Volume 9, number 2
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Mudgal L. K, Varma R. G, Kumar S, Malakar B. Evaluation of Water Quality: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Narmada River at Indra Sagar Dam (Punassa) By Using Correlation Study, M.P. India. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(2)
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Evaluation of Water Quality: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Narmada River at Indra Sagar Dam (Punassa) By Using Correlation Study, M.P. India

L. K. Mudgal1, R.G.Varma1, Sushil Kumar2 and Babita Malakar2

1Department of Zoology, Mata jijabaai Govt. Girls P.G. College, Indore-452 001, India.

2Department of Chemistry, P.M.B Gujarati Science College, Indore-452 001, India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: sushilkangari_4@rediffmail.com 

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1077


The present study investigation deals with the study of physio - chemical nature of water from Narmada River selected station Indra Sagar Dam. Monthly variation in water temperature, pH, Chlorinity, Alkanity, Total hardness, DO, BOD, Nitrate, Phosphate were studied during January 2011 to December 2011. Water samples were collected from selected station. Monthly analysis during study period states that throughout the study period water war alkaline in nature. Correlation coefficient was calculated between different pairs of parameters to identify the high correlated and interrelated water quality parameters.

KEYWORDS: Dam Water; Physio-chemical analysis; Narmada River; Correlation Coefficient.

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Mudgal L. K, Varma R. G, Kumar S, Malakar B. Evaluation of Water Quality: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Narmada River at Indra Sagar Dam (Punassa) By Using Correlation Study, M.P. India. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(2)

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Mudgal L. K, Varma R. G, Kumar S, Malakar B. Evaluation of Water Quality: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Narmada River at Indra Sagar Dam (Punassa) By Using Correlation Study, M.P. India. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2012;9(2). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=101974


Water quality includes all physical, chemical and biological factors that influence the beneficial use of water. Physio – Chemical analysis is the prime consideration to assess the quality of water for its best utilization like drinking, irrigation, fisheries, industrial purpose and helpful in the understanding the complex process, interaction between the climatic and biological process in the water.

River Narmada is the most important river system of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Besides being a very important source of water. The Narmada basin lies between east longitudes 72°32’ to 81°45’ and north latitudes 21°20’ to 23°45’ .Narmada is a lotic water resources. It is the only non snow fed perennial river in India. Water is mainly used for irrigation, drinking, fishery, electricity generation and domestic purpose. Few of the Physio – Chemical parameters are studied to assess the quality of water.

Material and Methods

The present study was conducted in Narmada River from selected station Indra Sagar Dam from upstream in Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh, India. Selected stations located in longitude 76°28’00” and latitude 22°17’00”. The study was carried out for one year period during January 2011 to December 2011. For studying overall Physio – Chemical nature of water. Water samples were collected from selected station during first week of every month. Five liters water sample were collected from 15 cm below surface water in wide mouthed screw capped, airtight and opaque polythene containers. Separate samples were collected for DO & BOD in 250 ml DO bottles and oxygen was fixed at the time of sampling on field by alkali azide reagent. Water temperature recorded by standard centigrade thermometer, pH recorded by standard pH meter on field rest of all the parameters were analyzed immediately on returned to the laboratory by titrimetric methods. The analysis of Physio – Chemical characteristic is carried out by the standard methodologies for water analysis given by [APHA 2005, Welch 1958, Golterman et al 1978].

Results and Discussion

Temperature: – Water temperature ranged from 18°C to 31°C Monthly analysis showed that it was highest at 31°C in the summer and relatively lower in winter 18°C The correlation study shows that Temperature is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.166) & Transparency (-0.249). This parameter shows +ve Correlation with pH (0.543), B.O.D. (0.742), Chloride (0.243), Phosphate (0.665), Nitrate (0.357), Alkalinity (0.149), Sulphate (0.041) & Total Hardness (0.507).

pH: – pH is considered as important chemical parameters in water body since most of the aquatic organisms are adapted to an average pH and do not withstand abrupt changes. However the range varied from 7.5 to 7.9. The maximum pH was recorded in the month of May & June and minimum pH in the month of August.  The correlation study shows that pH is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.710) & Alkalinity (-0.003). This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.543), B.O.D. (0.815), Chloride (0.805), Phosphate (0.017) & Nitrate (0.270), Sulphate (0.249), Total Hardness (0.469), Transparency (0.281).

