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Cytological Study of Family Aeshnidae (Odonata: Anisoptera) From India: A Review
Dalveer Singh Somal and Gurinder Kaur Walia*
Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala - 147002, Punjab, India.
Corresponding Author E-mail:
ABSTRACT: Cytological review of 59 aeshnid species and cytogenetic investigations on Anax ephippiger, Anax immaculifrons, Anax indicus, Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Anax parthenope, Gynacantha subinterrupta of the family Aeshnidae by carbol fuchsin staining and C - banding have been under taken. All the species posses 2n = 27m with X0 - XX sex determination except Anax ephippiger with 2n = 14 + neo XY, resulted by the 13 simultaneous fusions among the autosomes and between autosome and sex chromosome. The structure and behaviour of chromosomes, variation in size of m chromosomes and X chromosome and distribution of C - heterochromatin have been studied and compared among the species. C - bands are mostly present at the terminal regions of autosomal bivalents, while Anax ephippiger and Anax parthenope also possess C - bands at the interstitial and sub-terminal regions of the bivalents. Moreover, sex chromosome and m bivalent show variation in distribution of C-heterochromatin in the species. Out of these, chromosome complement of Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942 and C - banding on Anax ephippiger and Anax indicus have been investigated for the first time. List of cytologically studied species of family Aeshnidae has been updated to 60 species.
KEYWORDS: Anisoptera; Aeshnidae; Chromosome complement; C - heterochromatin; Micro chromosomes (m); Sex determination
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Copy the following to cite this article: omal D. S, Walia G. K. Cytological Study of Family Aeshnidae (Odonata: Anisoptera) From India: A Review. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2022;19(4). |
Copy the following to cite this URL: omal D. S, Walia G. K. Cytological Study of Family Aeshnidae (Odonata: Anisoptera) From India: A Review.Biosci Biotech Res Asia 2022;19(4). Available from: |
Family Aeshnidae (Anisoptera) includes large and vigorous dragonflies known as hawkers or darners or aeshnids. Aeshnids (Greek: ‘aeschna’ means ‘ugly’) are homogeneous in shape and their markings are nonmetallic with variable colors. Taxonomically, family Aeshnidae includes 54 genera, 480 species all over world, while 13 genera representing 49 species are available in India (Subramanian and Babu, 2017). Cytogenetic data pertaining to 59 species under the genera Aeshna, Anaciaeschna, Anax, Andaeschna, Austroaeschna, Basiaeschna, Boyeria, Caliaeschna, Castoraeschna, Cephalaeschna, Coryphaeschna, Gynacantha, Gynacanthaeschna, Oplonaeschna, Planaeschna, Remartinia, Rhionaeschna and Staurophlebia have been reviewed which also includes 11 species from India (Table 2). Presently, cytogenetic investigations on Anax ephippiger, Anax immaculifrons, Anax indicus, Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Anax parthenope and Gynacantha subinterrupta by carbol fuchsin staining and C – banding have been attempted. All the species posses 2n = 27m with X0 – XX sex determination except Anax ephippiger with 2n = 14 + neo XY sex determination. Distribution of C – heterochromatin has been observed and compared among the species. Chromosome complement of Anax indicus (Lieftinck, 1942) and C – banding on Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) and Anax indicus (Lieftinck, 1942) has been analysed for the first time. List of cytologically studied species of family Aeshnidae has been updated to 60 species.
Materials and methods
Male specimens of Anax ephippiger, Anax immaculifrons, Anax indicus, Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Anax parthenope and Gynacantha subinterrupta were captured from different localities from India (Table 1). Alive specimens were dissected in 0.67 % saline solution (Sodium chloride in distilled water) in the field and testes were removed from the abdomen. Subsequently, the testes were put in sodium citrate (0.9 %) for 45 minutes and then fixed in freshly prepared Carnoy’s fixative (3 parts absolute alcohol : 1 part glacial acetic acid) and tapped on grease – free slides. Slides were proceeded for carbol fuchsin staining (Carr and Walker, 1961) and C – banding (Sumner, 1972). Relevant meiotic stages were micro- photographed for further cytogenetical investigations.
