330 9 60.148 9.747 .000
Within Groups 5121.991 830 6.171
Total 5663.321 839
Wt* Between Groups 5743.181 9 638.131 7.688 .000
Within Groups 68972.501 831 82.999
Total 74715.683 840
Ht* Between Groups 290.503 9 32.278 .734 .678
Within Groups 36510.907 830 43.989
Total 36801.410 839

*wt stands for weight

*ht stands for height

Table 5: Correlation matrix of weight, height, age. and BMI of athlete students.

Variables Age Weight Height BMI
Age 1 0.24 0.10 0.30
Weight 1 0.49 0.79
Height 1 -0.40


Figure 1: Frequency distribution of age groups. Figure 1: Frequency distribution of age groups.


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Figure 2: Frequency distribution of BMI according to the age groups. Figure 2: Frequency distribution of BMI according to the  age groups.


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Results and Conclusion

In this research, the anthropometric indices of the male athletes were examined.  The results of analysis showed that the BMI and weight of the athletes did increase from age 18 onward.  This increase was not statistically significant up to the age 23. However, after this age, the increase was statistically significant.  Similar findings were observed when analyzing the weight.  Such parity of increase is predictable since BMI is the function of   weight and height.   The size of height reaches its peak during these years and insignificant changes may occur after the age 18 as it was observed in this research.   Many researchers have presented height and weight changes in their attempt to show the changes in height and weight, thus examining the the association between these variables and physical activities (16).

The increases in BMI beyond 25 may be an indication of loss of physical fitness and is regarded as a health risk factor.   Numerous studies  have assessed body mass index  in order to evaluate the health condition of individuals (12-15). These studies demonstrate that body mass index is an important factor to judge the likelihood of success as well as injury in athletes ( 13, 15 ).

The relationship between the BMI and weight permits the alteration of BMI to an ideal level to avoid the chance of injury to lesser degree and get in better shape to participate in sport competitions. By participation in various forms of physical activity, it is possible to reduce weight and BMI quantity.  The student athletes in this research showed an increasing trend in their BMI value approaching the border beyond which they may be considered as overweight and face a health risk factor. Therefore, based on the results of this research, it is suggested the coaches and individuals in charge of preparing the student athletes for competitions to monitor the weight of their athletes prior to the start of competitions.


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