Dissolved Oxygen :-  Dissolved Oxygen is one of the most important parameter  in  water Quality assessment. The important of dissolved oxygen in an aquatic ecosystem bringing out various biochemical changes and many ecologists discussed its effect on metabolic activities of organisms dissolved oxygen varied between 6.3 to 10.5 mg/lt. The maximum value was recorded in the month of August and minimum in the month of May. A negative correlation between dissolved oxygen value and temperature was observed in the present study. The correlation study shows that D.O. is –ve correlated with Temperature (-0.166), pH (-0.710), B.O.D. (-0.611), Chloride (-0.790), Nitrate (-0.004), Alkalinity (-0.123), Sulphate (-0.179), Total Hardness    (-0.133) & Transparency (-0.762).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Phosphate (0.416).

Biological oxygen demand:-  Biological oxygen demand is an indicator parameter to know the presence of biodegradable matter in the waste  and express to degree of contamination. Biological oxygen demand value ranged from 0.6 to 1.1 mg/lt. Monthly analysis reveals that B.O.D. values are more during summer than winter and monsoon. The correlation study shows that B.O.D. is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.611), Alkalinity (-0.026) & Sulphate (-0.047).    This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.742), pH (0.815), Chloride (0.581), Phosphate (0.227), Nitrate (0.043), Total Hardness (0.273) & Transparency     (0.296).

Alkalinity:- The alkalinity values provide guidance in applying proper doses of chemicals in water  and waste water treatment process. High alkalinity value is indicative of the eutrophic nature of the water body. Total alkalinity values ranged from 125 to 150 mg/lt. Monthly analysis showed that higher value in July and minimum value in the month October. The correlation study shows that Alkalinity is –ve correlated with pH (-0.003) D.O. (-0.123), B.O.D. (-0.026) & Transparency (-0.275). This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.149), Chloride (0.074), Phosphate (0.221), Nitrate (0.706), Sulphate (0.537) & Total Hardness (0.627).

Total Hardness: – The total hardness varied between 118 to 142 mg/Lt. Total hardness was higher in monsoon and lower in winter season. The correlation study shows that Total Hardness is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.133) & Transparency (-0.427).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.507), pH (0.469), B.O.D. (0.273) Chloride (0.464), Phosphate (0.299), Nitrate (0.795), Alkalinity (0.627) & Sulphate (0.526).

 Table 1; Showing monthly fluctuations in Physico-Chemical parameters of Indra Sagar Dam at Sampling   station I (Punassa) [Jan 11 –Dec. 11]



PARAMETERS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 Temperature °C 20 23 26 27 31 30 28 26 28 26 22 18
2 Transparency(cm) 71 65 72 70 72 63 18 14 61 73 71 73
3 pH 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.6
4 Dissolved Oxygen(mg./ltr.) 7.4 7.3 7 7.1 6.3 6.5 7.9 10.5 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.5
5 B. O. D. (mg./ltr.) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.6
6 Chloride (mg./ltr.) 30 33 36 38 37 40 30 18 20 25 30 28
7 Phosphate (mg./ltr.) 0.711 0.723 0.785 0.802 0.813 0.826 0.895 0.879 0.843 0.831 0.806 0.749
8 Nitrate (mg./ltr.) 0.879 0.921 0.945 0.949 0.979 0.983 1.39 0.911 0.859 0.846 0.896 0.887
9 Alkalinity (mg./ltr.) 131 132 141 133 136 126 150 127 139 125 131 135
10 Sulphate (mg./ltr.) 2.76 2.65 2.92 2.74 2.63 2.96 3.84 2.42 2.2 2.64 3.02 2.76
11 Total Hardness (mg./ltr.) 125 128 131 134 136 131 142 128 124 118 119 126


Phosphate: – Phosphate is the important nutrient necessary for the production growth of aquatic organisms. In the present study phosphate values varied between 0.711 to 0.895 mg. /Lt. The maximum value was obtained was recorded in July and minimum value was recorded in January. The correlation study shows that Phosphate is –ve correlated with Chloride (-0.327) & Transparency         (-0.692).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.665), pH (0.017), D.O. (0.416), B.O.D. (0.227), Nitrate (0.491), Alkalinity (0.221) & Sulphate (0.228) & Total Hardness (0.299).