Table: 1: Collection details of species of family Aeshnidae.
S. No. |
Species |
Common Name |
Locality |
Latitude |
Altitude |
Month/Year |
1 |
Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) |
Vagrant emperor |
Sangrur (Punjab) |
30º 36’ 95” N |
75º 86’ 13” E |
240m |
July, 2020 |
2 |
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842 |
Magnificent emperor |
Andretta (Himachal Pradesh) |
32º 03’ 50” N |
76º 33’ 46” E |
1301m |
May, 2018 |
3 |
Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942 |
Lesser Green Emperor |
Nagpur (Maharashtra) |
21º 14’ 58” N |
79º 08’ 82” E |
310m |
September, 2018 |
4 |
Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus Fraser, 1935 |
Blue – spotted Emperor |
Dal lake, (Himachal Pradesh) |
32º 24’ 71” N |
76º 18’ 38” E |
1775m |
June, 2018 |
5 |
Anax parthenope (Seyls, 1839) |
Lesser emperor |
Patiala (Punjab) |
30º 30’ 95” N |
76º 31’ 76” E |
257m |
May, 2019 |
6 |
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rambur, 1842 |
Dingy dusk hawker |
Andretta (Himachal Pradesh) |
32º 03’ 50” N |
76º 33’ 46” E |
1301m |
September, 2017 |
Carbol fuchsin staining
Chromosome complement of Anax immaculifrons (Fig. 1c), Anax indicus (Fig. 1e), Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1g), Anax parthenope (Fig. 2a), Gynacantha subinterrupta (Fig. 2c) show 2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X0), while the only exception is Anax ephippiger with 2n (♂) = 14 (10A + 2m + neo – XY) resulted by the 13 simultaneous fusions in the complement (Fig. 1a). Moreover, variation in the size of sex chromosome and m chromosomes is observed. X chromosome is 2nd smallest in Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Gynacantha subinterrupta, while it is medium sized in Anax immaculifrons, Anax parthenope and is of large sized in Anax indicus and Anax ephippiger (neo – XY). The size of m bivalent is slightly smaller than X chromosome in Anax parthenope (Fig. 2a), minute in Anax immaculifrons (Fig. 1c), Anax indicus (Fig. 1e), Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1g), Gynacantha subinterrupta (Fig. 2c) and small in Anax ephippiger (Fig. 1a) (Table 3).
C banding
During diplotene, in Anax ephippiger, cross shaped autosomal bivalent are showing the terminal, sub – terminal and interstitial C – bands, m bivalent possesses less amount of C – heterochromatin, while neo – XY bivalent is cross shaped and showing interspersed C – bands in (Fig. 1b). Similarly, in Anax parthenope, bivalents show terminal and interstitial C – bands, while m bivalent possesses less amount of C – heterochromatin and X chromosome reveals terminal C – bands (Fig. 2b). During the diakinesis, Anax indicus (Fig. 1f), Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1h) and Gynacantha subinterrupta (Fig. 2d) and metaphase – I, Anax immaculifrons (Fig. 1d) autosomal bivalents possess terminal C – bands, while m bivalent is C – negative except in Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1h) with less amount of C – heterochromatin and X chromosome is entirely C – positive in all the species (Table 4).
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Figure 1: Anax ephippiger Normal complement 1a. Diakinesis, C – banding 1b Diplotene. Anax immaculifrons Normal complement 1c. Diakinesis, C – banding 1d Metaphase – I. Anax indicus Normal complement |
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Figure 2: Anax parthenope Normal complement 2a. Diakinesis, C – banding 2b Diakinesis. Gynacantha subinterrupta Normal complement 2c. Diakinesis, C – banding 2d. Diplotene. |
Cytogenetic data pertaining to 60 species (including Anax indicus of present study) of family Aeshnidae have been reviewed. Chromosome number in males varies from 2n = 14 – 27, resulted by the fusion of chromosomes (Fig. 3). The species are differentiated on the basis of chromosome numbers as 2n = 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24 (1species each); 2n = 16 (2 species each); 2n = 25 (4 species each); 2n = 26 (4 species each) and 2n = 27 (44 species). Most frequent chromosome number is 2n = 27 which is present in 73.3% of the species and considered as the type number of the family (Table 2).
Table 2: List of cytogenetically examined species of the family Aeshnidae. Nomenclature is based on ‘World Odonata List’ by Paulson et al. (2022).
Serial No. |
Name of species |
Locality |
Chromosome complement |
Sex determination |
m chromosomes |
References |
1 |
Aeshna caerulea (Strom,1783) |
Finland |
n = 12 |
neo – XY |
Absent |
Oksala, 1943 |
2 |
Aeshna canadiensis Walker, 1908 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cruden, 1968 |
3 |
Aeshna clepsydra Say, 1839 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Hung, 1971 |
4 |
Aeshna crenata Hagen, 1856 |
Finland Russia |
n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 |
Present, Absent |
Oksala, 1943; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002 |
5 |
Aeshna cyanea (Muller, 1764) |
Finland Netherlands |
n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 |
Present Present |
Oksala, 1943; Kiauta, 1969b |
6 |
Aeshna grandis (Linnaeus, 1758) |
U. S. S. R
U. S. S. R Finland Netherlands
Russia Finland |
n = 14
n = 13 n = 13 n = 13
2n = 26 n = 13 |
X0 neo – XY neo – XY
neo – XY X0 |
Present Present Present
Present Absent |
Fuchsowna and Sawczynska, 1928; Makalowskaja, 1940; Oksala, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1945; Kiauta, 1967a – d, 1968a – b, 1969b; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002; Nokkala et al., 2002 |
7 |
Aeshna isoceles (Muller, 1767) |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Absent |
Kiauta, 1978 under the name Anaciaeschna isosceles (Muller, 1767) |
8 |
Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758) |
U. S. S. R. Finland Italy Russia |
n = 13 n = 13 n = 14 2n = 26 |
neo – XY neo – XY X0 neo – XY |
Present Present Present Present |
Makalovskaja, 1940; Oksala, 1943; Kiauta, 1971; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002 |
9 |
Aeshna mixta Latreille, 1805 |
Netherlands India India Russia |
n = 14 n = 13 n = 13 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 X0 |
Present Present Present Present |
Kiauta, 1969b; Sandhu and Malhotra, 1994; Sharma and Durani, 1995; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002 |
10 |
Aeshna nigroflava Martin, 1908 |
Japan Russia |
n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 |
Present Absent |
Katatani, 1987; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002 |
11 |
Aeshna palmata Hagen, 1856 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cruden, 1968 |
12 |
Aeshna serrata Hagen, 1856 |
Finland |
n = 13
neo – XY |
Oksala, 1943 under the name Aeshna osiliensis fennica Mierzejewski, 1913 and Aeshna serrata fennica Valle, 1938 |