Nitrate: – The Nitrate is the basic constituent of all organisms and plays a vital role in metabolism growth, reproduction, and transmission of heritable characters. In the present study nitrate values fluctuated between 0.846 to 1.39 mg/Lt. The maximum value of nitrate in Monsoon  and minimum values of nitrate in winter. The correlation study shows that Nitrate is –ve correlated with D.O. (0.416), Transparency(-0.601).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.357), pH (0.270), B.O.D. (0.043), Chloride (0.219) Phosphate (0.491), Alkalinity (0.706) , Sulphate (0.854) & Total Hardness (0.795).

Chloride: – The Chloride Values are varied from 18 to 40 mg/Lt. The Maximum Value was recorded in summer & minimum in monsoon. The correlation study shows that Chloride is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.790), Phosphate (-0.327).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.243), pH (0.805), B.O.D. (0.581), Nitrate (0.219), Alkalinity (0.074), Sulphate (0.383), Total Hardness (0.464) & Transparency (0.455).

Sulphate:- Sulphate Values are varied from 2.2 to 3.84 mg/Lt. The maximum Value was recorded in month of July & minimum in September. The correlation study shows that Sulphate is –ve correlated with D.O. (-0.179), B.O.D. (0.581) & Transparency       (-0.047).  This parameter shows +ve Correlation with Temperature (0.041), pH (0.249), Chloride (0.383), Phosphate (0.228), Nitrate (0.854), Alkalinity (0.537) & Total Hardness (0.526).

Transparency: – The Transparency Values are varied from 14 cm to 73 cm. The correlation study shows that Transparency is –ve correlated with Temperature (-0.249), D.O. (-0.762), Phosphate (-0.692), Nitrate (-0.601), Alkalinity (-0.275), Sulphate (-0.312) & Total Hardness (-0.427). This parameter shows +ve Correlation with pH (0.281), B.O.D. (0.296) & Chloride (0.455).

Table 2: Represents the Correlation between the various Physico – Chemical parameters of Narmada River water at Indra Sagar Dam (Punassa).

PARAMETERS TEMP pH D.O. B.O.D. Chloride Phosphate Nitrate Alkalinity Sulphate Total Hardness Transparency
TEMP 1  
pH 0.543 1  
D.O. -0.166 -0.710 1  
B.O.D. 0.742 0.815 -0.611 1  
Chloride 0.243 0.805 -0.790 0.581 1  
Phosphate 0.665 0.017 0.416 0.227 -0.327 1  
Nitrate 0.357 0.270 -0.004 0.043 0.219 0.491 1  
Alkalinity 0.149 -0.003 -0.123 -0.026 0.074 0.221 0.706 1  
Sulphate 0.041 0.249 -0.179 -0.047 0.383 0.228 0.854 0.537 1  
Total Hardness 0.507 0.469 -0.133 0.273 0.464 0.299 0.795 0.627 0.526 1  
Transparency -0.249 0.281 -0.762 0.296 0.455 -0.692 -0.601 -0.275 -0.312 -0.427 1


This present study concludes that Indara Sagar Dam water is not polluted all the parameters are within permissible limits, Alkanity is slightly is slightly higher in March, July, September and December. From the present study we conclude that Narmada water of Indra Sagar Dam is though fit for Drinking, Irrigation & Fish Production purpose. Although it need treatment to minimize the contamination especially Alkalinity. Present investigation is helpful to create the awareness among the peoples and government to maintain the Indra Sagar Dam water at its highest quality and purity levels


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