13 |
Aeshna subarctica Walker, 1908 |
U. S. A.
Switzerland |
n = 14
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Oksala, 1943, 1952 under the name Aeshna subarctica elisabethae Djakonov, 1922; Kiauta and Kiauta, 1980 |
14 |
Aeshna umbrosa Walker, 1908 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Absent |
Cruden, 1968 under the name Aeshna umbrosa occidentalis Walker, 1908 and Aeshna umbrosa umbrosa Walker, 1908 |
15 |
Aeshna verticalis Hagen, 1861 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Hung, 1971 |
16 |
Aeshna viridis Eversman, 1836 |
Finland Russia |
n = 13 n = 13 |
neo – XY neo – XY |
Present Present |
Oksala, 1943; Perepelov et al., 1998 |
17 |
Aeshna walkeri Kennedy, 1917 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cruden, 1968 |
18 |
Anaciaeschna jaspidea (Burmeister, 1839) |
India |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Present |
Walia and Sandhu, 1999 |
19 |
Anax amazili (Burmeister, 1839) |
Argentina Argentina |
n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 |
Absent Present |
Capitulo et al., 1991; Mola et al., 1999 |
20 |
Anax concolor Brauer, 1865 |
Suriname |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1979 |
21 |
Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) |
n = 7
Seshachar and Bagga, 1962 under the name Hemianax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839); Present study |
22 |
Anax guttatus (Burmeister, 1839) |
Nepal |
2n = 15, n = 8 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta and Kiauta, 1982 |
23 |
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842 |
India India India |
n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 |
Present Present Present |
Sangal and Tyagi, 1982; Walia et al., 2018 Present study |
24 |
Anax imperator Leach, 1815 |
France Kenya Russia |
n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 |
Present Absent Present |
Kiauta, 1965, 1969b; Wasschner, 1985; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002 |
25 |
Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942 |
India |
n = 14 2n = 27 |
X0 |
Present |
Present Study |
26 |
Anax junius (Drury, 1773) |
U. S. A. U. S. A. Japan U. S. A. |
n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 X0 |
Present Present Present Present |
McGill, 1904, 1907; Lefevre and McGill, 1908; Kichijo, 1942; Kiauta, 1972c; Cruden, 1968 |
27 |
Anax longipes Hagen, 1861 |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cruden, 1968 |
28 |
Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus Fraser, 1935 |
Nepal India India India India |
n = 14 n = 13 n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 X0 X0 |
Present Present Present Present Present |
Kiauta, 1975; Sandhu and Malhotra, 1994; Walia and Sandhu, 1999; Walia et al., 2018; Present study |
29 |
Anax papuensis (Burmeister, 1839) |
Australia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1968c, 1969b under the name Hemianax papuensis (Burmeister, 1839) |
30 |
Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839) |
India China Japan India India |
n = 14
n = 14 n = 14 n = 14 n = 13 n = 13 |
X0 X0 X0 X0 X0 |
Present Present Present Present Present |
Omura,1957 under the name Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865; Thomas and Prasad, 1986; Zhu and Wu, 1986; Suzuki and Saitoh, 1990; Sandhu and Malhotra, 1994; Present study |
31 |
Andaeschna unicolor (Martin, 1908) |
Bolivia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cumming, 1964 under the name Aeschna cf. uncolor Martin, 1908 |
32 |
Austroaeschna anacantha (Tillyard, 1908) |
Australia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1968c under the name Acanthaeschna anacantha (Tillyard, 1908) |
33 |
Austroaeschna multipunctata (Martin, 1901) |
Australia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1968c under the name Acanthaeschna Multipunctata (Martin, 1901) |
34 |
Basiaescha janata (Say, 1839) |
U. S. A. |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Absent |
Cruden,1968 |
35 |
Boyeria maclachlani (Selys, 1883) |
Japan |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Omura, 1957 |
36 |
Boyeria vinosa (Say, 1839) |
U. S. A. |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Absent |
Cruden, 1968 |
37 |
Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider, 1845) |
Greece |
n = 8 |
neo – XY |
Present |
Kiauta, 1972b |
38 |
Castoraeschna castor (Brauer, 1865) |
Brazil |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1972a |
39 |
Cephalaeshna orbifrons Selys, 1883 |
Nepal |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1975 |
40 |
Cephalaeshna sp. |
India |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Present |
Sandhu and Malhotra, 1994 |
41 |
Coryphaeschna adnexa (Hagen, 1861) |
Bolivia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Cumming, 1964 |
42 |
Coryphaeschna perrensi (McLachlan, 1887) |
Argentina Argentina Argentina |
n = 13 n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 X0 |
Absent Present Present |
Capitulo et al., 1991; Mola et al., 1999; De Gennaro et al., 2008 |
43 |
Coryphaeschna viriditas Calvert, 1952 |
Suriname |
n = 12 |
X0 |
Absent |
Kiauta, 1979 |
44 |
Gynacantha bayadera Selys, 1891 |
India |
n = 14 n = 13
X0 |
Present |
Walia, 2007 under the name Gynacantha milliardi Fraser, 1936 |
45 |
Gynacantha hyalina Selys, 1882 |
India |
n = 14
X0 |
Present |
Tyagi, 1978a, b |
46 |
Gynacatha interioris Williamson, 1923 |
Suriname Brazil |
n = 13 n = 13 |
neo – XY neo – XY |
Present Present |
Kiauta, 1979; Ferreira et al., 1979 |
47 |
Gynacantha japonica Bartenev, 1909 |
Japan |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Omura, 1957 |
48 |
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rambur, 1842 |
India India |
n = 14 n = 14 |
X0 X0 |
Present Present |
Walia and Somal, 2019; Present study |
49 |
Gynacanthaeschna sikkima (Karsch, 1891) |
India |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Present |
Walia et al., 2016 |
50 |
Oplonaeshna armata (Hagen, 1861) |
Mexico |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1970 |
51 |
Planaeschna milnei (Selys, 1883) |
Japan |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1968c, 1969b |
52 |
Remartinia luteipennis (Burmeister, 1839) |
Suriname |
n = 13 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1979 under the name Coryphaeschna luteipennis luteipennis (Burmeister, 1839) |
53 |
Rhionaeschna bonariensis (Rambur, 1842) |
Argentina Argentina |
2n = 26 n = 13 |
neo – XY neo – XY |
Absent Present |
Mola and Papeschi, 1994; Mola, 1995 as Aeschna bonariensis Rambur, 1842 |
54 |
Rhionaeshna californica (Calvert, 1895) |
Canada |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Kiauta, 1973 under the name Aeshna californica (Calvert, 1895) |
55 |
Rhionaeshna confusa (Rambur, 1842) |
Argentina |
n = 14
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Mola and Papeschi, 1994 under the name Aeshna confusa Rambur, 1842 Mola, 1995 |
56 |
Rhionaeshna diffinis (Rumbur, 1842) |
Bolivia |
n = 11 |
X0 |
Present |
Cumming, 1964 under the name Aeshna diffinis diffinis Rumbur, 1842 |
57 |
Rhionaeshna intricata (Martin, 1908) |
Bolivia |
n = 10 |
X0 |
Present |
Cumming, 1964 under the name Aeshna intricata Martin, 1908 |
58 |
Rhionaeshna peralta (Ris, 1918) |
Bolivia |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Cumming, 1964 under the name Aeshna peralta Ris, 1918 |
59 |
Rhioneschna planaltica (Calvert, 1845) |
Argentia |
n = 8 |
neo – XY |
Present |
Mola and Papeschi, 1994 under the name Aeschna cornigera planaltica Calvert, 1952 |
60 |
Staurophlebia reticulata (Burmeister, 1839) |
Brazil |
n = 14 |
X0 |
Present |
Souza Bueno, 1982 under the name Staurophlebia reticulata reticulata (Burmeister, 1839) |
Figure 3: Different chromosome numbers present in the species of family Aeshnidae |
Kiauta (1967a – d) discussed the evolution of chromosome number in odonate species. He considered n = 9 as ancestral chromosome number and divided dragonflies’ chromosomes into two groups, one with high – n complements (n = 9 to 15) and second with low – n complements (n = 3 to 7). He explained that size of chromosomes of high – n species is smaller than the size of low – n species. He found the low – n complement in tropical species, while high – n complement in temperate region species based on geographical distribution. He also explained that in Odonata breaks lead to haploid numbers 10 to 15 and fusions lead to haploid numbers 3 to 8 from the ancestral chromosome number n = 9.
During the present study, all the species of family Aeshnidae show 2n = 27, (26A+X) which is the type number of the family as earlier reported (Table – 2). The only exception is Anax ephippiger with 2n = 14, (10A+2m+neo – XY) which originated by the 13 successful fusions between autosomes and autosome with sex chromosome. The complement of the species is stable because same complement in the species has been reported by Seshachar and Bagga (1962).
Micro chromosomes and their size
Micro chromosomes (m) are considered as cytogenetic marker of the order Odonata. Absence or presence of m chromosomes depicts the taxonomic status of a species. McGill (1904) observed the presence of m chromosomes in chromosome complement of Anax junius for the first time in the family Aeshnidae. Later, Oguma (1930) proposed the “m chromosome theory” and considered m chromosome as an autosome which undergoes gradual diminution in volume until they disappear. Later, Dasgupta (1957) and Cumming (1964) supported the theory, but Kiauta (1968a) discarded the theory and considered m chromosomes as fragment of autosome which is present in 80% of the odonate species. He further explained that accidental breaks can occur at any time in the holocentric chromosomes which is responsible for the variation in the size of m chromosomes.
In the family Aeshnidae, out of 60 cytogenetically studied species, m chromosomes are present in 45 species, while they are absent in 15 species. Presently, all the 6 species of the family show the presence of m chromosomes in the complement (Table 2). Variation in the size of m chromosomes can serve as the identifying feature of odonate species and to differentiate closely related species of the same genus. Presently, variation in the size of m chromosomes has been recorded. Size of m bivalent is slightly smaller than X chromosome in Anax parthenope (Fig. 2a), minute in Anax immaculifrons (Fig. 1c), Anax indicus (Fig. 1e) Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1g), Gynacantha subinterrupta (Fig. 2c) and small in Anax ephippiger (Fig. 1a) (Table – 3).
Size and behaviour of sex chromosomes
In Odonata, majority of the species possess the XX(♀)/X0(♂) sex determining mechanism (Fig. 4). In the family Aeshnidae, Out of 60 species, 50 species possess XX(♀)/X0(♂) sex mechanism, while 10 species show neo – XY sex determining mechanism, originated by the fusion of sex chromosome with an autosome (Fig. 4). 16.6% species possess neo – XY sex determining mechanism which is very high in the family Aeshnidae as compared to other families of the order.
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Figure 4: Sex determining mechanism in species of family Aeshnidae. |
During the present study, Anax immaculifrons (Fig. 1c), Anax indicus (Fig. 1e), Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus (Fig. 1g), Anax parthenope (Fig. 2a) and Gynacantha subinterrupta (Fig. 2c) show XX/X0 sex mechanism, while Anax ephippiger possesses neo – XY (Fig. 1a) as earlier reported (Seshachar and Bagga, 1962). They observed largest X chromosome and medium sized Y chromosome in the chromosome complement and explained that almost 13 centric fusions occurred in Hemianax ephippiger, which decreased the chromosome number from 27 to 14 and one fusion occurred between X chromosome and an autosome. Similar results have been found in the species. Schematic presentations for the evolution of chromosome number and sex determining mechanism in Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839): 2n = 14, (10A+2m+neo – XY) is established (Fig. 5).
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Figure 5: Schematic presentations for the evolution of chromosome number and sex determining mechanism in Anax ephippiger |
Size of the X chromosome is peculiar feature of the species and is variable in different species. Majority of the researcher are silent as to the size of X chromosome, but few reports have recorded the size of X chromosome as smallest element in Anax amazili (Mola et al., 1999) and in Aeshna nigroflava (Pereplov and Bugrov, 2002), while as second largest element in Aeshna crenata (Pereplov and Bugrov, 2002). Presently, X chromosome is 2nd smallest in the complement of Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Gynacantha subinterrupta, while it is medium sized in Anax immaculifrons, Anax parthenope and large sized in Anax indicus and neo – XY of Anax ephippiger (Table 3).
Table 3: Morphological characterization of chromosome complements in the species of families Aeshnidae.
S. No. |
Name of species |
Conventional staining |
Chromosomal complement |
Size of X chromosome |
Size of m chromosomes |
Variation in complement |
1 |
Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) |
2n (♂) = 14 (10A+2m+ neo – XY) |
X is largest Y is medium sized |
Small sized |
2n = 14 with neo – XY complement originated by the 13 simultaneous fusions between autosomes and sex chromosome with an autosome. |
2 |
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842 |
2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X) |
Medium sized |
Minute sized |
3 |
Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942 |
2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X) |
Largest |
Minute sized
4 |
Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus Fraser, 1935 |
2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X) |
2nd smallest |
Minute sized
5 |
Anax parthenope (Seyls, 1839) |
2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X) |
Medium sized |
Slightly smaller than X chromosome |
6 |
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rambur, 1842 |
2n (♂) = 27 (24A+2m+X) |
2nd Smallest |
Minute sized |
C – banding
In the family Aeshnidae, C – banding has been reported on 11 species (Thomas and Prasad, 1986; Perepelov et al., 1998; Perepelov and Bugrov, 2002; Nokkala et al., 2002; Walia et al., 2016, 2018; Walia and Somal, 2019). They found terminal C – bands on autosomal bivalents and X chromosome is mostly C – positive. Presently, C – banding on 6 species of family Aeshnidae have been under taken. C – bands are mostly present at the terminal regions, while amount of C – heterochromatin varies in the species. Moreover, distribution of C – heterochromatin in m bivalent and X chromosome shows variations. The m bivalent is C – negative in Anax immaculifrons, Anax indicus and Gynacantha subinterrupta, while possesses less amount of C – heterochromatin in Anax ephippiger, Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus and Anax parthenope. On the other hand, X chromosome is C – positive in Anax immaculifrons, Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus, Anax indicus and Gynacantha subinterrupta, while shows terminal C – bands in Anax parthenope. Anax ephippiger and Anax parthenope possess different C – banding pattern as C – bands are present on the sub-terminal and interstitial regions of autosomal bivalents, while cross shaped neo – XY bivalent in Anax ephippiger shows interspersed C – bands (Table 4).
Table 4: Distribution of C – heterochromatin in the species of family Aeshnidae.
S. No. |
Name of species |
Distribution of C – heterochromatin |
m chromosome |
Sex chromosomes |
1 |
Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) |
Dark terminal, subterminal and interstitial C – bands on 5 bivalents. |
less amount of C – heterochromatin |
Cross shaped neo – XY bivalent with interspersed C – bands |
2 |
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842 |
Dark terminal C – bands on 9 bivalents. Light terminal C – bands on 3 bivalents. |
C – negative |
C – positive |
3 |
Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942 |
Dark terminal C – bands on 8 bivalents. Light terminal C – bands on 4 bivalents. |
C – negative |
C – positive |
4 |
Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus Fraser, 1935 |
Dark terminal C – bands on 9 autosomal bivalents. Light terminal C – bands on 3 bivalents. |
less amount of C – heterochromatin |
C – positive |
5 |
Anax parthenope (Seyls, 1839) |
Dark terminal C – bands on 7 bivalents. Light terminal C – bands on 5 bivalents. |
less amount of C – heterochromatin |
Tserminal C – bands |
6 |
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rambur, 1842 |
Dark terminal C – bands on 6 bivalents. Light terminal C – bands on 6 bivalents. |
C – negative |
C – positive |
Presence of C-heterochromatin on the terminal regions is due to the localization of centromeric activity at the terminal regions of the bivalents which is necessary for the segregation of chromosomes during division and is peculiar feature of holocentric chromosomes present in Odonata and in other insect groups. Cytogenetic analysis on Anax indicus (Lieftinck, 1942) has been attempted for the first time and C – banding of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) and Anax indicus (Lieftinck, 1942) has been studied for the first time. List of cytologically studied species of family Aeshnidae has been updated to 60 species.
Chromosome complement and C – banding of six species of family Aeshnidae have been done and list of cytologically studied species of family has been updated to 60 species. All species have 2n = 27m with X0 – XX sex determination except Anax ephippiger with 2n = 14 + neo XY resulted by the 13 simultaneous fusions between the autosomes and autosome with sex chromosome. C-heterochromatin distribution has been compared among the species. C – bands are primarily seen at the terminal regions of autosomal bivalents, while Anax ephippiger and Anax parthenope also have C – bands in the interstitial and sub-terminal sections of the bivalents. Additionally, the distribution of C-heterochromatin for sex chromosome and m bivalent varies in the species.
We thankful to the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala for providing all the lab facilities, to UGC, New Delhi for financial support.
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflict of interest.
Funding Sources
There is no funding source.
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